Chapter 238 A city in the wasteland

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 "Damn, how far is this road?"

Zhang Tuohai looked at his watch impatiently.

It is now five o'clock in the afternoon, and there is only about an hour left before the end. He has been running on the road for almost a day, and he has not seen the shadow of a town yet.

There is nothing on both sides of the road except ruins and ruins, and mutant monsters and mutant monsters.

"If I had known this damn world, I would have stayed in that village and plundered it."

Zhang Tuohai has some regrets.

However, there was no use regretting it at this time. He could only ask Xiao Ai to speed up a little more to see what was ahead.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Zhang Tuohai discovered that as time went by, the frequency of monsters he encountered gradually increased.

At first it was 7-8 birds per hour, now it is 17-18 birds per hour, the number has more than doubled.

"What is the reason for this? Is it a matter of region or time?"

Zhang Tuohai looked up at the sky. The white spot was almost below the horizon. The surrounding area was getting darker. Zhang Tuohai already needed lights to see the road clearly.

At this moment, classmate Xiao Ai suddenly said: "Commander, there is a city ahead."

"City? Where is it? Let me see!"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

Xiao Ai immediately transferred the image to the monitor.

In the distance, Zhang Tuohai saw a huge city appearing on the horizon.

The city has tall metal walls, which are covered with protruding spikes. There are also cannons on the top of the walls, and their thick barrels prove their extraordinary power.

Soldiers stand on standby on the city wall.

In front of the road, a long line of motorcades lined up at the city gate, waiting to enter.

Zhang Tuohai drove over and lined up quietly at the back of the motorcade.

Zhang Tuohai glanced at the cars in front of him. Most of them had riveted metal shells. There were also new-age models similar to commercial vehicles, but they were very few. Moreover, there were other vehicles around to protect them.

Many vehicles are equipped with machine guns or artillery.

What Zhang Tuohai noticed was that there were very few cars with rubber tires, and most of them had crawler wheels.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Tuohai immediately and quietly changed the eight solid rubber wheels into crawler wheels without anyone noticing.

Later, Zhang Tuohai took off his more conspicuous snow camouflage uniform, found the old shabby coat, put it on, and then put on a third-generation dust mask.

With tracked wheels, riveted armor, seventy-five guns, and Zhang Tuohai's outfit, at first glance, he looks almost the same as the aborigines here.

The team moved quickly and soon reached Zhang Tuohai. Several soldiers wearing shabby cloaks and holding steam rifles stopped Zhang Tuohai: "Entry fee, 4 mutated organs."

Zhang Tuohai saw that all the people before him had done it, and he didn't do anything special, so he stuffed four mutated organs into it.

After looking at the mutated organ in his hand, the soldier threw it into a box aside.

Another soldier handed over a small iron sign: "Don't lose it. It will be checked at any time. Each is valid for one day. If it exceeds the limit, you will be fined, otherwise you will be expelled."

"It's so dark. Can the four mutated organs only stay for one day?"

Zhang Tuohai thought secretly.

This is almost the price of one-third of a bottle of purification potion.

He looked at the box containing mutated organs next to him and really wanted to snatch it away.

However, he looked at the soldiers with live ammunition next to him, as well as the two steam machine guns and two large-caliber direct-firing artillery behind the sandbags not far away, and put this idea out.

If he dares to rob here, he will probably be shot to pieces by large-caliber artillery in the next second.

Zhang Tuohai drove honestly to the city, thinking to himself: "Hmph, what a show of pride, sooner or later I will make you vomit twice as much."

After the car entered the city, the streets on both sides became much busier. There were still various iron houses, but you could see a lot of pedestrians.

On both sides of the street, thick metal pipes extend in all directions, with valves that don't work everywhere.

Not far away, a pair of steam locomotives jingled past. Everything was so familiar yet strange, and a sense of absurdity emerged in Zhang Tuohai's heart.

At this moment, a line of game prompts popped up.

[Congratulations to the player for entering the city of Black Rock City. It has been detected that the player has not yet joined the camp. Please ask if you want to join the Black Rock City camp. If you want to join, please report to the city defense department. For specific camp benefits, please contact the official responsible for the corresponding affairs.]

"There is actually a camp?" Zhang Tuohai was shocked.

Having played many games, he knows that if there is a camp system, then there will definitely be camp battles and PK, which will definitely attract kryptonians to top up their money.

But this is the real world. If there is a battle between factions, I don’t know how many people will die.

There are only 5,000 players, and I’m afraid they will all be wiped out after one or two conflicts.

"It seems that this world is so dangerous." Zhang Tuohai frowned.

Zhang Tuohai thought for a while and temporarily refused to join the camp.

He is just exploring the world, and everything needs to wait until he actually enters this world.

What if he joins the Black Rock City camp, but when he actually enters the world, he is assigned to the road of the enemy camp, that would be a real pain.

Zhang Tuohai decided to take a walk around the city to see what advantages the city has.

Zhang Tuohai walked around the city and found that this city was almost the same as a normal city. There were bars, clubs, restaurants, shops, and even antique shops. It could be said that if you ignore the soldiers on the city wall,

This place is almost no different from a normal city.

Zhang Tuohai jumped out of the car and strolled into a grocery store.

There are many and miscellaneous things in the grocery store. Of course, the largest categories are various types of engine oil and parts, which occupy almost two-thirds of the counters in the grocery store. The rest sell some daily necessities, but the prices are very high.
Zhang Tuohai saw that a bag of black bread cost 30 yuan, while the recycling price of a mutated organ was 100 yuan.

This is just the cheapest brown bread.

The price of white bread has tripled to 90 yuan.

The price of a bottle of water is 50 yuan.

The price of a roll of toilet paper is 20 yuan.

Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but sigh as he read all the way: "The prices are so high."

If players want to join a town camp like Blackstone City, they have to fight monsters outside the city to survive.

Otherwise, you are very likely to starve to death in the city.

At this moment, the game system suddenly popped up a prompt.

[You are about to leave the current world, please find a hidden corner immediately.]

As soon as Zhang Tuohai saw it, he quickly walked out of the store, jumped into his car, and drove into a hidden alley nearby.

At this moment, a blast of air raid sirens sounded.

This chapter has been completed!
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