Chapter 1371 Announcement of results

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After Li Xun announced the end of the competition, even though I had already prepared in my heart, I was still excited. After all, the results would be announced as soon as the competition was over.

It's a bit like the feeling when I was a student waiting for the results to be announced during an exam, but the difference is that I now know my ranking, so I feel more excited and excited.

And just as we were all excited, a series of ghostly hands fell from the sky, and then the players from each of our teams held these big hands in them, and then quickly flew towards the joint base.

Estimating that we could fly over Nigeria for about a minute, we left Nigeria under the leadership of the team leaders from each country and went straight back to the joint base.

When we landed, a little dizzy from flying in the sky, we found that the contestants who had been eliminated previously were already waiting for us here.

As for why we can make this judgment at a glance, it is because we saw Chen Xuyang, Jiang Baiping and others among them. Obviously, the players gathered below at this time are all players who have been eliminated.

After a rough scan, it is estimated that there are about a hundred people, which is quite a lot of people, accounting for about one-eighth of the total, and the elimination rate is about 15%.

As soon as the two parties gathered, the scene suddenly became lively. For a while, the area was as noisy as a vegetable market, and then we heard Li Xun's voice ringing in our minds: "All contestants, please line up and stand in a line according to the location of the national flag."

, the captain stands at the front."

After Li Xun finished speaking, the scene was silent for a moment, and then hundreds of players began to line up in an orderly manner. As the current captain of the Chinese team, I stood at the front of the team surrounded by everyone.


And in front of me was Li Xun with the five-star red flag behind his back.

It was noon at this time, and the sun outside Nigeria was extremely bright. Looking at the bright red flag behind me, I suddenly felt a sense of pride in my heart. After all, I had won glory for China this time!

The smile on Li Xun's face never faded after he saw me, and after seeing his expression, I immediately felt reassured. If his grades were not ideal, he would definitely not have this expression.

Didn't you notice that Peter has disappeared now? He obviously doesn't want to show up.

At this time, standing in front of the national flag of Jianguo to greet the players of Jianguo team was another strong player from Jianguo. Although he was not as strong as Peter, he still had the strength of the early Samsung.

From this point, we can also see the strong strength of Jianguo. If you want to change to a three-star strong man, just change it to another one. However, the face of this new strongman of Jianguo is somewhat unsightly, and the look he looks at us from time to time is even more...

A touch of gloom.

"It seems that Jianguo's results are not ideal." Seeing this scene, I immediately laughed out loud. I wonder if I didn't even make it into the top three. That would be too pitiful.

In fact, not only Li Xun and Jian Guo's new three-star powerhouse, but also the team leaders from other countries had different expressions at this time. Some people could clearly see smiles on their faces, which meant that their countries had achieved results that were in line with their expectations or even

Results exceeding their expectations.

On the other hand, the leaders of the countries where the Jianguo team surrendered and the Guoyin team looked more or less had a gloomy look on their faces, presumably their team's results were not ideal.

But having said that, Mizuno Tatsuya's face looks as usual, and it's hard to tell whether his expression is happy or sad. I guess the Sakura team's results should be pretty good, otherwise Mizuno Tatsuya's face would be extremely ugly now.

I almost forgot about the compensation. Sakura Country still owes me 20 million. I have to press for it later. If it doesn't work, just talk to Li Xun and ask him to help us collect the debt.

It’s about the country’s face. I think the Sakura Kingdom and the Indian Country shouldn’t be able to get even that little money. After all, it’s only tens of millions of ghost points, which is insignificant for a country.

While I was thinking about many things, players from many countries finally lined up.

At this time, Li Xun's voice also rang out at the right time: "All contestants, please keep quiet. Next, I will announce the team results for this competition..."

Seeing that Li Xun was about to announce the results, the whole place was silent, and the needle could be heard. Every contestant had a look of excitement on his face, and waited with bated breath for Li Xun to announce the results.

"First of all, the winner of this competition is..." When Li Xun said this, his voice paused, which made all the players breathe slightly heavier.

After looking at us with a smile, Li Xun, holding the transcript in his hand, said slowly.

"China team!"

After the words fell, although we had already guessed that we were the champions, we still couldn't help but cheered, with heartfelt smiles on our faces.

"we are the champion!"

Everyone shouted excitedly and hugged each other deeply. Some players even had red eyes and shed tears of joy.

This is not surprising, and regardless of the extremely strong sense of honor we feel at this moment, the sense of accomplishment that our efforts in the past half month have not been in vain is enough to make us extremely excited.

It is difficult to express the hardships we have endured in the past half month. It is not easy to get to this point. That is why we were so excited when we knew we had won the championship.


While we were happy, there was an uproar around us, and the eyes of many players looking at us were filled with various emotions.

Surprise, envy, jealousy, happiness, anger, there are all kinds of emotions, but for most players who have no conflict or connection with us, the most common emotion is envy.

After all, championship means not only profit but also fame.

This name is not only my own name, but also the name of my country. Winning the championship in the first competition will undoubtedly greatly increase China's international status and influence.

In short, we finally stood up this time and became completely famous.

