Chapter 1854 Third Class Yan Ye

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High wall area, registration agency.


"Yan Ye."


"Eighteen years old.

"Where did you live before?"

"The Federation of Great Xia, the whole country of Yan."


In the registration agency, I was being questioned by a young woman wearing glasses. This is a necessary process for refugees to join the federation, and this woman was a staff member of the agency.

She asked a lot of questions in succession, and I answered them all with great difficulty. I was able to do this thanks to the large amount of information I had collected through my recent efforts.

"Very good, Mr. Yan Ye. From now on, you will be a member of the Daxia Federation. This is your identity badge. Please be sure to carry it with you. It is best to hang it on your head and keep it inseparable. Otherwise, you may be mistaken for someone during an inspection.

Please bear in mind the execution of unknown outsiders."

Hearing this, I took the identity card in my hand, nodded and said, "I understand, thank you, Miss Lan Moyi."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Lan Mo smiled, handed me a pamphlet, and said: "This is a must-have manual for federal residents. Remember to read it when you go back. There are many people in the federation.

There are many rules, and you must abide by them.”


I smiled politely and nodded. After taking away the ID card and pamphlet, I turned around and walked out of the registration agency. When I left the gate, my smile faded slightly and my eyes focused on the ID card in my hand. I saw what was written on it.

There is a group of black boys - Yan Ye, a third-class person.

It has been three days since I joined the Federation, but it was not my turn to register until today. Such slow progress is not because the Federation personnel are lazy, but because there are too many people registered.

The reason is very simple. The Federation has recently been bringing back a steady stream of young and middle-aged refugees from all over the world, so the high-walled area has been quite lively recently. There are constantly large numbers of new refugees, allowing the Federation team members to stay in from outside.

In these three days, I learned a lot of things,

Before registration, I, along with thousands of refugees from all over the world, listened to a few team members in white explain to us several important rules in the federation in an open space in front of the registration agency, one of which was the strict registration system.


The first class of people are federal members, and everyone wearing white is in this class.

The second-class people are federal residents outside the high wall. They don't have any special clothes, but they will wear a golden identity card. They have no restrictions and can move freely within the federation.

Third-class people are residents within the high wall. These people are refugees from all over the world. Their status is very low. When you see a federal team member on the road, you must bow and say hello, otherwise the federal teammate will kill you without guilt. There are also 9pm to 7am.

A curfew is imposed between 10:00 and 20:00, and no one is allowed to leave the house during this period, otherwise they will be shot

In addition, residents within the wall have no freedom and are not allowed to leave the wall for life.

The above is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are more ugliness happening in the High Wall Zone. The chaos here hardly resembles human civilization. Although the refugees in the High Wall Zone have joined the Federation, they are still living in dire straits.


"This world is really ridiculous. People are actually divided into three, six, and nine classes. I'm afraid the status of the third class people is no higher than that of livestock. If you want to survive in this world and successfully obtain enough energy, you only need to

I can think of ways to improve my status..." I thought to myself as I walked towards the refugee area.

The refugee area is actually where we live. It is divided into a hundred areas, ranked from 1 to 100, and each area must currently have at least tens of thousands of people. The area I am currently in is Area 7.

I currently have no contact with people from other areas, because except for special circumstances, residents within the wall are not allowed to leave their area. This has caused me and my seven teammates to be separated for the past few days, and we have no contact at all.


There is no way, the living areas are randomly assigned by the federation. The probability that eight people will meet in such a large area as a hundred areas is really very low. The federation seems to intentionally disperse the refugees who know each other, so that I have been

Always alone.

Of course, I mean alone because I have never seen my seven teammates, but I have seen a lot of refugees in this world. There are all kinds of people, and I have also seen a lot of ugly scenes.

Because of the shortage of food here and the lack of management, you can imagine the level of chaos this group of refugees who are used to surviving in the apocalypse will cause. I have seen refugees fighting with each other more than once in the past three days, and the Federation

The team members also turn a blind eye, and they often don't bother to care as long as no one is killed. This also makes this place full of crime and chaos. Robbery, theft and even rape are simply endless here, which is not what human civilization should have.


"The refugees here are all ordinary people. Ye Yuyou and the others should not be in danger, but it is not a problem if this continues. I have to find a way to get out of this high wall, and get out with a legal identity. Only in this way can I

I have the ability to get enough energy..." I thought to myself.

I walked around, thinking about my way out.

There is definitely no way out for a third-class person. No matter what I want to do, this low-level status cannot make me happy, so I first have to find a way to improve my status... But this does not seem to be an easy task.

I just came here and I don't know how to get promoted at all. I don't even know if there is any way to be promoted to a second-class person or even a first-class person.

How about I stop hiding my strength and directly reveal it?

As a late-level two-star, if I show my strength, I will definitely be able to become a first-class person, and I can even become a big official in the federation. However, this method is too risky and may expose my identity.

Although the world is so chaotic and full of refugees that I can pass the registration review by just giving a false name, but if I really show my power, there is no doubt that... I will definitely be punished inside and out.

I don’t think they can do this. After all, the number of strong people in the late two-star stage is limited. They are definitely not unknown people. How could they appear out of thin air?

Once my identity is exposed, I seriously doubt that I will be directly killed by the federal ghost master.

When I first arrived in this world, I was still lucky, but after these few days of life, I feel that the top leaders of the Federation, that is, the ghost masters, are definitely a group of cold-blooded people, otherwise they would not care so much about human life. They are doing it for their own sake.

Benefit can do anything, but I have no strength or background, so I will kill him as soon as I want.

Therefore, the matter of exposing my identity can only be put aside temporarily. Unless my life is threatened, I will not use this extremely risky method. I do not want to put my life in the hands of others.

"How is there a way out?"

Just as he was thinking about it, a loud broadcast sound suddenly sounded in the sky. A voice was somewhat gloomy and hoarse, saying in an indifferent tone: "Attention, federal residents within the wall, today at 12 o'clock noon sharp

, everyone is asked to gather at the Federation Square in each district. Everyone must arrive on time, otherwise they will be severely punished by the Federation!"

"Please remember this!"

"I repeat, federal residents within the walls please take note..."


This broadcast was repeated three times in a row, so that all the residents inside the wall stopped what they were doing and listened to the broadcast, and I frowned slightly after hearing the content of the broadcast.


Why does it sound a little familiar?/divdivclass=”clear”

This chapter has been completed!
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