Chapter 1453 Disagreement

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Xu Jian's special situation has aroused discussions among many powerful people. Everyone wants to know where Xu Jian's current strength is. After all, Xu Jian's strength is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"I didn't expect you, Mr. Xu, to have such strong strength before." After experiencing the initial surprise, Shen Ming couldn't help but asked: "But even if your heaven and earth souls have dissipated, your life soul is still three stars. level, so you should also have quasi-three-star strength, right?"

After listening to Shen Ming's words, many powerful people present looked at Xu Jian with burning eyes, hoping that this former veteran powerful man could give some exciting answers.

However, the result was destined to disappoint them. Xu Jian shook his head and said: "I have been injured for more than 20 years. My soul is weakening all the time. It is estimated that my strength has dropped by at least seventy-eight percent. If it weren't for Wang Hao once helped me, and I may have already spent eleven handfuls of loess."

"So, now, even if I exert all my power, I can barely reach the peak of two stars, and I have no chance to improve anymore. This means that Professor Shen, your plan is invalid for me. Give me more The elixirs are useless."

Hearing this, many powerful men were disappointed and happy at the same time.

The disappointment is naturally that Xu Jian's power is not as strong as expected, but after thinking about it, Xu Jian is a two-star peak powerhouse after all. It is better than nothing, so everyone can't say that they are particularly disappointed, but they feel relaxed. A lot.

"Mr. Xu, is there no way to recover from your situation? If so, we can devote all our efforts in the province to help you solve this problem, as long as you can recover half of your previous strength." Shen Ming asked with a frown.

"There is no way." Xu Jian shook his head, with a somewhat helpless tone, and said, "If there was really a way, I would have solved it long ago, but the problem still exists and there is no way to solve it."

"All right."

Seeing that Xu Jian was helpless, Shen Ming sighed, but still refused to give up. He hoped that Xu Jian would cooperate with him for a full-body examination and that he would come back to see if he could find a solution.

Regarding Shen Ming's kindness, Xu Jian didn't think he could find any solution, but he didn't refuse it. He nodded and agreed to Shen Ming's request, and told many strong men in Yang Province that although he could not regain his previous strength, he still could With the power of a two-star peak, I will do my part.

Hearing this, everyone felt slightly relieved.

Originally, everyone was worried that if Sun Hong and the others were to retreat to a new realm, if something happened to Yang Province, Chen Yi, a two-star peak powerhouse, might not be able to handle it. At that time, they would have to trouble Sun Hong and the others to escape. Solve the problem, which will definitely affect their breakthrough.

But now if there is one more Xu Jian, the situation will be greatly improved. I believe that with Xu Jian's help, Chen Yi's pressure will definitely be reduced a lot. At the same time, Sun Hong and the other three can also be more confident to break through with all their strength.

The meeting has reached this point, and it can be said that the next arrangements have been determined.

The Yang Bureau and the Academy of Sciences will do their best to help Sun Hong and the others attack Samsung. This is currently the only way our Yang Province can save itself, so it can be said that Sun Hong and the others carry the hope of 50 million people in the province.

The priority is the highest at this time, and we can devote everything to this goal.

No one has any objection on this matter, but there are differences on the way of cultivation.

Many powerful people in the Academy of Sciences, headed by Shen Ming, firmly believe in the contents of ancient books and believe that if they want to step into Samsung, consolidating their own cultivation methods is the most important thing, so they prefer to adopt cultivation methods.

Use drugs or instruments to guide and consolidate the Tao that Sun Hong and the others insist on.

Another group of strong people believe that cultivation is their own business, and others should not interfere in their state of mind. This will instead affect the other person's cultivation. They feel that the only thing others need to do is to provide the resources they need.

Both sides feel that they are right, so the two sides can be said to be arguing endlessly. After all, this matter affects everyone's wealth and life, and no one can afford to ignore it, so everyone will argue about it.

In fact, I personally believe in the contents of ancient books, because the ancient books were provided by my grandfather. I believe in my grandfather and many experts and professors at the Academy of Sciences. However, I cannot refute the views of those who hold objections.

Just because the contents of ancient books are correct does not mean that Shen Ming and his colleagues are necessarily correct.

Who knows if the new drugs are effective or if they have any negative side effects?

What if the other party’s path is shaken instead?

The strange thing is that the ghost baby arrived in such a hurry that the Academy of Sciences did not have time to conduct experiments. Now it is completely temporary. It is no wonder that so many people are opposed to it. It is really because this temporary behavior cannot convince everyone.

The two sides argued for several minutes, and finally Chen Yi made a pertinent suggestion.

Let Sun Hong and the others choose for themselves.

Naturally, no one would have any objections to this suggestion. In the final analysis, it was Sun Hong and the others who had to make a breakthrough. They could do whatever they thought was suitable, so everyone focused their attention on Sun Hong and the others, waiting to make a choice.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Sun Hong and the others finally made their choices.

Sun Hong and Zhao Congwen chose to trust Shen Ming and follow his request. According to them, there has been no progress in strength for so many years, and newer methods are needed to stimulate. Ordinary conventional methods no longer work.

So they chose to believe Shen Ming.

Wang Yu, on the other hand, chose a completely different path. He decided not to use Shen Ming's method. The reason was not because he didn't believe in Shen Ming, but because he felt that it was safer and more secure.

After the three of them have made their own choices, the matter has been settled. Next, Yang Province will do its best to help the three of them break through to Samsung, and they will pay any price for this.

After the matter was settled, news came from the Supervision Bureau. A strong man from the Supervision Bureau told Chen Yi some news. After hearing the news, Chen Yi's expression suddenly changed.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned and asked about Chen Yi's specific situation.

Chen Yi did not hide the situation, but directly replied with a calm face: "The latest news, the Supervision Bureau checked all the surveillance cameras near Zhou's house and found no trace of anyone going out."

"This means that hundreds of members of the Zhou family have evaporated within the Zhou family."

"It seems that the Zhou family is really connected with the ghost master!"

This chapter has been completed!
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