Chapter 39 The first emperor is the one who knows the bright things

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 Liu Chan also said that the late emperor had given him instructions in a dream, and Zhuge Liang seemed to believe it. After all, Liu Chan would not have had such an understanding in the past.

"The one who knows the bright is the late emperor!"

Zhuge Liang sighed and said, with a smile on his face, as if he was finally recognized by others.

"With the late emperor's spiritual blessing."

"Renaissance of the Han Dynasty."

"There is hope."

Liu Chan was naturally delighted.

Although Zhuge Liang was strict, everything he did was for the Han Dynasty and for him as the emperor.

The courage on his shoulders is too heavy.

The Han Dynasty needs a Prime Minister, and I also need a Prime Minister.

In the past two years, Liu Chan has rarely seen such a natural smile on Zhuge Liang's face.

He stretched himself too tight.

If things go on like this, no matter how strong a person is, one day he will be crushed, such as Zhuge Liang in history.

Relieving Zhuge Liang's pressure is what Liu Chan wants to do most right now, and that's what he is doing.

So far, it seems to have some effect.

"Don't worry, Xiangfu," Liu Chan said: "The way of heaven belongs to the Han Dynasty. Even if Cao Wei is slightly stronger now, we, the Han Dynasty, will definitely be able to conquer the Central Plains in the north and restore the Han family's world in the future."

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Liang nodded and said: "What your Majesty said is absolutely true. I will do my best to lead the king's army to the north to conquer the Central Plains and revive the Han Dynasty."

"Thank you, Mr. Xiang." Liu Chan nodded, then stood up and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he said with concern to Zhuge Liang: "Beijing conquered the Central Plains is not a day's work. Please pay more attention to your health, the big man and

I still have to rely on my father-in-law."

Although what Liu Chan said was polite, Zhuge Liang was still very moved. When he came back from seeing Liu Chan off, he picked up another piece of shortbread and tasted it carefully.

He suddenly felt that although the shortbread was not sweet, it was still very delicious. He couldn't help but murmured to himself with a smile: "Your Majesty, you have grown up."


Chengdu Imperial Palace——

Liu Chan was in a good mood when he came back from the Prime Minister's Mansion, but when he saw the shortcakes on the table, he frowned.

"Cane juice, candied fruit?"


“Too expensive!”

"Your Majesty, what is too expensive?" Just as Liu Chan was talking to himself, Zhang Yuan came to him at some point and asked doubtfully.

"Nothing," Liu Chan said with a smile: "My father-in-law said that if the shortbread is sweet, it will be more delicious."

"Yes!" Zhang Yuan also said: "My father-in-law is right. If the shortbread is sweet, it will definitely be more delicious. Your Majesty might as well add some sugarcane juice or candied fruit."

As soon as he said this, Zhang Yuan burst into laughter: "Your Majesty, were you talking about cane juice preserves, are they too expensive?"

Liu Chan nodded: "Yes, this sugarcane juice and candied fruit are much more expensive than refined salt."

The Yuan Zhang smiled even brighter: "Your Majesty, you are the emperor, you are the emperor of the Han Dynasty. If you want to eat some candied sugarcane juice, do you still need to spend money?"

As he spoke, Zhang Yuan took out a delicate small jar from the cabinet on the side, opened the lid and said to Liu Chan with a smile: "Isn't there some candied fruit here?"

Liu Chan was a little helpless.

If I just want to eat, it’s really not that difficult. After all, how much can he eat?

But Zhang Yuan didn't know that Liu Chan needed a lot of candied fruit or sugarcane juice.

Shortbread and compressed biscuits will be mass-produced next, and a lot of candied sugarcane juice will be needed.

But candied fruit and cane juice.

In this era, it was a luxury product that could only be enjoyed by the aristocrats and wealthy people.

Because the current output of both candied fruit and sugarcane juice is not very high, if it is to be used in large quantities, it will also be a big investment.

Liu Chan has no money now.

If he had money, he wouldn't think about asking Zhang Shao to send people out to open a shop to sell shortbread cookies. He would just secretly make compressed biscuits.

As for secrecy.

He can just build an oven above the basement, even if Zhuge Liang asks.

He just said that he wanted to eat it himself, so he set up an oven and baked some shortbread cookies.

But he has no money.

Making compressed biscuits requires purchasing a lot of food, which all costs money.

But when Liu Chan looked at the candied fruits in the jar, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought to himself: "Although I don't have much money, and I can't ask the Prime Minister for money, I do have a brain."

"If you don't have money, I can make money."

"If there's no sugar, can't I make it?"

Liu Chan immediately put down the honey pot and ran directly out the door without paying attention to Zhang Yuan, leaving Zhang Yuan with a confused look on his face.

"Your Majesty?"

"I will come back as soon as I go."

Liu Chan said casually that his people had disappeared.

Half a month later.

Inside the ruined courtyard.

An iron pot was bubbling and bubbling. Liu Chan kept turning it over with a spatula and said, "See, if you boil it until it's like this, it'll be fine."

Zhang Shao looked at it carefully, but was also a little surprised.

How did your Majesty's brain grow?

How did he come up with the idea?

A pot of wheat and a bowl of rice.

After His Majesty’s efforts, earth-shaking changes have occurred.

Liu Chan dipped a little with his chopsticks, put it into his mouth and squirted a few times, and said happily:


"So sweet!"

"You want to try it too," Liu Chan motioned to Zhang Shao. Upon hearing this, Zhang Shao also took a chopstick, dipped a little in it and put it into his mouth.

"Your Majesty!"

“It’s so sweet!”

Zhang Shao's eyes widened. He really didn't expect this thing to be so sweet, even sweeter than sugarcane juice preserves.

Seeing Zhang Shao looking like he had never seen the world, Liu Chan wanted to laugh a little. Can maltose not be sweet?

This is the technology of the future, and it is not the effect that current sugarcane juice can produce.

When Liu Chan saw the candied fruit that day, he suddenly remembered the maltose that was common in his previous life.

Maltose seems to be only available in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

It will take hundreds of years.

In the era in which Liu Chan lived in his previous life, both technological and social development were highly developed. Especially in the years before he traveled through time, short videos were all the rage.

This also allowed people to learn a lot of knowledge.

Salt boiling, wine making, and sugar making were all strictly confidential crafts in ancient times, but in the world of Liu Chan's previous life, they had become traditional crafts that people wanted to restore.

Making maltose is not complicated for Liu Chan. He just needs to get some wheat, let them sprout some sprouts, then mix it with steamed rice to ferment for a few hours, and finally boil the filtered juice.

By boiling, you can make maltose.

Maltose, which only appeared hundreds of years later, was born in the Three Kingdoms era.

In order to develop maltose, Liu Chan temporarily suspended the shortbread production, waiting for him to boil out the maltose before restarting production.

After half a month of trying, the maltose was finally brewed, and Zhang Shao was even more excited than Liu Chan.

"Your Majesty!"

"This wort..." As soon as Zhang Shaogang opened his mouth, Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "This is not wort, this is maltose."

"Oh, maltose!" Zhang Shao said: "When these maltose come out, they will inevitably be sought after by the world like refined salt."


Liu Chan was overjoyed when he heard this. He had never thought of this before. He just wanted to brew some maltose himself.

The purpose is to add sweetness to the shortbread.

But Zhang Shao's words made his eyes light up.



This chapter has been completed!
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