Chapter 438 Fierce Battle with Byzantium (2)

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 As a father, Liu Chan was naturally very pleased to see his son so confident. Although the Byzantine War was very important, he was still willing to believe in his son.

Liu Chan sat in the Chinese army formation, completely acting as a spectator.

Huang'er, please start your performance.

It was Liu Yan's first time to command such a large battle, but the effect was still very good. Of course, this was also related to the Ming army's absolute advantage in weapons and equipment.

Thunderbolts, rocket launchers, for the Romans, these were nuclear weapons.

As Tu Lianhu, Enur, and Sima Yan joined the battle formation, the siege battle soon came to an end.

Tu Lianhu rushed to the bottom of the city wall, completely ignoring his status as a general in charge of the army. He took the lead, abandoned his horse, and climbed directly to the city tower through the ladder.

Tu Lianhu had just jumped into the city when he saw a brave and invincible Roman general on the opposite side. Judging from his attire, he must be a senior general of the Roman Empire.

Tu Lianhu guessed correctly, this person was Tulamos, the commander of the Roman Third Corps.

Turamos saw Tu Lianhu and saw that he was no ordinary soldier.

"Drink!" Tulamos immediately shouted loudly, knocked over two Ming soldiers, and rushed towards Tu Lianhu. On the way to the attack, he also chirped.

"What kind of bird language are you talking about?" Tu Lianhu sneered and roared: "Today I will send you to meet your God."

The word God is what Liu Chan often says.

He said that the Romans believed in God, but of course it was true. In fact, Liu Chan didn’t know. After all, he didn’t know what they believed in in ancient Rome.

But later generations will know that Westerners all believe in God.


The knives suddenly collided with each other. Tulamos, who had short hair, was amazed as soon as he fought with Tu Lianhu.

This man has infinite strength, and he has met his opponent today.

Of course, the corner of Tu Lianhu's mouth twitched slightly at this time. After the fight, he also discovered that this Roman was definitely not a good person.

The two generals fought against each other, and the other soldiers spread out in all directions to fight, seemingly to leave a wide enough space for these two mighty generals, so that they could fully display their methods.

"Look at the knife!" After Tu Lianhu dodged Tulamos's blow, he quickly turned around and attacked Tulamos. Tulamos did not dodge, but directly faced the knife and blocked it. At the same time, his eyes widened and he was trembling

Wala said a few words of bird language.

The two of them started fighting back and forth, but no one took any advantage. However, both of them became more courageous and more enthusiastic as they fought.

"I have been in the army for so many years, and I have never killed someone so happily." Tu Lianhu took a few steps back, and then quickly removed the armor on his body, revealing a body of tendons. While he was removing the armor and stomach, Tulamos was actually very

Those who cooperated did not attack.


"Let's continue!"

Tu Lianhu, naked to the waist, laughed loudly at Tulamos across from him and said: "Today, let me experience the force of your Romans."

"&$#@%%$^" Tulamos muttered a few words, and then he waved the scimitar in his hand and slashed at Tu Lianhu. Tu Lianhu had a strong body, but his skills were very strong, as shown in the picture

Ramos rushed over, and he instinctively dodged to the right, allowing Turamos to cut into the air.

Immediately afterwards, Tu Lianhu also swung his sword in a sweeping motion, trying to cut Turamos in two. However, Turamos was a Roman warrior. When he saw the sword slashing across the body, it was very powerful. If this was a hard block, he would definitely have to block it.



Tulamos made a pop and fell backwards. The moment he fell to the ground, Tu Lianhu's sword flashed past his head.

When Tu Lianhu saw the opponent fall to the ground, he felt that this was an excellent opportunity. He immediately put the knife away and struck it with a bang. It was only a little slower than half a beat, because the moment Tulamos fell to the ground, he started fighting on the ground.

Roll, and then quickly roll to the left side of Tu Lianhu.


Turamos flew up and kicked Tu Lianhu directly in the calf. Tu Lianhu staggered immediately and almost lost his balance. At the same time, the knife he wanted to strike suddenly weakened and struck the stone with a snap.

Above the brick.

It was difficult for the surrounding Roman and Ming soldiers to see such a fierce fighting scene. Originally, they were all looking for opponents to fight, but at this time, the two nearby soldiers all stopped fighting and looked at the two generals with all their attention.

The fight.

Why am I just an ordinary soldier?

Look at this strength, I will never be a general in this life.

This is the first reaction of many soldiers.

