Chapter 1958 Credits

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After a long conversation with Yang Jingyuan, we understood that the most important thing in Ghost Master College is credits. In other words, the three thousand yuan coins given by the school when we entered the school have no effect at all in Ghost Master College!

This is because all expenses during the school period need to be consumed by the credits commonly used in the school. Credits are the basis for our survival. Without credits, we cannot even afford to eat.

Of course, you won’t starve to death, but if you don’t have credits, you can only eat the free meals provided by the school, such as protein blocks. Yang Jingyuan said that these things are made from worms. Although they are unpalatable, they are rich in nutrients.

, is a common food in free meals.

Students who do not do well on weekdays eat free meals. Only they know how bad the food is. Only during the entrance season can they spend yuan to eat a good and improved meal, because during the entrance season, the school in order to take care of

New students are open to yuan currency consumption.

But it’s only for a few days. School will start in three days, and Yuan coins will no longer be universal. If we want to maintain the most basic survival needs in school, we must find ways to obtain credits.

There are many ways to obtain credits. Yang Jingyuan gave a few examples. The more common ones are cleaning and part-time jobs. Although such jobs are simple, the income is low.

And if you want to earn more credits, not everyone can do it, because the methods of high income are basically linked to strength, such as exam and competition results. Excellent grades will naturally lead to high credits. In addition, there are also

There is a combat power list, and those who are on the list can also receive a large amount of income every day. This is very similar to the practice of the Spiritual Adjustment Bureau.

In addition to the above, there are many ways to earn credits, but Yang Jingyuan did not list them all. He just said that we will learn about them after we enter school and let us understand them ourselves.

"Have you all decided which major to apply for?"

Looking at the cafeteria that was gradually becoming deserted, I said to everyone: "Although the registration period is three days, if we register today, the school will immediately arrange dormitories for us. On the contrary, if we do not register today, we will have to go out to live, or

We’re living in an open-air dormitory.”

Open-air dormitory is a euphemistic term. It actually allows you to sleep on the ground. It seems funny, but in fact, according to Yang Jingyuan, there are many people on campus who sleep outside in order to save credits. Practitioners will not get cold anyway.

When you catch a cold, it's just uncomfortable and a bit embarrassing.

Upon hearing what I said, many people showed bitter expressions.

"I haven't thought about it yet. There are so many majors, and I have to understand them all before I can make the final decision." Zhang Xinyu smiled bitterly: "But I will definitely be able to sign up today, otherwise I really have to go out and live. I don't want to spend yuan.


"Yes, not only will it cost more, but we are not familiar with the place here. Let's not talk about how to find a suitable place to live. It is hard to say whether it is safe or not." Xiao Yuting nodded.

"It's okay. Let's sign up today. Nowhere is safer than school." Lin Huai said with a smile.

Hearing this, I was slightly startled, and then asked curiously: "Have you decided on a major?"

"I have thought about it." Lin Huai smiled and said: "Me, Yu Ting, and Xia Yuning, the three of us have already discussed it and are all going to go to the Spiritual Department of the War Academy. We will sign up soon!"

"Psychic system?"

Hearing this, everyone looked surprised. They didn't expect Lin Huai and the others to make a decision so early, and they still chose the spiritual system, which seemed to be unpopular.

"The reason for choosing the spiritual system is very simple, because we have understood that the spiritual system is actually the application and exploration of spiritual power, which is especially suitable for people like us who are in the late stage of two-star." Xiao Yuting explained.

Xia Yuning also added: "Yes, another reason is that spiritual power is more destructive to resentful spirits. We think this is more suitable for us."

"That's right..." Everyone nodded.

I am not surprised by the choices of the three of them.

Others may not understand, but people like me who are familiar with the experiences of Lin Huai and others know that they are eager to become stronger, so their choice must be the War Academy, and the Spiritual Department is indeed the most suitable major for them

, in fact, if the rule system hadn’t attracted my attention, I would probably have chosen the spiritual system.

"I plan to choose the Chaos system." At this time, Louise said weakly.

Chaos system?

Everyone was very surprised when they heard this slightly unfamiliar professional name. The Chaos Department is a subordinate major of the Research School, and its research direction is the realm of chaos where the world's soul lives. Although it looks high-end, it actually affects personal strength.

The improvement is really limited, after all, the main direction of the research school is research.

Of course, if you just want to do well, graduate school is actually a good place to go. I heard that many parents of new students hope that their children will enroll in graduate schools. It is said that it will make it easier to find a job.

Therefore, different freshmen have different ideas. The locals in the ghost world may mainly consider future employment issues, etc., while those of us from the lower world mostly think about how to become stronger quickly...

"I am full of curiosity about everything unknown, especially I have a strong interest in the world spirit and the realm of chaos, and I feel that if I study these things thoroughly, I may uncover the truth of the world."

Louise said seriously.

Everyone has their own choice, and all we can do is respect it, and we all express our support at the moment.

"come on."

In addition to Louise, Guan Xinyu has already confirmed her major. She plans to sign up for the ghost aura system. After all, her realm is in the mid-two-star level and she is suitable for joining the ghost aura system.

Speaking of the physical arts system, the ghost energy system, and the spiritual system, they actually correspond to the development and utilization of the power of life, ghost energy, and spiritual power. Therefore, Guan Xinyu, who is in the mid-two-star stage, is naturally suitable for the ghost energy system, and those who are in the late two-star stage

Lin Huai and others are suitable for the spiritual system.

, the others haven’t chosen yet, and now more than half of the freshmen in the Kung Fu Canteen have left, and it’s much deserted than before. So we, who had already finished our meal, followed the flow of people and left the canteen and went straight there.

Admissions Office.

Those who have their own target majors go straight to their majors, while those who are still wandering around are looking around, and I naturally belong to the former. After entering Wanmi Square, Ye Yuyou and I walked to the Department of Rules for admissions with ease.


At this moment, in the Admissions Office of the Rules Department, Mu Shouchun was fanning himself while recruiting students, while Yang Jingyuan was sitting on a chair, talking to several young men and women who didn't know whether they were freshmen or old students.

"Here he comes."

Seeing Ye Yuyou and I walking over, Yang Jingyuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately smiled and said: "Looking at you, you must have made your own choice, right?"

Hearing this, I nodded and said seriously: "Well, we choose to join the rules system."

"very good."

Hearing this, Yang Jingyuan smiled, then handed over a form and said, "After you fill in this information, put your thumbprint at the bottom, and then you can go to the dormitory."


After taking a deep breath, Ye Yuyou and I took the form and completed a series of procedures according to Yang Jingyuan's requirements. After everything was done, Yang Jingyuan took back the form and said to us with a smile.

"Welcome to the rules department, we will be friends from now on."

This chapter has been completed!
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