Chapter 228 Cao Rui changes horses

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 Just as Cao Rui was panicking, a middle-aged strong man beside him suddenly pulled the reins and shouted: "Your Majesty, move quickly, there is a general blocking you here."

Saying this, the strong man general immediately called over thirty riders and immediately turned their horses' heads.


The strong man waved his horsewhip and led more than thirty cavalry, charging towards the pursuing Han army.

At this moment, while running, Cao Rui shouted to a soldier riding a black horse next to him: "Hurry up and change horses with me!"

When the soldier heard this, he was shocked at first, because he could hear clearly the shouts of the Han army behind him. However, after being panicked, he urgently reined in the reins, jumped off his horse, and gave his black horse to Cao Rui. , and he had to ride the emperor's white mount.

Cao Rui changed his horse, and Zhao Tong, who was galloping towards him, actually saw him. He immediately shouted loudly again: "Cao Rui is riding the black horse... Capture Cao Rui... Capture Cao Rui."

However, just after he shouted these words, the strong man from the Wei army who had led more than thirty cavalry had already charged towards them.

Zhao Tong naturally didn't think much, he immediately picked up his gun and rushed towards the man.


The silver spear stabbed out quickly, and the strong man immediately turned to one side and faced it with the long knife in his hand, making Zhao Tong's stab miss.


After missing one hit, Zhao Tong immediately swept away the entire army with another blow, and the spear tip hit the strong man's horse's belly with a bang.

The war horse suddenly suffered this heavy blow and staggered immediately. The strong man on the horse lost his balance and suddenly fell from the horse to the ground.

At the moment when the strong man landed, a Han cavalry suddenly rushed over from behind.

The horse's hoof stepped heavily on the strong man's abdomen, and the sound of broken bones could be heard clearly. The strong man immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, followed by a scream.

As the strong man was trampled to death, the remaining thirty or so cavalry were naturally no match for the thousands of Han troops, and their purpose was naturally not to defeat the Han cavalry. They were here to die.

I just wanted to use their deaths to buy a little time for the emperor to escape.

However, how long can more than thirty cavalrymen hold off thousands of cavalrymen?

In less than a cup of tea, these thirty or so cavalry were all killed by the Han army.

Keep chasing——

Zhao Tong was now determined to capture Cao Rui. After dealing with the thirty or so desperate Cao Wei cavalry, he took thousands more cavalry and continued to pursue the fleeing Cao Wei Emperor, Cao Rui.

A quarter of an hour later.

Zhao Tong passed through a small forest and saw Cao Rui and others running wildly in front of him. Zhao Tong was overjoyed.

'Look where you are going today...'

"Catch Cao Rui...Catch Cao Rui...Catch Cao Rui on the black horse...Catch Cao Rui...Quick, quick, quick...Catch Cao Rui on the black horse."

"Cao Rui...don't run...Cao Rui, don't run..."

When the shouts of the Han cavalry rang out again, I originally thought that the more than thirty cavalry could buy me some time to escape. I thought that just after they had run very far, the Han army caught up with them again, and Zhao Tong actually came again. Recognizing his horse, Cao Rui was on the verge of tears.

Because most of the soldiers following him had yellow horses, the least one was one white horse, and there were not many black horses, only three in total.

However, he actually changed to a dark horse before.

Continue to change?

It was too late, the Han army was not far away from them. If he stopped to change horses at this time, it would just give the Han army time to catch up.

Fortunately, he still had forty or fifty cavalry beside him. Seeing the Han army chasing after him again, another junior officer immediately turned around and led more than twenty cavalry to stop the Han army.

Cao Rui continued to run forward desperately.

But now Cao Rui seems to have seen the hope of survival, because there is a mountainous area not far ahead. As long as he runs into the mountains, even if the Han army chases him, it will not be so easy to capture him.



With only twenty or thirty cavalry guards left, Cao Rui could only pin his hopes on the mountains and forests ahead. He waved his whip fiercely and rushed toward the mountains and forests ahead like crazy.

Behind him, facing more than twenty cavalry coming to block the way, Zhao Tong ignored them. He led dozens of cavalry to quickly pass the Wei soldiers blocking the way, and continued to urge the horse forward to catch up. He was not willing to let Cao Rui just ran away from under his eyes.

As for the more than twenty cavalry Wei soldiers, their fate was naturally predictable. With just one charge, they were all killed.

Just when these twenty riders were being killed, Cao Rui finally ran to the mountain road ahead.

Entering this mountain road, Cao Rui's anxious heart finally relaxed a little, because if he continued to rush south from this mountain road, he could reach Yangyi County in at most an hour.

Yangyi County, subordinate to Shangdang County, is still under the control of the Wei Dynasty.

"Hurry up... we'll be safe when we reach Yangyi County." Cao Rui reminded the soldiers following him as he hurried forward.

Although Cao Rui has seen the hope of escaping, he still does not dare to relax at all, because even after entering the mountainous area, the Han army behind him still seems to be chasing.

It's just different from before. Now when entering the mountainous area, the road is relatively narrow and can only accommodate two horses passing side by side. This does not allow the Han army to gallop at will like before.

The person following closely behind him was still Zhao Tong, who continued to pursue along the mountain road with dozens of horsemen. He did not even feel that the large army behind him was not catching up.

In fact, just as Commander Zhao led dozens of cavalry into the mountain road, the large army behind was bitten by the Wei cavalry who followed.

At this time, thousands of Han cavalry were engaged in a desperate fight with three to four thousand Cao Wei cavalry in the wilderness adjacent to the mountainous area.

The Han cavalry was divided into two teams, led by Wang Yu and Zhong Yi respectively. They were both cavalry captains with the same rank. Whether it was training in peacetime or going into battle to kill the enemy, they had already established a tacit understanding of the city.

The only difference is that in the previous training and battles, they were all responsible for the two wings, while Zhao Tong was responsible for the middle.

Now that Zhao Tong is not here, they each lead a group of men and charge directly at the Wei cavalry on the left and right wings. Their routine is still the same, charging while shooting arrows at the Wei cavalry.

This Wei cavalry was not the cavalry led by Sima Division, so when they first fought against the Han cavalry, they were still a little panicked.

In just one charge, hundreds of Wei cavalry were shot and killed.

"Don't panic!"

"Don't panic, rush over!" A Wei cavalry general shouted immediately: "If you rush over, they won't be able to shoot arrows."

This is the only way. We cannot let the Han army continue to roam on the two wings and let them shoot arrows at will.

In an instant, Cao Wei's cavalry also divided into two teams to attack Zhong Yi and Wang Yu's cavalry respectively. Perhaps only in this way, the Wei army still had a chance to turn defeat into victory.



Just as the Wei army was about to approach, Wang Yu immediately shouted loudly, and his cavalry officers immediately put their crossbows on their saddles, quickly drew their sabers from their waists, and charged towards the Wei army's cavalry.



This chapter has been completed!
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