Turamos was a Roman warrior, and Tu Lianhu was never a warrior of the Han Dynasty. He passed the military examination and entered the military camp. He took the first military examination in the Han Dynasty. In the end, he was not as good as Chen Xin and Tian Mu in the imperial examination, so he won the top prize.<


Although Tu Lianhu only ranked first in the martial arts examination, in terms of force, he was not inferior to Chen Xin, the top pick, and Tian Mu, the second pick.

Over the years, Tu Lianhu has followed Liu Chan in many battles in the north and south, and has made many contributions, but this is the first time that he has actually fought like this with an enemy general.

The two of them fought like this for nearly a hundred rounds, but they couldn't decide the winner. The battle seemed to go on endlessly.

Just when the two soldiers around were looking at each other with excitement, Tulamos suddenly fell to the ground with a loud sound, and Tu Lianhu's sword was about to hit the opponent's head.


Tu Lianhu hurriedly put away the knife, staggering himself, but the blade still hit Tulamos' arm with a snap.

"Take it!"

A young general suddenly shouted loudly, and dozens of Ming soldiers around him quickly stretched out their swords and trapped Tulamos tightly.

Tu Lianhu stood up and glared at the young general angrily.

Tulamus was captured, not because he was defeated, but because the young general took advantage of Turamos to retreat to him and was stabbed in the thigh by Turamos from behind, causing Tulamos to suddenly fall down.

Although Tu Lianhu was a little unhappy, he hoped that he could defeat the Roman warrior through force rather than win through off-field assistance.

Of course——

He couldn't blame the young general. The young general took action suddenly, hoping to end the battle as soon as possible. At this time, Tulamos was shot in the thigh, allowing him to continue fighting. Tu Lianhu felt that even if he won in the end, he would still be unable to win.


Turamos was captured, and more than a thousand Roman soldiers on the scene were instantly in an uproar.

"Surrender immediately!"

Tu Lianhu slammed his sword into the ground and let out a harsh shout. At the same time, a Ming soldier roared in Roman: "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally!"

The Ming army here is not Han Chinese from the Central Plains, but they can already speak Chinese. Of course, before the war, the army also taught some simple Roman language so that they can be used on the battlefield.

Tu Lianhu actually knew how to say it, but he just forgot to say it for a moment.




When the first soldier shouted in Roman language for immediate surrender, other Ming soldiers also shouted at the same time.

Turamos was being held tightly by the Ming soldiers, and at this time, three to four thousand Ming soldiers had gathered on the city tower, as well as the Ming general Tu Lianhu. With his amazing fighting power just now, he was in the eyes of the Roman soldiers.

Here, the strength is definitely not inferior to that of Tulamos Corps Commander.

The general is captured and the situation is at an absolute disadvantage.

Although Tulamos was still roaring, hoping that the soldiers would leave him alone and fight to the death with the Ming army, as soon as he spoke his words, the Ming army soldiers who were escorting him gave him a heavy blow and knocked him unconscious on the spot.
Turamos could no longer speak. The remaining thousands of Roman soldiers, seeing that they had an absolute advantage in numbers and that the city was still under heavy artillery fire, did not continue to resist. Soon some Roman soldiers began to discard their weapons.<


"Take it away!"

Tu Lianhu shouted loudly, and soldiers immediately came forward to direct the Roman soldiers who had chosen to surrender, to go down to the city in an orderly manner, and then gather at the foot of the wall.

Tu Lianhu captured the city, and a large number of Ming troops came to the city. The Roman troops who were responsible for defending the city gate were also dumbfounded at this time. They did not wait for the enemy troops to break the city, but they killed a large number of enemy troops from the city.

And they also escorted more than a thousand Roman soldiers.


Among them was their legion commander Tulamos. The more than a thousand Roman soldiers under the city put down their weapons with little resistance.

After taking care of the Roman soldiers on the city wall and the city gate hole, the Ming army immediately opened the city gate. In an instant, the Ming army outside the city swarmed in and rushed into the Byzantine city.

More than 20,000 Ming troops entered the city, but they did not immediately attack the city.

Because at this time, the artillery fire of the Ming army outside the city has not stopped yet.

If you rush forward now, you will be used as cannon fodder, because the artillerymen of the Ming army outside the city cannot see the situation inside the city.

Of course——

As the Ming army rushed into the city gate in large numbers, Liu Yan in the rear army formation also saw it.

"The thunderbolt cannons continue to fire, and the rocket launchers will enter the city immediately!" Liu Yan shouted loudly.

"Promise!" The soldiers responsible for firing the rocket launchers immediately agreed, and then rushed towards the city pushing the three-bow crossbow.

When a hundred three-bow crossbows passed through the city gate, they immediately set up a formation on the edge of the city wall, and then bombarded the center of the city.

