Chapter 91 Sun Shiwan still can’t do it

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According to historical records, in the autumn of 228 AD, Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, sent tens of thousands of troops to launch another northern expedition against Cao Wei. Tens of thousands of troops surrounded Chencang for less than a month, but in the end they retreated because they ran out of food.

Is Chencang heavily guarded?


In fact, there are only more than a thousand Wei troops in Chencang City.

But these more than a thousand Wei troops were able to block Prime Minister Zhuge's tens of thousands of troops.

The person guarding Chencang is Hao Zhao.

Liu Chan had almost forgotten this person before.

Of course, he did not expect that Guanzhong and Longxi had all surrendered to the Han Dynasty, so what kind of tricks could this small Chen Cang do.

"It doesn't matter!" Liu Chan said with a smile: "Chencang is a small city. The prime minister only needs to send troops and horses to trap it for several months, and the city will be destroyed."

Liu Chan said it very easily, but Zhuge Qiao said: "A month ago, Sun Quan, the lord of Wu, who surrounded Hefei, had retreated back to Wu because he was defeated by Cao Wei general Zhang He."

"Sun Shiwan was defeated?" Liu Chan asked in horror.

"Yes!" Zhuge Qiao said: "Zhang He personally led tens of thousands of Wei troops to Hefei. After only three days of fierce fighting, the Wu army suffered a disastrous defeat and had to retreat."

"I x," Liu Chan complained speechlessly: "He is indeed Sun Shiwan. We, a big man, held down more than 100,000 Wei troops in Guanzhong. With such a good opportunity, Sun Shiwan couldn't even capture Hefei. It's really embarrassing.


"How is the situation in Jiangxia?" Liu Chan then asked again.

"Return to your majesty!" Zhuge Qiao said: "Although Cao Wei sent General Sima Yi to lead the troops to capture Jiangxia, Dongwu Lu Xun chose to defend the city. Even though Sima Yi attacked Jiangxia for days, he still failed to break through the city of Jiangxia."
"Yes!" Liu Chan nodded and said, "After Zhou Lang, Soochow produced another good general named Lu Xun."

Liu Chan praised Lu Xun, which made Zhuge Qiao a little puzzled.

After all, it was Lu Xun who defeated the late emperor.

This time the Han Dynasty made a surprise attack on Guanzhong, which created a good opportunity for Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu Dynasty to expedition to the north. Although they failed to capture Hefei, fortunately they still occupy Jiangxia.

However, Liu Chan was still a little worried, so he asked: "Bosong, does he know if Cao Wei has sent more reinforcements to Jiangxia now?"

"Not yet!" Zhuge Qiao affirmed.

Sima Yi failed to attack Jiangxia for a long time, so Cao Wei did not send more reinforcements to Jiangxia?

Liu Chan suddenly became a little nervous.

At the same time, he seemed to understand why Zhuge Qiao felt that Chencang had not been broken. It seemed to be a very serious reason. He was afraid that after Cao Wei had solved the siege of Hefei, he would soon mobilize troops to attack Guanzhong.

If that's the case.

Guanzhong does not seem to be stable.

Because once Cao Wei invades Guanzhong again, the prime minister will definitely mobilize troops to resist, and the siege of Chencang will be lifted soon. Chencang will be relieved. Although there are not many troops, with Hao Zhao's ability, not to mention plagiarizing the Han army's retreat

, but he is more or less likely to cause some trouble for the Han army.

Liu Chan is not sure whether Cao Wei will soon march into Guanzhong.

First of all, Guanzhong is very important to the Han Dynasty, and it is still very important to Cao Wei, because once Cao Wei loses Guanzhong, it is equivalent to losing Liangzhou.

Liangzhou is Cao Wei's horse breeding ground. Once the Han Dynasty owns the two states of Yongliang and Yongliang, it will only take ten years at most for the Han Dynasty to train its own cavalry. By then, the Han cavalry will leave Tongguan east. No matter how strong Cao Wei is, he will be able to train his own cavalry.

Will encounter disaster.

The people of Cao Wei are naturally not fools.

They know this.

Otherwise, both in history and in this Northern Expedition.

When the Han army appears in Guanzhong, Cao Wei will immediately send troops to help.

Thinking of this, Liu Chan immediately stood up from his seat and said to Zhuge Qiao: "Bo Song, follow me quickly."


After coming out of the imperial study, Liu Chan led Zhuge Qiao to a familiar place, the shabby courtyard behind the palace.

But now this dilapidated courtyard has been repaired and has a name that belongs to it - Craftsmanship Division.

This is a newly established organization after Liu Chan found a carpenter to make tables and chairs.

The Craftsmanship Division will specialize in developing and researching various new craftsmanship for Liu Chan.

Enter the Craftsmanship Department.

Liu Chan immediately called a few workers.

Let them go to the nearby river beach to get a few baskets of river sand, and then ask the workers to take out the slaked lime powder that the craftsman originally had.

When all the materials were ready, Liu Chan immediately rolled up his sleeves and said, "You guys have seen it clearly. Every step cannot be missed."


Everyone immediately became serious after hearing this, and Zhuge Qiao on the side stared at Liu Chan closely.

He didn't stop the emperor from working because he was used to it. His Majesty would often invent some novel objects. His Majesty would personally demonstrate the first operation.

I saw Liu Chan pouring pots of lime powder into the river sand, and then pouring water on it. Finally, he took a wooden shovel and kept stirring. While stirring, he reminded the workers: "Remember everything, you must

Stir them evenly. There should be neither too much nor too little water." As he said that, he reached out and grabbed a handful and showed it to everyone: "That's it."

After the mixture was evenly mixed, he found a few wooden boards, placed a rectangular space on the ground, and then poured some of the mixed concrete into it.

"This is called a cement brick." Liu Chan made one and said to everyone: "This is the method and steps of making cement bricks. After making these bricks, just let them dry naturally."

Then he asked several workers to make hundreds of cement bricks in the yard according to the steps he said.

This thing was actually very common in later generations, but in this era, it was a new thing, but these ancient people were a little stupid when they first saw it.

"Your Majesty!" Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, what do you intend to use these cement bricks for? These are made of sand. Even if they are dried, they will not loosen easily."

When working with Liu Chan, Zhuge Qiao would often ask questions like this.

Liu Chan smiled and said: "The cement bricks I made will not only not loosen, but will also be harder than stone."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Harder than stone, real or fake.

Naturally, they didn't believe it now, but three days later, when they saw these cement bricks again, everyone was stunned.

Liu Chan brought over a dry cement brick and smashed it up with a hammer.


Bang bang!

"Your Majesty!" Zhuge Qiao was immediately shocked and said: "This brick is really as hard as stone, and it is difficult for a hammer to smash it."

"That's necessary!" Liu Chan smiled.

Then he drew a space about five or six meters long and more than one meter wide in the open space nearby. After drawing, he ordered a few workers to pile cement bricks around the drawn line and connect the bricks to each other.

In all places, newly mixed cement is used for bonding.

Almost half an hour later, a space over one meter wide, five or six meters long, and over one meter high appeared in front of everyone.

After laying these cement bricks, they were left to dry for another day. It was midsummer now, and the cement was dried quickly. After a day of exposure, the walls made of cement bricks were very strong.

"Pour them all in." Liu Chan gestured to the workers to pour all the newly mixed concrete into the previously built space.

While the workers were busy, Zhuge Qiao seemed to have understood what Liu Chan meant. He said excitedly: "Your Majesty, if all the city walls were made using this method, wouldn't it be..."



This chapter has been completed!
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