Chapter 218: Heavy damage to the Thousand Faced Spirit

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An earth-shattering loud noise resounded throughout the campus. Ghost auras of two colors swept across the back of the Thousand-Faced Ghost's head like a tsunami. At that time, a large area of ​​black ghost aura on the back of the Thousand-Faced Ghost's head was swept away.

After being scattered, the three colors of ghost energy, snow white, light blue, and black, were mixed together and surging continuously. At the same time, the Thousand Faced Ghost roared in pain, and then fell down heavily.

"Nice job!" Seeing this, I snapped my fingers and exclaimed.

Because the thousand-faced ghost was fully focused on me at that time, and because it was attacking me with a giant hammer, its body was already leaning forward. Therefore, under the attacks of Ye Yuyou and Xu Xue, this thousand-faced ghost was able to

was knocked to the ground.

"Look, that monster has been defeated..."

"Oh my god, someone can actually fight this monster..."

"It seems like one man and two women...who are they?"

This astonishing scene was naturally seen clearly by the students of the school. Immediately, there were waves of whispers, and there was a touch of shock on their faces.

At the same time, the Thousand Faced Ghost's body also crossed the red line in my nervous eyes. Because his body was leaning forward, his upper body crossed the red line. The moment he crossed the red line,

I was shocked to find that the part of the Thousand-faced Ghost's body that crossed the red line was immediately cut in two. The cross section was as smooth as a mirror, and the broken part of the body melted quickly like snow exposed to the scorching sun. Very quickly,

It disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Wow!" Seeing this, the whole school immediately burst into cheers. Many students couldn't help but shed tears for the rest of their lives. Many students even hugged him regardless of gender.

Together, we can vent our inner joy.

"Great, this monster is finally going to die." "Those three people are so powerful, I must get to know them..." "Anyway, these three people saved our lives... We must

Go and say thank you..."

In fact, I came up with this method not only to kill the Thousand-faced Ghost, but also as a test. I wanted to test whether this red thread would also be effective against ghosts.

Because I saw that these ghost teachers had never left this school since they appeared. To be precise, they had never left the red line surrounding the school. Even their residences were in the teaching building, so I

I just thought, would this red thread also have an effect on ghost masters? Because I can't get out, I stay here.

Of course, these ghost masters should stay here because this is their duty. However, this does not rule out the possibility that the red line can also work on ghosts. Therefore, I decided to use the Thousand-faced Ghost as an experiment. If

If it works, then everyone will be happy. It can kill him and verify whether my idea is correct. If it doesn't work, it's not a loss, at least it proves that my idea is wrong.

However, the results before us tell us that this red line can not only kill people, but also kill ghosts!

Seeing this, I couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. The head was gone, so it couldn't be alive, right? However, just when I was about to relax, my face suddenly stiffened.

Because, the lower body of the Thousand Faced Ghost, which had been motionless, began to squirm again. There were still many grimaces on his lower body. At this time, their faces were pale and distorted, and they were obviously severely injured, and they were already

His malicious eyes became even more malicious after seeing me.

Upon seeing this, the school, which was already in a state of excitement, became silent once again. Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with horror on their faces. We didn't expect that this ghost could still be tenacious even though its upper body was gone.


In almost a few breaths, the Thousand-Faced Ghost stood up. At this time, his lower body was still squirming. Soon, the lower body of the Thousand-Faced Ghost grew a torso, limbs, and... a head. This head

The owner was originally one of the Thousand Faced Ghosts.

This half of the Thousand-Faced Ghost, under our shocked eyes, quickly turned into a small Thousand-Faced Ghost. Judging from its size, it was only less than five meters tall, and its size was half that of the original Thousand-Faced Ghost.

Although it was only five meters, it was still not small. Therefore, when the students saw him, their faces that had just regained some calmness once again showed signs of panic and panic, and soon the school became chaotic again.

"Roar!" The small thousand-faced ghost roared, and then rushed towards the crowd. After grabbing a handful of students, he swallowed them in one gulp.

