Chapter 498 The Power of Laser

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Cassano was very proud in the car.

He didn't add too many weapons to the car, but instead put all his thoughts into adding various armors.

In his view, only surviving is the greatest victory.

Those who pursue offense always die the fastest.

In fact, people around him also proved that his theory was correct.

The companions around him died one after another, and the people around him changed one after another, but he was the only one who was still alive and well.

"Keep wasting your shells, you will never be able to break through my armor, not even with heavy bombs."

Cassano thought triumphantly.

"What is this guy doing?"

Cassano saw a strange sight in the rearview mirror.

The infantry fighting vehicle chasing behind did not continue the attack. A secret door opened on its roof, and something that looked like a camera protruded from it.

"What are you doing? Take a picture of me?"

Cassano thought curiously.

However, at this moment, a strong light shot out from the camera.

The light was so dazzling that even if he only looked through the rearview mirror, he would be blinded.


Cassano suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.

He lowered his head and saw that there was a hole in his chest that was as thick as an arm and a carrot, penetrating through his body, and the hole was surrounded by flesh and blood that had been roasted by the high temperature.

"" Cassano wanted to know what kind of attack this was, and it actually pierced through the armor he was proud of.

However, his body could no longer support him to continue.

His vision went dark, and the body was lying on the steering wheel.

The Wrangler slowly stopped.

"This laser is really easy to use."

Zhang Tuohai slowly parked the car next to the Wrangler, with a satisfied smile on his face.

It directly penetrated the thick armor and reactive armor, killing the driver. Even six layers of armor could not withstand it. It was indeed worthy of being called an artifact by George.

Zhang Tuohai is very satisfied with the effect of the laser transmitter.

This thing has become his new trump card.

However, although the laser launcher is very effective, it is greatly affected by the weather. Therefore, the development of normal artillery and rockets cannot be stopped and must be fully developed.

Zhang Tuohai has set a development plan for his future in his heart.

That is to equip the artillery with the largest caliber and the most powerful missiles to blow all the enemies in sight into ashes and scatter their ashes.

After killing Cassano, Zhang Tuohai released 001 and dismantled Cassano's car.

Although Cassano's armor is very thick, without human control and repair, the disassembly speed is still not slow. It took about half an hour to dismantle his car completely.

However, it is a pity that apart from harvesting some metal chromium, no drawings were obtained.

This is actually a good thing for Zhang Tuohai, because it proves that this guy is just an insignificant chess piece and has not really come into contact with the mysterious shadow, which is Moriarty.

Otherwise, Zhang Tuohai will have to exclude his interpersonal relationships to see if the mysterious shadow has been passed on.

Now that it is confirmed that those mysterious shadow statues are the medium through which Moriarty controls the world of survival, Zhang Takumi naturally cannot sell them anymore. He will not do such an act of scheming against the enemy.

It can neither be used nor sold, and can only be piled here as garbage, which makes Zhang Tuohai a little helpless.

"When I find a chance to deal with it, I wonder if these drawings can be destroyed in the crater on the top of the mountain." Zhang Tuohai thought to himself.

The car continued to drive on the highway, and Zhang Tuohai finally took time to continue to peek at the regional channel.

Because all the people who could master the production of genetic medicines were killed by Zhang Tuohai, those players had no way to redeem them and complained one after another on the regional channel.

"Hey, where are the people who can exchange for potions? Where have they gone? Someone quietly told me that thirty hearts can be exchanged for potions. I have collected enough. Is there anyone who can exchange them?"

"Is it reliable to change the medicine? I have already obtained more than 20 hearts. If it is not reliable, I will not use it."

"It went from ten hearts to twenty, and then to thirty, and now there's no one left. Could it be that they want to increase the price again?"

"I think there's a good chance he's going to run away. He might have been playing a trick on us before."

"But what good does it do him to trick us? It's all about paying with one hand and delivering the goods with the other."

"Who knows, maybe there are people like this who like to play tricks on others."

"Maybe someone has killed me again. Let's wait and see if any kind-hearted person takes over the business."

People in the regional channel have different opinions, but their knowledge of the situation is limited and they can't discuss any useful information.

The final conclusion that can be drawn is to wait and see if any players will take over the business.

However, their waiting was destined to be in vain.

Everyone in the Secret Order is dead, the statues of the mysterious shadows were also destroyed by Zhang Tuohai, and the drawings are all in his hands.

The only remaining genetic medicine manufacturing machine is also in Zhang Tuohai's hands.

Zhang Tuohai has no intention of selling the potion. Apart from waiting endlessly, they will not gain anything at all.

However, because everyone chose to wait and see, the regional channel finally won a rare peace.

Players will no longer fight over each other's hearts.

Zhang Tuohai took a look at the number of remaining players in the regional channel. There were 989 players in total, which means that more than 2,000 players died in the previous heart grabbing battle.

The mortality rate exceeds two-thirds, which is simply terrible.

This is the end of the fifth day. I don’t know how many people will survive to reach the top of the mountain on the seventh day.

The calm lasted until the sun went down. During this period, no obituary was posted on the regional channel. It seemed that everyone chose temporary peace by default, concentrated on their journey, and got to the top of the mountain first.

After stopping the car and having a small seafood barbecue, Zhang Tuohai hung several drawings of modified vehicles that he had obtained on the trading channel, as well as various weapons obtained from Piero.
Zhang Tuohai even hung ten RPG rocket launchers.

Now, those players have killed many of the same kind. It is the time when the assets in their hands are the most abundant, and the loss of weapons and ammunition is also the greatest. If they don't take the opportunity to cut a wave of leeks, they will be sorry for themselves.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tuohai hung some wine and cigarettes on the top. This kind of thing that anesthetizes nerves and relieves fatigue is definitely the most popular.

Sure enough, as Zhang Tuohai expected, the market for these supplies is very good.

In the first wave, all the cigarettes and alcohol were robbed, and all the weapons and ammunition were robbed. Even the price of a Chicago typewriter, which was usually only worth 20 level 2 metal ingots, doubled. But there are still people who didn't grab it because they didn't get it.

And cursing.

As for the drawings of the modified cars, the situation is even more intense, especially the drawing of the steel train, which is almost intense.

This chapter has been completed!
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