Chapter 1508 Mutual entrapment by sea and land

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 "Gentlemen, the Japanese are attacking our city now."嘘

President Ross sent the telegram.

"But the conscription has just begun, and many people have not learned how to use weapons and cannot fight."

The chief of staff said helplessly.

"We can mobilize the National Guard from each state to help. In addition, we can strengthen the armor strength to the National Guard and use the equipment advantage to eliminate the experience advantage." Patton thought for a while and said.

"But now the Japanese have the equipment advantage, and their battleships are parked along our coast."

A general said.

"Then deploy the troops away from their naval guns, which is only a few dozen kilometers anyway." Patton said nonchalantly.嘘

"Mr. Patton, do you know what this means? It means abandoning all the coastal cities on the West Coast."

"So what, our goal is to defeat the enemy. We don't have maritime superiority now, so we have to bring the Japanese army inland and then destroy them. The coastal cities can only be recaptured when our navy is strong enough."

Barton took the pipe and knocked it.

"Moreover, this is the reconstruction of dozens of cities. Do you know how many jobs it can bring? How much profit can it generate?"


"Well, gentlemen, if there is no better opinion, let's follow Mr. Button's opinion."

President Ross finalized Patton's method.嘘

He has worked in industry and knows how much profit such a large infrastructure project can bring. If it can be realized, it will be enough to sustain the construction industry for more than ten years.

Moreover, this will also allow him to gain higher approval ratings. At least during the war, he has been the president.

The Americans' plan was quickly finalized.

National Guards in various states were organized and a large number of tanks were issued.

So wealthy that almost every platoon is equipped with a tank.

These armies were integrated together and moved along the road toward the west coast.

At the same time, President Ross personally delivered a televised speech.嘘

Notified the public of the attack on the west coast city.

The people who were already agitated became more and more dissatisfied, and more and more people took to the streets to protest against Japan's atrocities.

A large number of young people entered the military camp.

There were also many people who took guns and drove toward the west in pickup trucks, clamoring to look good to the Japanese.

The highway to the west is crowded with vehicles.

Just like the westward expansion movement a hundred years ago.

However, the carriage turned into a car.嘘

After the Japanese army invaded San Francisco, they were mesmerized by the bustling city.

Most ordinary soldiers are farmers or ordinary citizens. All they can see is what is around them. They have never seen such a wealthy city in the United States.

I was immediately attracted by the bustling shops on both sides of the street.

I even forgot that I was fighting.

Many people even rushed directly into the jewelry stores on both sides of the street and put the jewelry they could see into their pockets.

Some rushed directly into the nearby store, sat at the counter and ate the sweet cakes.

This reduces the efficiency of the attack.嘘

The superior commander knew the actual situation below, but had no power to stop it.

If you want the soldiers below to work hard, you must relax control appropriately.

What's more, they themselves can't help it.

The Japanese army's military pay is very low. Ordinary soldiers only get a few yuan, and officers only get a few dozen yuan. It's not enough to do anything. If you want to get rich, you can only make extra money.

Then, the officers joined in the robbery.

Others on the warship can only watch with envy, but cannot join in.

"Chief Yamamoto, do you want to issue an order?"

an adjutant asked.

"Forget it, give them a day, and after one day, go to the next target."

Yamamoto was also a little helpless.

If the subordinates are not given a break, this kind of officer will not be liked and may even be slapped with a black gun.

Then, a huge combined fleet spent a day outside San Francisco Harbor.

Then pull anchor and set sail for the next port.

The combined fleet stopped and went, which gave the U.S. Army some time to breathe.嘘

The large army moved to an area fifty kilometers away from the coast and built fortifications.

The combined fleet is not idle either. The aircraft carrier sends out reconnaissance aircraft every day to investigate the surrounding situation.

The U.S. Army's actions were quickly discovered by them.

"Baga, these Americans are so cunning. They actually hid outside the range of the naval guns. What cowards."

"It doesn't matter, the pilots will take action."

Nanyun sent flying troops.

Then, just as they flew over the heads of the Americans, they saw a dark cloud floating in the distance.嘘

When the clouds approached, they saw clearly that they were actually a huge fleet of aircraft, with visual estimates of thousands of them.

Seeing so many planes, it is a lie if the aviation personnel say they are not afraid.

However, in the spirit of the katana, they had to bite the bullet and charge forward.

Most of this fleet are volunteers from aviation clubs and have not received professional air combat training. They are rookies among rookies.

But they have one advantage, that is, there are enough of them.

When all of them fire together, it is a terrifying barrage. No matter how superb their flying skills are, they cannot avoid the damage caused by the metal storm.

Although these are elite Japanese pilots, each of whom has experienced hundreds of battles, they are still unable to cope with the massive number of aircraft.嘘

One by one, they fell down.

After nearly half of the aircraft was lost, the remaining pilots felt they could no longer hold on and retreated in the name of running out of fuel.

Although the flying brigade that came to assist also suffered heavy losses, they were still very happy. After all, they were the first army to defeat the Japanese.

Waiting for them will be a three-day holiday, unlimited beer and ice cream, and enthusiastic blondes.

Looking at the pilot who had lost nearly half of his body, Nayun's heart was bleeding.

Those were all the elites he had painstakingly cultivated. He only lost a dozen of them in the Pearl Harbor attack. Unexpectedly, they lost nearly half here.

"This is the elite of the Navy. We cannot lose it here. Attacking the ground is the Army's business. We cannot expect the Navy to help the Army solve its troubles."嘘

Nanyun made up his mind, and then sent a telegram to the army. He only said that he had discovered the main force of the American army, but did not say anything about the enemy's configuration.

After seeing the telegram, the division commander, Lieutenant General Kinoshita, was ecstatic.

"Hahaha, we have finally found the main force of the American army. The whole team has gathered, targeting the main force of the American army. We must complete our efforts in one battle and annihilate the main force of the American army!"

He has already communicated with Yamashita and learned that the American army is weak and will surrender as long as it makes a slight attack.

For such an enemy, the division commander Kinoshita didn't take it seriously at all, thinking that this was a military achievement delivered to his door.

The soldiers below also had high morale because of their indulgence in the past two days. They all clamored to show the American army some color, and then lined up neatly and rushed towards the American army's defense line.

This chapter has been completed!
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