Just as the rocket launchers began to fire toward the center of the city, the hundred three-bow crossbows outside the city responsible for firing thunderbolt cannons also followed suit and advanced into the city.

At the same time, Liu Yan commanded the remaining Ming troops and also rushed into Byzantium.

There were 160,000 Roman troops in the city, but the Ming army only had 100,000 troops this time. If they gave up rocket launchers and thunderbolts after entering the city, and then started street fighting with the Romans, the Ming army might not necessarily be able to take advantage.

Therefore, Liu Yan's deployment was that after entering the city, he would still use artillery fire suppression, using rocket launchers and thunderbolt cannons to kill the Roman soldiers to the maximum extent.

It took almost an hour, one hundred thousand Ming troops, and two hundred three-bow crossbows, all arrived in the southern part of Byzantium.

After Liu Chan entered the city, he did not go to command the battle. Instead, he led his guards to the Nancheng Tower, where he could overlook the entire Byzantine City.

Byzantium is actually a stone city. Liu Chan had actually been to Byzantium when he visited Rome before, and he had some understanding of the structure of Byzantium.

It's just that the last time he visited as an Eastern businessman, he was naturally not allowed to climb the tower. Now he stood on the tower and looked at the entire Byzantium.

Needless to say, it’s still a bit shocking.

Byzantium is a big city, but it is still smaller than Chang'an in the Central Plains. However, it is comparable to Taixifeng, the capital of the Ming Dynasty. The layout is actually similar, because Taixifeng is also a stone city, and the buildings in the city are basically made of stone.



At this moment, this stone city, close to the South City half of the city, is full of artillery fire. Standing on the city tower, you can clearly see that on the street not far ahead, a large number of Roman troops are retreating towards the North City.

The rocket launchers have a range of up to 500 steps. As the battle progresses, they have begun to cover the central area of ​​the city. Behind the artillery fire, there are a large number of Ming troops, slowly advancing forward in six groups, and then strangulating those remaining

Roman general.

At this time, the Byzantine war lasted for most of a day. The Ming army's losses were not large, about three thousand people, mainly due to the losses caused during the previous siege.

But the losses of the Roman army were huge.

According to the accounts of captured Roman soldiers, before the war began, the Roman Third Corps was responsible for guarding the southern city wall, with a total of 8,000 men.

In the first round of shelling by the Ming army, three to four thousand people were killed or injured.

Then after the Ming army entered the city, another one or two thousand people were killed. At this time, only the more than 2,000 people of the Roman Third Army who surrendered were left.

The 8,000-man Roman Third Legion lost nearly 6,000 people in battle. This was not all the casualties suffered by Rome in the Byzantine city.

Because in addition to attacking the city wall, the artillery fire of the Ming army had begun to cover the inner city from the beginning. Now the thunderbolt rockets have entered the inner city, covering a larger area, and the casualties caused are staggering.

Although it is not possible to make specific statistics now, the number of people killed by the bombing of the Roman army at this moment will definitely not be less than 20,000.

From Liu Chan's observation on the city tower and the corpses everywhere on the streets, it can be determined that this violent bombardment dealt a huge blow to the Roman army.


Inside the city lord's palace.

A rocket launcher suddenly fell from the sky, startling the soldiers standing guard around them and immediately running away. Gallienus, who had just been treated for his injuries in the room, was also frightened.

"Don't panic!"

But as soon as he finished shouting, he hurriedly ran towards the backyard, limping while running, and at the same time reminded the guards around him: "Escape quickly!"

"Quickly retreat!"

Rocket artillery has covered the city lord's palace, which also declares that the Nancheng District has basically been controlled by the Ming army, and now the Roman soldiers can only retreat to the North City District.

Originally, Claude was ordered to block the Ming army entering the city from the front and engage in street fighting with the Ming army. However, when the Ming army entered the city, they were unable to organize an effective attack because after the Ming army entered the city, they did not attack at all.

They were given the opportunity to fight in the streets, but they still used artillery fire to suppress them. Fortunately, as soon as the war started, the people in the city began to flee towards the North City.

By the time the Ming army entered the city, there were almost no ordinary people left in the Nancheng District, with only a few remaining in the North City. The vast majority of the people had already left Byzantium and fled for their lives.

Otherwise, if the Ming army were to carry out such an indiscriminate bombing, we don’t know how many casualties it would cause. After all, Byzantium is a big city with more than 200,000 people living in it.

"Legion Commander!"

On the way to retreat, the deputy general asked Claude in a panic: "Are you still retreating?"



This chapter has been completed!
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