Just when I was wondering why this monster was not targeting me, I felt the ghost energy fluctuations on the small Thousand-faced Ghost, which seemed to be moving a little, and its size also seemed to have slightly expanded. Only then did I suddenly realize that it was not this monster.

Will one's own strength increase after swallowing the owner of ghost energy?

I also wondered why this beast didn't use a convenient weapon like a giant hammer. At first, I thought it was because he couldn't carry it because he had become smaller. But now it seems that he doesn't use weapons because he can eat people more easily.

"Help, someone come and stop him..." "Those three people from before, please save me..." "Dad, Mom, come and save me..."

The students near the small Thousand-Faced Ghost made desperate and sad sounds.

Seeing this, Ye Yuyou and Xuxue and I looked at each other, and then immediately chased after him, using all the ghost energy balls in our hands to attack the small Thousand-faced Ghost. The small Thousand-faced Ghost was beaten at that time.

The skin and flesh were torn apart, and he screamed repeatedly.

This small Thousand-faced Ghost can increase its strength by devouring the owner of ghost energy. If it continues at this speed, it won't be long before this beast returns to its original strength. And if that happens, then

Our situation will undoubtedly get worse.

Although this thousand-faced ghost has a low IQ, at least he has the instinct of a creature. If he stumbles once on the red line, it will be difficult for him to stumble a second time. Therefore, if you want to kill him, you have to do it as early as possible.

Now, the strength of the small Thousand-faced Ghost has obviously dropped significantly. It shouldn't be a problem for the three of us to join forces and kill him. It's just a matter of time.

After seeing that we were attacking the small Thousand-Faced Ghost, and seemed to have a slight upper hand, the students who were running around stopped one after another. After their eyes flickered for a moment, many people rushed forward and joined in the attack on the small Thousand Faced Ghost.

Among the ranks of ghosts with a thousand faces.

The Thousand-Faced Ghost had just killed many of their classmates and friends. This hatred turned into motivation, and they all attacked the small Thousand-Faced Ghost.

This small Thousand-faced Ghost was never an opponent of the three of us, and now that there are so many people added to it, it is obviously even more impossible to deal with us. Therefore, the Small Thousand-Faced Ghost has been beaten to the point of dying, and even

A lot of the black ghost energy on his body has been dispersed, so it shouldn't take long to kill him.

"How could this happen?" the black-clothed ghost master yelled angrily: "Who can tell me how could this happen? Why did something that was once foolproof suddenly take a turn? Where did these two girls come from? What happened to them?

How could she be so strong, especially the girl with the snow-white ghostly aura? She was much stronger than the kid before..."

Now the black-clothed ghost master feels like a beaten dog. Originally, the purpose of their small actions was to kill me, but now not only could they not kill me, but they were crippled by two girls who suddenly appeared.

Okay, how can this not make the black-clothed ghost master confused?

"It's chaos... it's all chaos. If this continues, not only will the goal of killing that kid not be achieved, but even the goal of killing nine out of ten students will be difficult to achieve... You must know the homework we left.

There is a limit to the number of times..." A female ghost master said with an irritated look. This female ghost master is second only to the black-clothed ghost master in strength.

"What the hell happened this year? Why are there so many perverted students... These are just students taught by an early-level one-star ghost master..." The young man in black covered his head and said in pain.

"Being anxious is not the answer now. Calm down. Looking at the current situation, this ghost will be killed soon. What do you think we should do?" A ghost master asked.

At this time, the black-clothed ghost master gradually regained his composure. He pondered for a moment, and then said: "Let's take action to restore the ghost's strength to its peak. At this time, no one can think of staying away. I think everyone should

Don't you want to let this kid stay? Besides, now there are two more girls with abnormal strength, let's take action together..." At this point, the black-clothed ghost master added another sentence, saying: "Don't worry, this is

Even if the superiors find out about our small actions, they won't punish us..."

Hearing this, many ghost masters nodded, then no longer hesitated, and took action together. Suddenly, a huge black light group appeared above the heads of the ghost masters.

This chapter has been completed!
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