Chapter 438 Confrontation Mission

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Feeling the hot gazes around him, Peng Yu's face turned blue and white for a while. He looked at us who were laughing and joking, his eyes full of resentment.

But so what? I just like the feeling that others hate me but can do nothing about me.

The classroom gradually became quiet, and when it was almost one o'clock, our mobile phone notifications suddenly rang continuously.

The sudden change took us by surprise. It wasn't even one o'clock yet. What happened?

I quickly looked at my phone and found that a large number of strangers suddenly poured into the class group we were in. At a glance, there were more than forty people. In almost a few breaths, we were shocked to see the new arrivals. On the business cards of the group of people, the remarks were quickly changed, and in front of the remarks on their names, there was a common symbol.

Class four!

These newcomers are actually students from Class 4.

Immediately afterwards, we were shocked to see that at the top of the row of Class 4 students, there was a particularly conspicuous group name card marked in blood-red font.

Class 4, Cui Mingzhe.

Cui Mingzhe is actually here! What on earth is going on?!

Before we could recover from the previous incident, our mobile phone notifications rang again at the same time, because it happened to be one o'clock and Sun Yu announced a new task in the group.

However, today's mission made us stunned, because this mission was completely different from the previous missions. It was a brand new mission.

----Confrontational mission: This mission is jointly participated by teams three and four.

----Students in each class elect the most annoying person from the other class through voting. The person with the highest number of votes will be executed. Class 3 can only vote for students from Class 4, and Class 4 can only vote for students from Class 3. The time limit is ten minutes, and those who fail to vote on time will be treated as unfinished tasks and will be eliminated.

The voting method for this task is a real-name election. Both classes need to send out the name you want to vote in this group.

When I saw the content of this task, my pupils suddenly shrank. To be honest, I didn't expect that our class's task would actually have to be completed together with Class 4.

In fact, this task is very simple. It requires students from both classes to vote to kill a student from the opposite class. They cannot abstain from voting, and all students must participate. In other words, killing the students from the opposite class is a collective action of the students in this class. Given the choice, everyone is an executioner.

Moreover, this mission also emphasized that voting must be done by real-name voting, and everyone must indicate who they want to vote for in the group, which can easily deepen mutual hatred.

I have a feeling that the reason for issuing such a task is to cause hatred between our two classes. This kind of hatred is unavoidable and difficult to resolve. Otherwise, why would there be a need to add a real-name system later? Obviously as long as we speak out, we will You can vote, but in my opinion, doing so will deepen mutual hatred.

My original plan was to work together with the students in Class 4. After all, I have a friend Jiang Chen in Class 4. If nothing else, we can at least improve our survival rate by exchanging information with each other. , because sometimes, information is the most powerful weapon.

But now it seems that this idea is basically aborted, because if such confrontation missions are repeated several times, then our classes will be said to be incompatible, and it will be difficult for us to cooperate with each other because we hate each other.

Even if we know in our hearts that uniting is the best way, hatred is something that cannot be controlled by reason.

Sun Yu and Cui Mingzhe really made a good calculation. They didn't give us any chance at all and directly sent a confrontation mission to restrain us in this way.

However, no matter how reluctant I am, we cannot escape this task. We must vote to death a classmate from the other class, otherwise we will be punished by death according to the abstention count.

The students in the class looked at each other and were at a loss, because the candidates to vote for were students from Class 4. Almost all of them were strangers to each other, and they did not know who to vote for.

The class was silent for half a minute, and finally Xiao Mingyan sighed and said: "Since we don't know who to vote for, let's randomly choose one to vote for. By the way, I remember there is a roll call device on the computer on the podium, right? Let's use that one.

Well, just vote on whatever number you stop at."

The roll call device that Xiao Mingyan is talking about is a small software that was used to roll call in class. This roll call device has the names and student numbers of all our class members. After clicking start, the software will start to rotate rapidly. After clicking end,

, whichever name finally stops will win the prize.

Because I missed the class, the software became useless for a while. I didn't expect that when I used it again, it would be to kill someone.

Xiao Mingyan quickly turned on the computer, opened the software, and clicked start.

The names started to appear. After a while, Xiao Mingyan clicked to stop, and finally the name stopped at No. 6, Su Mengmeng.

Of course we are not voting for Su Mengmeng, we are just voting for the student No. 6 from Class 4. We found the student No. 6 from Class 4 in the task group.

This person's name is Cao Yang. I don't know him. Since the roll call has selected him, it means we are going to kill him.

"Then vote for Cao Yang." Xiao Mingyan was silent for a moment and said slowly.

Hearing this, the students all nodded and had no objections. They had no control over who died in the other class, they could just vote for whoever they wanted.

What they were most worried about was who Class Four would vote for. This was what they were most worried about. For a moment, everyone had a look of panic on their faces.

As for who in our class will be voted to death, I'm actually not worried. The votes will definitely not be cast on myself and the people around me, because with Jiang Chen in Class 4, he will definitely prevent this from happening.


In the same way, if we had the misfortune to shoot Jiang Chen just now, I would also try our best to stop it.

However, there are number 30 people in the class, and I was chosen. I guess I won’t be so unlucky, right?

No, no, definitely not, I thought to myself.

Class 4.

"Ye Yan?" Cui Hao, the deputy squad leader of Class 4, randomly selected a piece of paper from a lottery box and saw two words written on it, Ye Yan. Cui Hao raised his eyebrows and said, "This is not yesterday.

The person who answers my questions?"

"Does that mean you want to vote for him?" someone from Class 4 said.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly, and he immediately stood up and said, "Wait a minute!"

Hearing this, all the students in Class 4 looked at Jiang Chen. Even though Jiang Chen had only been here a few days ago, he already had a strong say in Class 4. Therefore, when he spoke, everyone was willing to listen to him.

"I think everyone should have an impression of who Ye Yan is. He was the one who answered our questions yesterday. He has helped us so much, and it is really inappropriate to vote for him." Jiang Chen said seriously: "Let's do it all over again.


I did help the students in Class 4 yesterday, and they had a pretty good impression of me. They didn't want to kill me in the first confrontation mission. Therefore, as soon as Jiang Chen said this, most people had no objection.

In fact, the students in Class 4 are the same as our classmates. They don't care much about who they vote for, but they care about whether they will be voted for.

"Then let's do it again." Cui Hao threw away the note with my name on it and took out another note from the lottery box.

"Shi Song..." Cui Hao said slowly.

"Then let him." Seeing that he didn't hear the familiar name, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said, he was still thinking about how to find an excuse to replace him if he voted for Lin Wei, Zhang Xinyu or Anyang, but now it seems that he can't.

It's necessary, he doesn't know this Shi Song.

"Okay, there's not much time left, let's go to Shi Song." Cui Hao nodded and said.

At this time, I didn't know that I had just passed death. I was silently mourning in my heart: "That brother named Cao Yang, I'm so sorry... I hope you will be rich and live a long life."


After the moment of silence, I entered Cao Yang into the task group, and then a series of Cao Yang's names appeared in the group. At the same time, a large number of Shi Song's messages were posted in the fourth class on the opposite side.

This chapter has been completed!
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