Chapter 276 This is ours

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 Prime Minister's Mansion——

Zhuge Liang looked confused when he looked at what Liu Chan wrote.

"Two ladies...this..." Zhuge Liang said in confusion: "Can these things really control the spread of smallpox?"

"Prime Minister!" Nuoqi spread her hands and said, "We don't know about this... Anyway, His Majesty said, these things can control the spread of smallpox." She paused and then reminded: "Your Majesty said, these things can control the spread of smallpox."

Both are indispensable."

After Nuoqi finished speaking,

Wang Yuanji nodded in agreement.


Zhuge Liang is also extremely anxious now. When he learned that the queen was infected with smallpox, he was extremely busy.

Chang'an City is under lockdown and we will immediately investigate whether there are any infected people in Chang'an City.

All these are done to control the spread of smallpox.

Now the emperor sent two imperial concubines out of the palace to find him and told him that there was a way to control the spread of smallpox.

If it is true,

That is the blessing of the great man.

Because every time smallpox appears, it heralds that mankind will face a cruel test.

A smallpox epidemic,

Its destructiveness is definitely no less than that of a major war.

"Okay!" Zhuge Liang nodded when he heard this and said: "I will let someone make arrangements now. I hope your majesty's method can really control the spread of smallpox."

"Thank you, Prime Minister!" Wang Yuanji said politely, and then returned to Weiyang Palace with Nuoqi. They are the imperial concubines, so naturally they do not need to wait for these supplies. Even if they are prepared immediately, they cannot be ready immediately.


Jiaofang Hall.

Flower Hall——

There were more than a dozen people standing in the room, including the three imperial doctors who stayed behind, the steward of the palace maids and eunuchs in Jiaofang Palace, and Liu Chan sitting in front of everyone.

"You guys!" Liu Chan first pointed at a few eunuchs and said, "As soon as the lime is delivered to the palace, immediately arrange for your people to sprinkle lime on the entire Jiaofang Palace."


The eunuchs agreed and stepped aside, and Liu Chan said to the maids: "You should immediately bring people to sew masks to ensure that everyone in Jiaofang Palace will be safe.

We have more than five masks on hand."

After speaking, Liu Chan handed a drawing to a palace maid, and then reminded: "Remember, the cloth of the mask must be sewn in at least three layers and at most five layers."


The maids also agreed, and finally said to the two women: "You should know how to sew clothes, right?"

The two women immediately nodded and replied: "Yes!"

Liu Chan was very satisfied, and then said: "Call all the people who can sew clothes, and immediately sew two sets of these clothes for everyone in Jiaofang Hall..." After that, he still handed a drawing to them.
"Remember!" Liu Chan said solemnly: "These clothes don't need to look good, you just need to be able to wear them so that you only need to open your eyes." As he said that, he stared at the two people and asked: "

Do you understand?"

They didn't dare to listen carefully to the emperor's instructions, so they hurriedly replied: "Understood."

"Okay, let's get ready!"

After saying that, the palace maids and eunuchs left the flower hall to prepare and watched them leave.

Liu Chan still has some expectations in his heart,

I hope they can do this quickly.

No way——

Now we are in the Three Kingdoms. In his previous life, these things would have been easy to buy, but there were no such things in the Three Kingdoms.

Masks, anti-epidemic clothing.

These can very well control the spread of the disease. Otherwise, if everyone just shows their arms and legs, it won’t take long and the entire Weiyang Palace will be finished.

However, the three imperial doctors who had been listening nearby looked confused.

But before they asked, they actually had no intention of asking.

The emperor’s arrangements are nothing for you to ask.

What's more, they don't have particularly good control methods.

Valley robin

There is only one method they can give - isolation.

The isolation in the palace is better, just stay in your own palace and don't wander around. If ordinary people are infected, their methods are simple and crude.

Gather them all in one place, and then let them fend for themselves, or even wait to die.

"Three beloveds!" Liu Chan took a sip of tea and then asked: "Do you know how to prevent people from being infected with smallpox?"

The three of them were stunned.

Their expressions already told Liu Chan the answer.

There is no way——

This is no wonder for them, because smallpox has harmed mankind for thousands of years and has caused serious casualties to mankind.

Although more than a thousand years later, through continuous efforts of mankind, smallpox was finally declared completely eradicated by mankind.

Liu Chan secretly rejoiced that he was a time traveler.

Although I was not a doctor in my previous life, I never had smallpox.

But he has heard of it.

According to his understanding in his previous life, humans have been looking for ways to combat smallpox. After thousands of years of development, humans have really found a good way to combat it.

Being able to completely eliminate smallpox is thanks to our ancestors. This is the pride of our descendants of Yan and Huang.

Although the final method of controlling smallpox was vaccination with cowpox, it was discovered by a British country doctor named Edward Jenner.

He once heard someone say that milkmaids do not get smallpox.

He felt that there must be some kind of connection between them.

Later, after his investigation, he found that cows can get a disease called cowpox, and cowpox is closely related to smallpox. The girls who milked the cows were infected with cowpox because they were not protected when milking the cows.

However, after being infected with cowpox, the symptoms are basically similar to smallpox, but not as brutal as smallpox. It will not take long for you to recover naturally.

Later, Edward Jenner conducted an experiment with cowpox, which was to inoculate healthy people with cowpox. The results confirmed that people who had been vaccinated with cowpox would no longer be infected with smallpox.

This is a huge discovery.

Therefore, many people say that the person who really found the resistance to smallpox was the Englishman Edward Jenner.

However, I am afraid of but.

If we really want to say that the people who made a huge contribution to the eradication of smallpox, we should be Chinese, because it was long before Edward Jenner found that cowpox vaccination could resist smallpox infection, but the exact time cannot be verified.

However, there are clear records in history that a long time ago, we Chinese had a way to prevent smallpox through vaccination.

That is to say, smallpox infection can be prevented by extracting smallpox virus from smallpox victims with mild illness and inoculating it into healthy humans.

And with gradual research, our ancestors continued to improve this method, and when smallpox struck later, the mortality rate was greatly reduced.

Our variola vaccination method slowly spread to Europe. Europeans have also used the variola vaccination method we created for a long time to prevent smallpox infection.

As for the British doctor Edward Jenner, he only thought of inoculating cowpox because he knew the method of variolation and learned about the milking girls.

Looking at the expressions of the three imperial doctors at this time, Liu Chan seemed to know the answer, which is that our ancestors have not yet discovered the method of variolation vaccination.

But this is no longer important.

Because he has skipped the exploration of the ancestors and directly reached the goal in one step. Who can say in the future that this method of preventing smallpox was not created by us descendants of Yan and Huang?

"I have a way!" Liu Chan immediately smiled and said.

The three imperial doctors suddenly widened their eyes and looked at Liu Chan in disbelief.

Everyone seems to be saying - is it true?



This chapter has been completed!
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