I think Li Xun did it on purpose. After announcing the rankings of the Chinese national team, he paused for five or six seconds before announcing the next results.

"Second place, Team Rakshasa!"

After Li Xun finished speaking, the players from the Raksha team next to him also cheered. We all smiled kindly at this. After all, we had cooperated during the competition.

Regarding the ranking of the Rakshasa team, although many foreign teams are also very emotional, they are not surprised. After all, the fact that the Jianguo team asked me to be disabled is basically known to everyone. Without the Jianguo team competing for the ranking,

Then the runner-up will definitely fall into the hands of the Rakshasa team.

It can be said that the second place was expected by many players, but it is difficult to judge who will win the next third place.

In fact, in the past few days, players from each team have been discussing the third place team. Some are talking about the Jianguo team, some are talking about the Sun Never Sets team, some are talking about the Sakura team or even the Pakistani team. In short, each has its own merits.


For example, even though I sanctioned the Jianguo team in the later stage, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. In the early stage, the Jianguo team was far behind the teams behind it, so it is still possible to sit in the third place.

Since the Sun Never Sets team and the Pakistan team have received our help in the past two days, their results will not be low, and they may surpass Jianguo and sit in third place.

However, in comparison, everyone still prefers the Sun Never Sets team. After all, the overall strength of the Sun Never Sets team is stronger than that of the Pakistani team. After all, it is also one of the five permanent countries.

Although the Sakura team gave us a cleanup, it actually had no impact on the score. The Sakura team, which has been firmly in fourth place, is not impossible to replace the Kenkuni team after the decline.

In short, it is possible for anyone to take third place, so this also makes the third place result particularly attract the attention of players from all over the world, so many players are looking at Li Xun with burning eyes, waiting for him to announce the third place result.

Under the gaze of everyone, Li Xun finally announced the third place in this competition: "Third place, the sun never sets team!"


As soon as the words fell, an uproar was no less than when we heard that we had won the championship. They resounded one after another. Countless eyes turned to the gloomy-looking members of the Jianguo team, their eyes full of surprise and sympathy.

As the recognized world hegemon, Jianguo did not even get the top three, which is really disappointing. At the moment, gloating eyes were turned to the players of the Jianguo team who had ugly faces.

Looking at the scorching gazes around them, the faces of many Jianguo team players were extremely ugly. They felt that what they were looking at was not the gazes around them, but sharp knives formed by the convergence of gazes, piercing their hearts and causing them immense suffering.

What a shame!

Especially Jackson, who had been wrapped into a mummy at this time, looked at me with anger. If thoughts could kill people, I would probably have died a thousand times now.

Feeling the many angry eyes, I was expressionless. In the game, we are the winners and losers. I believe that if our Chinese team loses now, the situation we will face will be even worse than that of the Jianguo team.


Therefore, I simply ignored their gazes and waited quietly for Li Xun to announce the next results.

Only the top ten results of the competition are announced. In addition to the championship, second and third place, the subsequent seven rankings are also announced one by one from Li Xun's mouth.

The fourth place was a bit unexpected, it was the Sakura Team. It seems that the Sakura Team performed really well this year. Even though I had to deal with it midway, they still achieved a good result of fourth place.

Fourth place is certainly a good result for the Sakura team.

Whether the ranking is ideal or not depends on the level of the country. For example, our three behemoths, Rakshasa Kingdom and Jian Kingdom, must be in the top three. If the results are lower than the top three, it is not ideal.

For other countries, basically being in the top ten is considered a good result, not to mention that Sakura Country got fourth place, which is second only to the top three results.

Because of this, the players of the Sakura team were all happy after hearing the news. This result was considered ideal for them.

In fact, it was good for the Sakura team to finish fourth.

As the father of the Sakura team, Kenkuni is ranked lower than the Sakura team. Think about it, you know how embarrassing it is, and it may even damage the relationship between the two countries.

After the Sakura team, there are the Kenguo team, the Pakistani team, the Hans team, the Indian team, the Cosmos team and the Italian team. These are the subsequent rankings.

In addition to the Jianguo team, the following teams, including the Baguo team, caused a commotion when they appeared in the top ten. After all, Baguo is not considered strong either in the world of cultivation or in terms of national strength.

However, such a small country with a low sense of existence stands directly on the head of many well-known powerful countries, and the reason is simply because Pakistan received help from the Chinese national team.

Thinking of this, many national players cast envious glances at the Pakistani team, and some even wondered why it was not our country that provided clues.

In short, after the results of the Sun Never Sets team and the Pakistani team were announced, the status of our Chinese team has been strengthened. After all, the direct reason why these two countries can achieve such excellent results is our Chinese team.

After Li Xun announced the team results, he gave us some time to digest and discuss. After guessing that it would take two or three minutes, Li Xun cleared his throat and said: "Ahem, okay, you guys will meet again later.

Let’s discuss the results, and then I will announce my personal results.”

"I announce that the player who won the first place in personal performance in this competition is..." Under the gaze of countless eyes, Li Xun said with a sense of pride and satisfaction.

"China Team, Ye Yan!"

This chapter has been completed!
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