Chapter 177 Battle of Fan Yang (5)

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 If a person is forced into a hurry, the energy that bursts out is amazing.

At this time, the gate of Fanyang City has been broken, which leaves Fanyang City's defenders with no way out. They can only fight to the death, not to mention that they still have a general who is not afraid of death and is still fighting.

Although in terms of numbers, the Wei army was obviously at a disadvantage.

But, in the city gate cave.

The numerically superior Xianbei Army and Yan Army failed to repel the hundreds of Wei troops led by Chen Zheng. Instead, they continued to retreat outside the city gate under Chen Zheng's repeated attacks.

The more Yan and Xianbei troops retreated, the more Chen Zheng and his Wei soldiers became more and more excited to kill.


While charging, Chen Zheng commanded his soldiers to continue attacking the Yan Army and Xianbei Army.

If there are only a thousand or eight hundred enemies attacking the city at this time, it is really possible for them to drive these invading enemies out of Fanyang City.

It's just a pity.

Just when the Xianbei army and the Yan army that had entered the city gate cave earlier were about to exit the city gate cave, the main Xianbei force led by Ke Bineng had already rushed to the city gate cave. Gongsun Yuan on the other side led his Yan army and continued to attack through the ladder.

At the top of the city, the purpose is naturally to prevent Wang Xiong at the top of the city from having the opportunity to support the city gate.

"Boys! Follow me and fight in."


Ke Bi Neng charged forward, and the morale of the Xianbei and Yan troops at the city gate was greatly shaken. At the same time, Ke Bi Neng also opened a channel for the charge.

Although Chen Zheng was brave, he was at his wits end when facing the evil prairie wolf Ke Bineng.

When Ke Bineng rode his horse into the city gate, Chen Zheng followed him to meet him. However, Ke Bineng had just joined the battle at this time, and was stronger than Chen Zheng in terms of physical strength and momentum.


Ke Bineng shouted loudly, and slashed at Chen Zheng with the scimitar in his hand like a mountain. Chen Zheng hurriedly blocked it with his sword, but Ke Bineng was already extremely powerful, so Chen Zheng was naturally no match for him.

It only took a few rounds for Chen Zheng to be killed by Ke Bineng.

Chen Zheng was killed, and the remaining Wei troops who were still charging quickly quickly fought and retreated.

As for Ke Bineng on this side, in his eyes, these Wei troops have become lambs to be slaughtered.



When Ke Bineng led his army through the city gate, his soldiers immediately shouted for killing. Except for some Xianbei knights who continued to surround and kill the Wei army in the city, Ke Bineng immediately jumped off his horse and led his soldiers towards the top of the city.
The city gate was breached.

It was not easy for Wang Xiong at the top of the city, because Gongsun Yuan led more than ten thousand Yan troops to rush towards the top of the city. When Ke Bi was able to attack the city from the rear, the Wei army led by Wang Xiong was instantly attacked from both sides.

It also gave the Yan army, who was about to attack the city, an excellent opportunity.


A small school commander rushed to the top of the city, shouted to his comrades below the city, and then swung his sword towards the Wei army at the top of the city.

As more and more Yan troops climbed to the top of the city via ladders, and the Xianbei army led by Ke Bineng also came up from the city, the Wei army was already in danger.

Although Wang Xiong still fought hard.

However, facing an enemy force several times his own, even if he has three heads and six arms, it is difficult to resist him.

Almost as long as one stick of incense.

Wang Xiong, the governor of Youzhou, was beheaded by Ke Bineng on the spot.

Along with Wang Xiong, several generals also died in battle.

The main generals had been killed, and the remaining thousands of Wei troops immediately collapsed, and they no longer had the idea of ​​a bloody battle.

At this moment, they just want to survive.

Fighting for half a day.

Fanyang City was destroyed.

After capturing Fanyang City, Gongsun Yuan immediately ordered the repair of the burned city gate, because capturing Fanyang City does not mean that everything will be fine.

