Chapter 504 Closing

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"I'm very happy that no students were late this time. They all came to the class on time. The teacher is very pleased." Sun Yu said with a smile, but his tone was still very cold and gloomy.

All the students present are high school students, and they are not stupid. After witnessing the tragic death of so many classmates, if they do not listen to advice, they are really looking for death.

"Next, each competition event will be released in the task group instead of on the large screens on both sides. The large screens on both sides will be used to broadcast the competition scenes in real time for the convenience of students."

After Sun Yu finished speaking, Cui Lin, who had empty eyes, slowly walked up to the podium. This time she was dressed quite formally, wearing a formal suit. Then, her cold and mechanical voice slowly sounded: "Afternoon

For the competition, the participating members are mixed from three grades. Now, please pay attention to the task group in the credit app. The first competition item in the afternoon will be released soon."

So we all looked at our respective mobile phones, and just in time, a message about the mission of "Aite" appeared on the screen.

"Men's mixed competition (100-meter level): Four boys from each grade are randomly selected to participate in the competition. The top eight students in the final competition will survive, and the bottom four will be punished. The top three students will be awarded three hundred, two hundred,

One hundred credits.

"The randomly selected list is as follows."

"Contestants from the first year of high school, Jia Yu from Class 4, Zhou Xiaodong from Class 8..."

"High school sophomore participants..."

"Senior year of high school..."

The students who saw their names appearing in the group suddenly turned pale, while the students who didn't see their names breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of relief on their faces.

Even though there are only twelve participants in each competition, which is less than one percent of the surviving students in the school, the probability is still very high for everyone, because when it comes to death, perhaps any non-zero probability can be said.

It's a high probability.

However, there is not just one competition. There are twenty-four racing competitions in the morning. Counting the high jump, long jump, and tug of war for men and women, there are a total of six competitions. In addition to tug of war, there are thirty competitions in the morning.

If the probability that it is your turn in a game is close to 1%, then the probability that it will be your turn once in thirty games is close to 30%. This probability is not small, not to mention there is a game in the afternoon.

Therefore, I think there is no point in being anxious. What is supposed to come will always come.

We were pretty lucky. In this round of competition, there were four classes of first-year students, except our class. Twelve students stood on the track clearly separated. The first-year students stood together, the second-year students stood together, and the third-year students stood together.

of the same standing together.

At this time, you can see the physical difference between the two sides. The senior high school student is obviously taller and stronger than the senior high school student as a whole. Of course, there is an example. One of the senior high school students is very tall, and it is obvious that he can run well.

student, and there was also a short, fat boy in the senior year of high school.

Although at first glance, the gap between the senior high school students and the senior high school students is not very big, but if this gap is magnified hundreds of times and magnified to two grades, it will be a huge gap. It is foreseeable in the future that the high school students will definitely have to compete with the senior high school students.

He suffered a lot in the confrontational physical tasks.

The competition started, and the twelve contestants, regardless of height or weight, were all trying their best to compete for the title in front of them in their own way. In fact, there were almost no attackers in the 100-meter sprint race, because it only took ten seconds to complete the race.

In a few seconds, the attacker would hardly have time to kill four students.

Moreover, because they have learned a lot from the past, today's students are extra careful about players with weapons around them, so it is more difficult for attackers to hurt other people.

The 100-meter race was completely over in just twenty seconds. The last four were punished. The dead in this race were two high school students and two high school students. The top three were all high school sophomores.


It can be seen that among this group of contestants, the sophomore students are stronger.

The four students who died were beheaded and died. At the moment of their death, blood spurted out like a fountain. Even those in the audience were shocked by this scene.

What is even more shocking is that the huge big screens on both sides started to zoom in and play the tragic death scenes of these four people. The pictures were extremely clear, as if these four people died right in front of us. Not only that, it actually played it repeatedly.

Moreover, it was played in slow motion, and many students immediately started retching in disgust.

It can only be said that these ghost masters are really perverted. It is not enough to play the death scenes in real time. They also play them in a loop and in slow motion.

Next is the women's 100-meter mixed race. The physical difference between girls is not as big as that of boys, but there is definitely a difference. In this race, the dead were two high school students, a high school sophomore, and a high school senior. The top three

The names are evenly distributed, one for each grade.

Next, there is the men's 200-meter mixed race, the women's 200-meter mixed race, the men's 400-meter mixed race, the women's 400-meter mixed race... The afternoon competition is very similar to the morning, the only difference is that

From a fight within the grade, it turned into a fight throughout the school.

In these racing competitions, the longer the course and the longest time, the more attackers there will be, and the more intense the fight will be. Because the attackers have more time to attack people, the competition will become more intense as it goes on.

The previous racing competitions were okay, the most intense ones were the 800-meter and 1,500-meter races, because these two races not only took a long time and consumed a lot of energy, but also ran not just one lap, but also the next lap.

We still have to go back. Therefore, there were a lot of attackers in these two games. Many students were not punished to death because they lost the game, but were killed by their classmates and alumni.

Compared with the racing competition, the high jump, long jump and shot put competition are relatively calm. Like the mixed racing competition, these three events are also mixed and competed by three grades.

We can't tell much about the physical differences between grades in a single game, because there will always be some special circumstances. For example, in a certain round of competition, the contestants from the first grade are particularly strong, or in a certain round, the contestants from the second grade are particularly strong.

The players are extremely strong.

But if we look at all the competitions, we will clearly see that the first grade still suffered a lot. The number of deaths was the highest among the three grades, and the number of winners was the least among the three grades.

Since the afternoon game was a mixed game, there were fewer events, one-third of the morning game. There were only fourteen games, and at least four people died in each game. Some games even had higher casualties, such as the men's game.

At 1,500 meters, due to a large number of attackers fighting each other, the death toll exceeded the range of four people.

I calculated that a total of sixty-two people died in one afternoon, which was much higher than in the morning. In the morning, just the tug-of-war alone killed an entire class, at least fifty people.

However, I think the reason why there were so many casualties in the morning was that the ghost masters were particularly ruthless as they threatened the whole school. By the afternoon, the effect of the threats was almost gone, which made the difficulty less severe.

After the last competition, Cui Lin said on the podium: "Congratulations to the students for completing all the competitions. The sports meeting is over. Next, please watch the video, a collection of highlights of the sports meeting. During this period, everyone

Students should not leave the auditorium, otherwise, they will be punished."

It was hard work for Cui Lin. She stood on the rostrum for a whole afternoon, but she didn't seem to feel tired at all and kept presiding over the game on the rostrum.

After Cui Lin finished speaking, the big screens on both sides of the auditorium began to show. The content inside was not some touching highlights of the game, but a collection of bloody clips!

The scene of each student's death moment appeared on the big screen. The death scenes played one after another made the students in the audience feel cold all over. Most of the students closed their eyes and did not dare to watch anymore, but

Although the scene on the big screen was not visible, the shrill screams rushed into the ears of many students. Because the sound was so loud, it was difficult to completely block out the sound.

Therefore, the school at this time was caught in such a scene. Two huge screens were hung on both sides of the school playground, and bloody death films were being shown on them. In the audience, most students had their eyes closed.

, blocking his ears with both hands.

But there are very few exceptions. For example, in a certain class in the second grade of high school, an ordinary-looking boy was looking at the big screen with his eyes wide open and uttering a murmur.

A murmur suppressed by the sound of the film.

"Yes, yes...this is the life I want..."

This chapter has been completed!
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