Chapter 646: Destroy Liu Hongrui

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After killing these three ghosts with extraordinary strength, this area was taken advantage of.

The five people in the second class held ghost air pistols in their hands and looked at us nervously, even a little horrified. They knew that we were far superior to them in terms of numbers and equipment, and if we really wanted to fight, they would definitely lose.

It can be said that their lives are in our hands.

"Don't be so nervous yet." A smile appeared on my face and I said gently: "We don't mean any harm. You have also seen that not only did we not take action against you, we also helped you deal with the big trouble."

After hearing this, the five people's expressions softened slightly, and the leading boy said suspiciously: "Why do you want to help us? Is there some intention?"

I felt that these people wouldn't believe me if I didn't explain clearly, so I nodded and said, "To be honest with you, I do have an intention to save you."

My words made the five people tense up, but what I said next made them stunned.

"I want Liu Chang to die!" I said every word with cold eyes.

As soon as I said this, not only those five people were stunned, but also many of our people looked puzzled.

Did saving the students from Class 2, Grade 2, have anything to do with Liu Chang's death? Most of the people present thought this way.

"Uh..." the leading boy also asked, "Does this have anything to do with you saving us?"

"Of course." I nodded and said, "If you don't believe me, take a look at the points ranking list that was just refreshed."

The rankings in the points ranking list that were refreshed just now have not changed, but almost all the points have increased. The details are as follows.

First place, Grade 1, Grade 1, 240 points.

Second place, Grade 1 and Grade 2, scored 216 points.

Third place, Grade 3 and Grade 4, 210 points.

Fourth place, Class 3, Grade 3, 197 points.

Fifth place, Class 3, Grade 2, 191 points.

Sixth place, Class 1, Grade 3, 172 points.

Seventh place, Class 1, Grade 2, 146 points.

Eighth place, Class 2, Grade 2, 138 points.

Ninth place, Class 4, Grade 2, 128 points.

(At this time, an obscene voice came from the horizon: "As soon as the ranking list is refreshed, I can say more than a hundred words. It's really convenient. I won't get scolded...")

Ahem, let’s get back to the topic.

After listening to my words, everyone looked at the mobile phone screen. Some people asked: "What happened to the ranking list?"

"You see, Liu Chang's class is now third from the bottom. He is more than 20 points behind the previous one. With such a big gap, it is difficult for him to catch up, because now he can hardly find any lone sheep in this circle."

I pointed at the screen and said.

Now this safe zone is a circle with a radius of eight kilometers. In such a large place, students who can join the class have already gathered. Except for students without walkie-talkies, there is basically no one left alone.

However, how could a student who couldn't even afford a walkie-talkie be considered a fat sheep? Even if Liu Chang swallowed it, he wouldn't be able to gain much points. So if he wanted to catch up with the class in front of him, it would be difficult for him not to take some big action.

Seeing that many people still looked confused, I continued: "Look at the scores of Class 2, Grade 2 students. Class 2, Grade 2 students, is only eight points behind Liu Chang's class. With this gap, it is not difficult to surpass them."

At this point, many smart people have already reacted. Xiao Mingyan asked: "Could it be that you saved a few of them to help their class move their ranking ahead of Liu Chang's class, so that Liu Chang's class would be ranked lower and receive a higher ranking?"

For severe punishment?”

"Correct." I snapped my fingers, then looked at the five people, and said: "Our class has a lot of points, so it doesn't hurt to give points to your classes. We can help you surpass Liu Chang's class. This will not only help you improve by one level."

Ranking will save you from death and at the same time destroy Liu Chang's class."

"So that's it!" the five people said with joy on their faces. Everyone also looked like they suddenly realized it. However, they thought that I did this because I wanted to kill Liu Chang, a great enemy. Little did they know that I did it for

Get rid of the ghost master behind Liu Chang's class.

My current plan is to find a way to raise the rankings of Class 2 and Class 4 of the sophomore year to get them out of the bottom one and two places. This means that the other two classes will fall to the bottom one and two.