In the evening.

The burned city gate has not been completely repaired, but a large number of Wei troops appeared outside the city.

Gongsun Yuan, who was standing at the top of the city, was suddenly filled with fear.

"Sima Yi!"

He could clearly see that the tens of thousands of Wei troops outside the city were led by Sima Yi, the general of Cao Wei. This frightened Gongsun Yuan greatly.

After all, people say that Sima is good at planning, and now he suddenly leads his troops here.

Can we still defend the newly acquired Fanyang City?

"Prefect Gongsun," Ke Bi Neng said with a smile, "don't be alarmed. Let alone Sima Yi, even if Cao Rui goes on a personal expedition, this Shanyu will not take him seriously."

"Da Chanyu." Gongsun Yuan said: "Sima is good at planning. When we first conquer Fanyang City, we need to be more cautious."

"What are you afraid of?" Ke Bineng was not worried. He said with a smile: "Zhuge Liang can shoot off an arm of Sima Yi's son. Why can't I, Ke Bineng, shoot Sima Yi directly?"

That’s right——

Gongsun Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that they still had dozens of three-bow crossbows in their hands. This thing had already shown its power on the battlefield. Naturally, Sima Yi would not know that they also had this thing in their hands.

"What the Great Chanyu said is absolutely true;" Gongsun Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief.

But at this time, Ke Bineng coldly ordered: "Aim all the three-bow crossbows at Sima Yi's camp. If Sima Yi dares to attack the city, you are free to shoot him."


As soon as the soldiers agreed, Ke Bineng said again: "Remember it all, don't shoot the shrimp soldiers and crab generals. If you want to shoot, just aim at Sima Yi's Chinese army and tell me Shanyu. Whoever shoots Sima Yi will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins."


Although Sima Yi is powerful, Ke Bineng is really not worried at all at this time.

Dozens of three-bow crossbows were steadily placed at the top of Fanyang City. However, Sima Yi, who had just arrived outside the city, did not immediately launch an attack on Fanyang City.


The one-armed general Sima Shi said calmly: "Ke Bineng, Gongsun Yuan has just captured Fan Yang, and our army can take the opportunity to raid the city. Why does father stand still?"

"Yes, father!" Sima Zhao on the side also said: "Father, I can give you five thousand elite soldiers, and I can defeat Fan Yang tonight and capture Ke Bineng and Gongsun Yuan alive."

Listening to the two sons talking to each other, Sima Yi smiled lightly and said: "Kebineng and Gongsun Yuan first captured Fan Yang, and their military strength was at its peak. Attacking the city at this time will not only fail to break Fan Yang City, but will also make it difficult for them to attack Fan Yang."

Our army lost its troops and generals."

"But father!" Sima Zhao wanted to continue talking. After all, this was the first time he went on an expedition with his father. Of course he thought he could make military exploits, but Sima Yi said: "You guys should go back to camp and rest first, before attacking the city.

Let’s discuss the matter another day.”

Although Sima Zhao was eager to make meritorious deeds, his father was the commander-in-chief and had been fighting for many years, so he naturally knew much more than them. Since his father felt that it was not appropriate to send troops at this time, he had no choice but to obey his orders.

When Sima Division Sima Zhao left the camp, Sima Yi unfolded the map and looked at it.

At the same time, we are also thinking about how to regain the lost ground.

When Sima Yi led his army to Fanyang City, although Gongsun Yuan and Ke Bineng had three crossbows, they were not so worried about the upcoming war.

But after all, Cao Wei sent Sima Yi, so they had to be more cautious.

Except for the sergeants who repaired the city gate, who worked overtime to repair the city gate, almost all the remaining soldiers arrived at the top of the city. They wanted to prevent Sima Yi from suddenly attacking.


Sima Yi led his troops to Fan Yang City and surrounded Fan Yang City for three consecutive days, but he had no intention of attacking the city. It seemed that he planned to trap Fan Yang City to death.

