Chapter 285 Strike while the iron is hot

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 He ​​was imprisoned in the harem for three months because he contracted smallpox, and these three months were really cruel to Liu Chan.

His most beloved queen, Zhang Yuan, is gone.

His most respected teacher, Zhao Yun, is also gone.

After traveling for more than ten years, these three months were the most difficult three months for him.

"My dear friends!" Liu Chan said slowly: "The big man has gone through the most brutal three months..." After saying that, he paused and looked at the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

He sighed and said, "Fortunately, I have all my dear friends, so I can get through this smoothly."

As he spoke, Liu Chan slowly stood up and bowed to everyone solemnly.

"Your Majesty!"

Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu and others immediately panicked and tried to stop him, but Liu Chan waved his hand and said with a smile: "My bow is to represent the Han Dynasty's four hundred years of foundation. The previous emperors of the Han Dynasty thanked all of you for your love."

The emperor bowed to the ministers,

This courtesy is too heavy.

But Liu Chan is sincere.

He is now the emperor of the Han Dynasty,

However, in the past three months, the Han Dynasty suffered from smallpox. Although he now knows that this epidemic is basically connected to Cao Wei.

But, he is lucky.

This is not to say that he survived smallpox, but that the Han Dynasty did not collapse or be defeated by smallpox.

They won, even though it cost thousands of lives, including the current queen.

Even so, with the efforts of the courtiers headed by Zhuge Liang, the Han Dynasty successfully defeated smallpox, so Liu Chan felt that he was very lucky.

"We, the Han Dynasty, can defeat smallpox smoothly this time;" Liu Chan continued: "This is inseparable from the unity of all my dear friends. On behalf of the Han Dynasty, I will,

The common people of the Han Dynasty thank you."

"Your Majesty!"

Liu Chan just finished speaking,

All civil and military ministers in the main hall,

They are all moved inexplicably.

"Your Majesty!"

Fei Yi, the chief censor, was the first to go out and salute and said: "It is all because of your majesty's kindness that our great man has survived this crisis."

Fei Yi was promoted to Yushi Zhongcheng by Liu Chan at the beginning of the year because of his meritorious service in negotiating the Battle of Jinzhong.

Although his words were meant to be complimentary, Liu Chan still found them useful. Who doesn’t want to hear nice things?

With Fei Yi taking the lead, other courtiers naturally agreed.

This is what Liu Chan wanted to say today. After he finished speaking, the ministers had almost finished their compliments. Xu Shu, the imperial censor, came out again and said: "Your Majesty!"

"Now Bingzhou and Daijun all belong to my Han Dynasty;" Xu Shu said in a deep voice: "The territory of my Han Dynasty has also expanded several times."


What did he want to say? Liu Chan muttered to himself.

"Your Majesty! The expansion of the territory urgently requires a large number of officials to manage it." Xu Shu bowed and said, "I would like to ask your Majesty to issue an order to open the first imperial examination for our Han Dynasty to select capable people for our Han Dynasty."

A man of lofty ideals."

"Imperial examination?"

"What is the imperial examination?"

"Isn't there already a martial arts competition?"

The ministers in the main hall immediately started talking about it.

Liu Chan had only chatted with Xu Shu about this imperial examination before.

Xu Shu discussed it with Zhuge Liang again, but because the Han Dynasty had been fighting for years and the situation was not stable, the matter was shelved.

The ministers didn't know that Liu Chan had actually been making plans for a long time.

The current government-run academy in Shuzhong has been in operation for more than two years.

Of course, it is not yet time for those students to take the exam in just two years. It will take at least three to five years.

Xu Shu suddenly proposed this suggestion at this moment, and Liu Chan was also a little confused.

Gu Zhu

Isn’t it still a little early?

But Xu Shu didn't think so. He had been thinking about this matter since he came back from Jinzhong, because the territory of the Han Dynasty had now expanded several times.

Yizhou, Yongzhou, Liangzhou, Bingzhou, Western Regions, and Southwest are all territories under the rule of the Han Dynasty. However, the officials in these places still have the previous inspection system to select officials.

The inspection and examination system is not bad.

After all, the Han Dynasty relied on this system for hundreds of years.

However, Xu Shu knew better.

Today's big men are no longer the same big men as before. After hundreds of years of operation, the shortcomings of the imperial examination system have become prominent. That is, the big families are getting stronger and stronger, and the tail of the family cannot be lost. This is not a good thing for a dynasty.


Now that the Han Dynasty has occupied most of the world, if we don't take the opportunity to change the system, it may not be that easy to change the system when the world is unified in the future.

A few years ago, Liu Chan told him about the imperial examination system, which made his eyes light up.

Of course, what's more important is.

The Han Dynasty has just experienced a great victory in the Western Regions, a great victory in the Southwest, and a great victory in Jinzhong, and in the two battlefields in the Western Regions and Jinzhong, the emperor can be said to have gained a lot of limelight, because these two great victories were all related to the emperor.

Also, if the epidemic that had just ended had not been introduced in time by the emperor to vaccinate against cowpox, smallpox would have spread throughout the country.

The emperor's prestige has now reached its peak. As long as the emperor gives orders at this time, even if the aristocratic families have other ideas, they will not dare to come out and speak against the emperor at this time.

However, Liu Chan is worried about this.

"Xu Aiqing!" Liu Chan deliberately frowned and asked, "May I ask what the imperial examination method is?"

Originally, I wanted to wait for the government-run academies to be implemented nationwide, so that people across the country can gradually learn some knowledge through the academies, and then start the so-called imperial examination.

After all, if you want to take the imperial examination, you have to let the common people take it.

Otherwise, if you are busy conducting imperial examinations to obtain scholars, but the people are illiterate, how can you let them take the exams?

"Return to Your Majesty!"

Xu Shu said slowly: "In the past, I, the great men, used the recommendation method to recruit scholars." He seemed a little embarrassed and said: "If this method was used in peacetime, it would be enough to cope with it, but now it is a tripartite force.

And the territory of our Han Dynasty is constantly expanding, and the talents recommended can hardly fill the vacant official positions."


What the hell?

Many ministers are a little confused.

What are you talking about?

As long as the court orders it, we will recommend a bunch of talents to you in minutes.

"Your Majesty!" Xu Shu ignored the whispers of the ministers and said: "To recommend talents, those who need to be recommended should use various channels to examine the virtues of the recommended people, so that they can learn..." He sighed

Said: "But this method may bury some talented people."

Everyone was silent.

Xu Shu is right. You must first conduct an inspection before recommending someone. You cannot recommend these people to the court without passing the inspection.

As for burying talents.


After hundreds of years of development in the Han Dynasty, how many talents have not been buried?

"So, Wei Chen thought..." Xu Shu continued: "If the imperial court holds an exam so that all those who are willing to serve the imperial court can take the exam, then the imperial court will pass the exam results and then select the best for admission."


Just when everyone was stunned, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang, who had been silent for the whole time, suddenly saluted Liu Chan and said, "Old minister, second my opinion!"



This chapter has been completed!
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