Chapter 1177 Dragon’s Tomb

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 "A new building in the empire? Do you know where it was originally?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"If I remember correctly, it should be near the Dragon Tomb, where the bones of dead dragons are buried."

Moriel said.

"The tomb of the Dragon Skeleton? Go over and have a look." Zhang Tuohai felt that this house must not be simple, and there might be something fishy in it.

Alduin slowly landed on the ground.

Zhang Tuohai and Moriel arrived in front of the house.

This is a two-story villa. The appearance of a villa in this ruin is indeed a very strange thing. It is difficult for people not to think of something.


Zhang Tuohai kicked the door open.

Inside the door is a living room, where several guards are dozing off on chairs.

Hearing the sound of the door, I opened my eyes.

A guard rubbed his eyes and said: "Today is not the time to deliver supplies, why is it so early?"

When he saw Zhang Tuohai's face clearly, he was shocked and quickly touched the musket at hand.

However, Zhang Tuohai is faster than him.

The moment he kicked them away, he pulled out the rapier at his waist.

The stabbing sword instantly penetrated the throat of a guard. The guard clutched his throat and fell to the ground, unable to even make a sound.

Then, Zhang Tuohai continued to thrust out, withdraw, thrust out, and withdraw with the speed of human beings.

There are no fancy sword moves, just the simplest straight thrust.

Two seconds later, all the guards in the room fell to the ground clutching their necks.

Only one guard was choked by Zhang Tuohai: "What are you guarding here?"

"We don't know either. A group of bachelors are researching inside. They look down on us at all and won't tell us what they find. We just follow orders to guard here and don't know anything else." The guard said hurriedly.

"Where are they?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"It's in the basement, just go in through that door."

The guard pointed to the wooden door not far away and said.

"Kacha!" Zhang Tuohai pinched the guard's neck.

"It would be nice if you could answer the question without thinking about reaching for the gun."

Zhang Tuohai threw the body to the ground, walked straight to the wooden door, and pulled the handle.

Perhaps he did not expect that the ruined island would be invaded, so the door here was not protected at all, and there was not even a door lock. Zhang Tuohai just pulled it gently and opened the door.

What appears behind the door is a long and deep staircase.

"This staircase leads to the Dragon's Tomb. Because I have been there, I remember it very clearly. They didn't even make any changes. They just built a house on top to cover the entrance."

Moriel said.

"A group of palace bachelors are studying in the Dragon's Tomb? What else are they studying? Could they be tinkering with the undead bone dragon?"

Zhang Tuohai quietly walked down the stairs.

Moriel followed closely, but Alduin was left outside because he was too big.

The staircase is deep and long, but fortunately there are many lanterns hung along the way, which provides a lot of light.

The two of them went straight down the stairs.

After walking down for about two hundred meters, the front suddenly became clear.

What appeared in front of the two people was a large and vast space, with columns supporting this huge underground space.

The graves here are endless as far as the eye can see.

They are all huge sarcophagi.

However, now these stone halls have been opened, and huge bones have been carried out and piled together, with small bones scattered everywhere.

Palace bachelors in gorgeous robes were walking around, busy doing something nervously.

In the center is a huge altar with countless dragon bones stacked on it. I don’t know what it is for.

"They are blaspheming." Moriel said angrily.

"Then impose just sanctions on them."

Zhang Tuo released the devil's roar, switched to pyro mode, and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!

A series of fireballs hit the palace bachelors.

Many palace bachelors were unprepared and were hit by the fireball before they understood what was going on, and then half of their bodies were shattered.

Bang bang bang!

Zhang Tuohai pulled the trigger one after another, and each of the court bachelors was beaten to pieces, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

After the gunfire rang out, the palace bachelors rushed to find bunkers.

Their huge numerical advantage helped them buy enough time.

Relying on the delay of the slow-moving palace bachelors, they found a bunker they thought was suitable.

"There are only two intruders, and there are many of us. As long as we fight back together, we will be able to kill the intruders."

A palace bachelor poked his head out of the bunker, looked out and shouted.


The next second, the palace bachelor's head was shattered by a bullet.

"You talkative guy." Zhang Tuohai was a little dissatisfied.

However, the words of the palace bachelor reminded others. When they discovered that there were really only two intruders, they became bolder and opened their own forbidden books to use their own spells.

Whoosh whoosh——

Boom, boom, boom!

A variety of strange magics greeted Zhang Tuohai.

At the beginning, it was relatively normal fireballs, ice arrows, acid missiles, chain lightning, etc.

But the subsequent spells gradually became distorted.

Zhang Tuohai can still understand the falling rock spell, spike spell, piranha summoning, and giant scallop summoning.

But what happens when a piece of cake suddenly falls in front of him?

What happens when another husky charges up?

What if the husky ate the cake and died suddenly on the spot?

Zhang Tuohai looked a little familiar at these tricks.

Then he remembered, isn't this the skill he used in the Demon Fortress before?

The World Stone says that these skills are not compatible with this world, so they cannot be brought in.

But what's going on?

Zhang Tuohai called out the black-box operation.

However, now he also has a way to break the situation.

He took out devil bombs one after another in his hands and threw them towards the bunker where the palace bachelors were hiding.

What cover can be found here?

It's just a stone coffin.

These coffins can barely block horizontal bullets, but they are powerless against air burst bombs.

Under the impact of the shock waves of air-burst demon bombs, the chests of each bachelor were squeezed out.

Blood and broken corpses were scattered everywhere.

After throwing out a round of demon bombs, Zhang Tuohai directly summoned the Viking spirit.

A huge Viking ship rushed into the tomb.

Twenty Viking heroes rushed off the ship and attacked the palace bachelors hiding in the bunker.

Although the palace bachelors who survived were all caught twice, they were still picked out and killed one by one under the fierce and fearless attacks of the Viking heroes.

This chapter has been completed!
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