"Why hasn't Sima Yi attacked the city yet?"

Ke Bineng asked in confusion: "It has been three days since he arrived in Fan Yang, but there is no sign of attacking the city."

Ke Bineng was indeed a little confused. Although he now had a three-bow crossbow, he was not afraid of Sima Yi. At worst, when Sima Yi attacked the city, he would use this three-bow crossbow to greet him.

However, Sima Yi stayed in the stronghold all day, so his three-bow bed crossbow suddenly had no use.

"If he doesn't attack the city tomorrow," Ke Bineng said coldly, "I will lead my Xianbei cavalry to crush Sima Yi's camp."

"It's impossible to attack the Shanyu." Gongsun Yuan hurriedly dissuaded him: "Sima Yi has always been good at using strategies. This time he led his troops to rescue Fan Yang. However, when the troops arrived, they were not in a hurry to attack the city. If my guess is correct, he knew it.

It was difficult to win by storming Fan Yang, so we deliberately closed the stronghold to lure our troops to attack."

"Haha!" Ke Bineng said disdainfully: "The Chanyu will satisfy his wish. Is it possible that the Chanyu is still afraid of him?"

"The Great Chanyu;" Gongsun Yuan said with a smile: "Of course it's not that the Great Chanyu is afraid of Sima, but that Sima is afraid of the Great Chanyu. But now our army has a strong city that can be defended. Why should we abandon this advantage and have to fight with Sima? ?"

"Currently, the food and grass in Fanyang City is enough for our army for half a year;" Gongsun Yuan said with a smile: "We have plenty of time to deal with Sima Yi, so why are we in a hurry?"

Capture Fan Yang and face Sima Yi, a powerful enemy.

Gongsun Yuan was still a little apprehensive. In his opinion, sticking to Fan Yang might be the best option.

"If he besieges me for half a year," Ke Bineng said, "after half a year, our army will be cut off from food and grass, and we will collapse without a fight." He frowned and said, "It would be better to defeat Sima Yi as soon as possible to prevent Cao Rui from sending more troops. Come for reinforcements."

This is what Ke Bineng is worried about. After all, in comparison, even if Xianbei and Gongsun Yuan join forces, their strength will definitely not be able to compete with Cao Wei.

What we want in this battle is a quick victory, capture the two states of Youji and Hebei as quickly as possible, and then occupy the favorable terrain to strengthen ourselves.


Just after taking Fan Yang, Sima Yi arrived.

"Don't be surprised if you are a big Chan;" Gongsun Yuan said with a smile: "It is not difficult to get Sima Yi to retreat."

"Oh???" Hearing that Sima Yi could be made to retreat, Ke Bineng immediately became interested. He asked: "What is the governor's plan? Tell me quickly. If Sima Yi can be made to retreat, our army can continue to capture Youji and Hebei." Zhouchengchi."

Gongsun Yuan smiled and said: "Perhaps this is the only way to make Sima Yi retreat."

"After the Battle of Guanzhong, Cao Zhen, Zhang He and other generals were killed;" Gongsun Yuan sighed: "Cao Wei's strength is not as good as before. Currently, only Sima is feared by Cao Wei."

Hearing what Gongsun Yuan said, Ke Bineng nodded in agreement. Cao Wei's current situation is really in decline.

Looking at the entire Cao Wei camp, Sima Yi is the only powerful figure now.

As for other generals, they are either brave and foolhardy, or just talk on paper.

"Great Chanyu;" Gongsun Yuan lowered his voice and said, "You and I can each write a letter."


Ke Bineng was stunned for a moment and did not understand what Gongsun Yuan meant, but Gongsun Yuan was indeed frivolous and then said: "At this time, you and I have restrained Sima Yi in Fan Yang. This is a god-given opportunity for Soochow and Shu Han. ."


When Ke Bi Neng heard this, he was immediately overjoyed.

He naturally understood what Gongsun Yuan meant.


This chapter has been completed!
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