Chapter 615 Death Questions and Answers

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"You have gained one point, and your current total points are two points."

After Gao Kai died, a message came from the mobile phone that because of killing Gao Kai, the points he had were transferred to me.

After seeing this news, I looked at the place where Gao Kai disappeared and said silently in my heart: "I will let the ghost masters bury you with you. Qing Ling, I can't do anything now, but I promise, I will let all the ghost masters, including yours, be buried with you."

All low-level ghost masters, including the head teacher, must be eliminated!"

After all, I am used to seeing life and death. Gao Kai's death was just a slight fluctuation in my heart, so I left this place after making sure that Gao Kai did not leave any ghost crystals behind.

The previous car was considered useless and the whole car was sticky. I had no choice but to find another car.

"Damn, why is this car so hard to find? I found the jeep so easily just now. Am I lucky or am I unlucky this time?" As I searched for the car along the road, I kept complaining: "Speaking of which

, there are really scrapped cars on the side of the road, this is too similar to the game!"

God paid off. I searched hard along the side of the road for half an hour before I found a brand new and undamaged 'bumping car'.

The bouncy car is a special desert racing car. Although this car is not as fast as the jeep, it has strong climbing ability. If it encounters bumpy ground, this car will be more stable.

"This is it. A fast car is useless in this environment." I patted the car and sighed: "However, this bouncy car is really similar to the car in the game...


I finally got a new car, and I cherished it very much. I no longer dared to look at my phone while driving. Instead, I focused on watching the surroundings to prevent various dangers that might arise. After all, the Bengbeng car is there.

It will make a lot of noise while driving, which may attract the attention of various creatures, including ghosts.

Two hours later, I stopped near a small resource area. I had made an appointment with Anyang to meet at this resource area, but I didn't know if he had arrived first.

After getting off the car, I first observed the surrounding environment. After confirming that there was no danger nearby, I used the walkie-talkie to contact Anyang.

"how's it going?"

After I turned on the voice call, Anyang's reply quickly came from the other end: "I'm on the way, rushing to your place. I'll be there in half an hour at the latest!"

"Sure." I smiled and asked, "By the way, didn't you say you searched the church? How was it?"

During the call, I did not forget to check my surroundings in case there was any danger.

"Big harvest, hahaha, let's not talk about it now, I will show you what I got when it comes later." Anyang's laughter came over.


I also looked happy, and immediately asked: "What's the situation at the church?"

"Hey, don't mention it. Let me tell you, what I met in the church was too weird." Anyang said helplessly: "There was a godfather in the church who was also a ghost. He used to be a university professor and had a daughter.

After the college student and his first wife learned about this incident, they came to the school and caused a storm in the school. In addition, the professor did not recognize the female college student's identity, so the female college student hanged herself."

"After the professor died, that is, after the godfather died, he felt guilty about the female ghost. My task in the church was to coax the professor to come out of the shadows."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but twitch the corner of my mouth. What the hell kind of mission is this? If this bloody thing happens to me, I will never be able to coax it, and I will definitely end up with a failure.

"Then...have you coaxed him?" I asked tentatively.

"No, I was so angry that I killed him directly." Anyang said indifferently, adding at the end: "Before I went to the church, I got an evil spirit dagger in a small resource area, because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get it in the big city.

Resource area successfully cleared."

"There's nothing wrong with killing him." I nodded with deep approval.

"I estimate it will be half an hour at the latest. I'll be there in half an hour. Just wait for me." Anyang said, "No more words for now, I'm driving..."

"Okay!" I urged, "Be careful on the road."

"Oh." Anyang responded, and then the two of us ended the call.

"It's such a weird mission... It's a good thing I didn't meet it, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to pass it." I muttered in a low voice.

It's now three o'clock in the afternoon, and there are nearly nine hours left before the lap time. Although I haven't entered the safe zone yet, I still have plenty of time.

Anyway, it's all about waiting. I plan to take advantage of the time I'm waiting for Anyang's arrival to search the small resource area next to it. Maybe I can gain something.

So I immediately walked towards the small resource area not far ahead. This small resource area only had two houses, but the area was quite large.

I didn't walk in directly, but stopped outside the two houses and observed them for a while.

"There should be no one outside the house, but I don't know what's inside the house... Huh?" I just analyzed the situation in front of me in my mind, and my ears twitched slightly, because I heard something coming from the house on the left before.

There was a slight strange sound, although it was not loud, but it clearly fell into my ears.

"Is there someone?" I thought for a while, and finally moved towards the house. Since there was someone inside, I had to determine who the person was. If it was from my class, I would take him away; if he was from another class, I would take him away.

Kill him to get points.

Inside the door of this house, two girls locked the door tightly and looked outside the room nervously.

"He...he's here, what should I do?" A girl with a ponytail said nervously. She looked like she was about to cry.

"You should be fine if you lock the door..." Another calmer girl with long hair said, but judging from her appearance, it was obvious that she was not very calm either.

"Probably..." The pony-tailed girl was about to nod when she heard the glass in the room next to her suddenly shatter. The sound of the shattering glass made the two of them almost jump out of their skin in fright, but the instincts created by their experience during this period still made them

The two of them clenched the daggers in their hands and looked nervously at the door of the room where the sound came from. Soon, a boy walked out.

To be honest, I was already prepared for a fight, but I didn’t expect that the two foreign students I met were two girls, and they were such cowardly girls. I could clearly see the hand of one girl holding a knife.

They are all trembling.

"You are from Liu Chang's class..." I recognized the other party's identity from the school uniform, and immediately asked aloud.

"You, you, you... don't come here!" The girl with the ponytail pointed at me with the tip of the knife and said nervously. The other girl with long hair did the same thing, but neither of them dared to take a step forward.

It's not unreasonable for the two of them to be so nervous. After the last mission, Liu Chang and I were basically mortal enemies. If Liu Chang and I don't deal with each other, can we let these two girls in his class go?

And the fact that I can fight is known to the whole school, including this girl. Therefore, when the two of them saw me, they immediately became nervous.

I guess the two of them knew I was coming when I drove over. After all, the car was noisy and the parking place was not far from here.

Should I kill them two? I hesitated for a while, and found that I really couldn't kill two girls who had not actively attacked and were not very dangerous.

In fact, I also think that people are quite strange. When killing large numbers of people, the dead people are just a bunch of data in front of him, and he kills them without even frowning. But when he meets a very few people, he feels like

But suddenly I couldn't bear it.

After hesitating for a while, I sighed and said: "Forget it, I won't kill you, so don't ask for trouble. I'm leaving, so don't follow me."

If you want to get points in this mission, you don't have to kill people. You can also steal them from ghosts. Moreover, if you want to kill people, you can wait until the finals. By then, it will probably be a war between classes again. Then

Then I can stop thinking so much and just kill as I should.

So I let the two of them go, and then, with their shocked and nervous eyes on them, I left here, started the car and left.

I changed to a resource area, and after searching, I found that there was no one here this time, so I informed Anyang that I had changed the meeting place.

About twenty minutes later, I heard the sound of a car and followed the sound. Soon a jeep appeared in my field of vision, and the owner sitting in the jeep was none other than the dusty Anyang.

This chapter has been completed!
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