Chapter 148 Knowledge changes destiny

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 Liu Chan is always satisfied with Fu'an's work.

After almost an hour, Fu'an came back with a bag of sulfur.

At this time, the saltpeter refined by Liu Chan has also been completed.

Saltpeter and sulfur are ready.

Liu Chan was inexplicably excited. As a modern person who lived for more than thirty years after eighteen hundred years, he naturally knew what it would mean to have sulfur and saltpeter.

But Fu'an was confused. He saw His Majesty the Emperor taking out some sulfur and saltpeter, and then taking some plant ash from the extinguished brazier, and then mixed the three things together.


After all the processes were completed, Liu Chan asked with a smile: "Do you know what this is?"

Fu'an shook his head like a rattle and said, "I don't know."


Liu Chan said proudly: "Have you ever heard of gunpowder?"

Fu'an didn't know that Liu Chan was asking questions knowingly. According to historical records, gunpowder was a product inadvertently invented by charlatans during the Sui and Tang Dynasties when they were refining elixirs.

Of course, the specific time when it was invented is historically controversial, but based on the fact that Liu Chan has traveled through such a long period of time, he can basically conclude that at least in this era, it has not been invented yet.

Even if it has appeared, people still don’t know what its biggest role is.

Of course, we can't talk about how to use gunpowder.

Seeing Fu'an shaking his head again, Liu Chan suddenly became serious and said, "You must remember this. This must not be known to outsiders. You must remember it."


Seeing how serious the emperor was, Fu'an quickly agreed.

After talking to Fu'an, Liu Chan actually still had no idea. In his previous life, gunpowder was actually very popular. Gunpowder was used in matches and toy guns used in childhood.

When he was in school, he also knew that gunpowder is made of sulfur, saltpeter, and plant ash. In addition, he was a writer of online novels in his previous life, although he was just a small author who threw himself into tears.

When I wrote novels before, I never got any results.

He was very remorseful.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t be able to produce results after one or two years of writing, so why bother wasting this time?

But after traveling through time, he suddenly felt very lucky. He was lucky to have been an online novel author for two years in his previous life, because the experience of writing novels in the past two years has brought him valuable wealth now.

The novels he writes are basically time-travel novels, in which modern people travel to ancient times, and then through hard work, finally become the king of a world.

But how could an ordinary modern person become king and hegemon in ancient times?


That’s right, it’s knowledge.

As the saying goes, knowledge changes destiny.

In this kind of time-travel novel, knowledge can really change destiny.

Therefore, in order for the protagonists in his novels to crush the ancients and finally achieve success, his choice is to let the protagonists have inexhaustible knowledge.

It would be difficult for ordinary people to possess this knowledge if they traveled through time.

It doesn’t matter whether the protagonist in the novel understands it or not. What’s important is that the author of the novel must understand it, because the abilities the protagonist wants to have are all given by the author of the novel.

For example, in Liu Chan's past life, in order for the protagonists in his novels to have different abilities.

He needs to query various information and data to obtain some knowledge, and then give this knowledge to the protagonist.

Now, he has become a time traveler.

The information he collected when writing novels in his previous life has long been ingrained in his brain. As long as he wants to use it, he can do it at any time.

Now he is living in the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms. The Han Dynasty wants to conquer the Central Plains. If it only relies on national strength, it will be difficult for the Han Dynasty to compete head-on with Cao Wei.

The Shu Han Dynasty in history, despite Prime Minister Zhuge Liang's lifelong efforts, failed to truly succeed in the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, let alone restore the Han Dynasty.

But things are different now, Liu Chan is a time traveler.

In addition to possessing more prophetic abilities than anyone of this era, he also has a vast amount of advanced knowledge in his mind that will be summarized by people in the future.


This is a treasure that changes the times.

In fact, gunpowder has been lingering in his mind since the early days of time travel, because once the Han possesses gunpowder, let alone Cao Wei, even if Wei and Wu unite, they will not be able to match the Han.

It's just that Liu Chan's biggest headache has always been how to configure gunpowder, and he knows it.

Because when he was writing novels in his previous life, he checked this information.

But it has always been hindered by not knowing where saltpeter is mined.

How to prepare gunpowder without saltpeter?

Well now, Ma E married into Chang'an and actually brought a piece of saltpeter with her.

If you have saltpeter and prepare gunpowder, you still can't get it at your fingertips.

However, looking at the gunpowder prepared on the table, Liu Chan was still a little nervous. Does this thing really work?

After all, he only checked the information in his previous life and did not prepare it himself.

The black powder on the table at this time, if there is no problem with the previously queried information, this is a weapon that can change the fate of the man and even advance the development of mankind - black gunpowder.

Whether this thing works or not, just looking at it or thinking about it is of course of no use.

You have to try, even the various inventors in the future will pass constant testing before they can finally make advanced inventions that change human history.

Liu Chan took a deep breath to calm down his nervousness.

Then he asked Fu'an to stay away from the table. He didn't know how powerful the gunpowder was, but safety issues were something he had to consider.

When Fu'an stepped back two steps away, Liu Chan lit a wooden stick on fire. The wooden stick was almost one meter long. This was his first test, so he was naturally a little nervous.

The gunpowder just prepared is not much, and its weight is definitely less than one liang. If you use these to make matches, you can make up to two or three boxes of matches. This is also for safety reasons.

The gunpowder was placed on a piece of straw paper. Liu Chan placed the lit stick gently on the straw paper from a distance. The straw paper was quickly ignited by the flames.

After lighting the papyrus, Liu Chan quickly retreated, almost two steps away from the table, and then stared nervously at the piece of papyrus on the table.

Doing experiments is definitely a thrilling thing.

Especially this kind of dangerous experiment.

After all, gunpowder will explode.

The flames were still burning slowly, and they were still a little far away from the gunpowder in the middle of the papyrus. At this time, Liu Chan was really nervous, and at the same time he was looking forward to it.

He hopes that this test will be successful.

He expected to hear even a small explosion.


Just when Liu Chan was extremely nervous and looking forward to it, the flames were already close to the gunpowder, with only a centimeter or two between them. Liu Chan's little heart suddenly thumped faster.

The time to witness the miracle has come.




This chapter has been completed!
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