Two people are on top, and the price for being at the bottom is severe punishment.

After this mission, at least half of the students in Class 2 and Class 4 of Grade 2 in Grade 2 must have been destroyed. Therefore, the punishment for the penultimate class was wiped out, and the penalty for the penultimate class to wipe out half was given to Grade 2 and Grade 4.

These two broken classes are such a waste and should be placed in other classes.

In this way, at least the ghost master of the class whose entire class has been wiped out will be punished by being wiped out due to its involvement.

Counting the ghost masters from Class 2 and Class 4 of the second year of high school, we can eliminate at least three ghost masters in this mission. If we are lucky and the number of people in the class that was half wiped out is also below the wipeout line, then we can

Kill four ghost masters.

In short, let's do our best. Killing one more ghost master is another ghost master.

This time, the five people completely gave up their doubts about us, not because we saved them, but because they knew that we needed them.

Of course, they are still grateful and in awe of us, firstly because we just saved them, but also because we plan to help their class move up the ranking. You know, if we move their class up one place, it will

Many fewer people will die, which also means that the probability of them being randomly wiped out will be much reduced.

In order for this plan to continue, I can't let these five people die easily. If they all die, I will be miserable if I can't find other second-year high school students. So, I gave each of these five poor people a second-level student.


The five people were flattered and accepted the second-level armor with surprise on their faces. The leading boy said happily: "Thank you Ye Yan, thank you very much."

"This happiness comes too suddenly."

"It seems we have to go with Boss Ye for this mission."

The five of them were talking nonstop, with smiles in their eyes.

"Don't talk about it yet, I have a question."

I waved my hand and said solemnly: "Do you know why the ghosts you just killed are so strong?"

Hearing this, the smiles of the five people slowly faded, and the leading boy frowned and said: "I don't know, the reason why my two classmates died is because I didn't expect these three ghosts to be so strong."

"In fact, if you don't come to help us, we may not be able to eliminate them." The leading boy shrugged and said: "To be honest, I am also wondering about this matter.

"What is going on? There is no reason for this ghost to become so strong!" Zhang Xinyu said in confusion.

Everyone fell silent, frowning and thinking about this matter.

After Anyang pondered for a moment, he looked at me and said, "Yi Zi, do you still remember the scene after the bombing zone was bombed?"

"Remember, the black air filled the air, all the people inside died, and the plants inexplicably became more beautiful." I nodded and said, "Do you think it is a problem in the bombing zone?"

"To be precise, I think it's the black gas problem in the bombing zone." Anyang said slowly; "The bombing zone was definitely created to increase the difficulty of the mission, so is the role of the black gas only harmful to people? I highly doubt it.

That black energy will greatly enhance the ghost's strength."

I think what Anyang said makes sense, so I nodded and said, "It's very possible."

"Then what you mean is that the reason why those ghosts were so powerful just now was because of the black air in the bombing zone?" asked the leading boy in Class 2, Grade 2.

"This is a possibility." Anyang said slowly: "Actually, I just thought of another possibility."

Hearing this, everyone looked at him again.

"A ghost-attracting jade?" I asked.

"Yes." Anyang nodded and said: "There are precautions for the ghost-attracting jade, which says that the ghost-attracting jade cannot be discarded at will, otherwise it will increase the power of ghosts and make our mission more difficult."

"That is to say, it is very likely that for some reason, the ghost-attracting jade was discarded, causing a small number of lucky ghosts to increase their power, right?" Zhang Xinyu said.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Sorry to interrupt." The leading boy interrupted awkwardly: "Can you first tell us what a ghost-attracting jade is?"

He asked all the questions, but we couldn't help but answer, so we told the five of them about the origin and function of the ghost-attracting jade.

These five people had obviously never seen or heard of the airdrop in this mission. Each of their faces was full of shock. The leading boy said with a look of astonishment: "Damn it, you have even seen the airdrop."

Ah? Moreover, there is actually an airdrop!!!”

"Yes, although I also want to complain about this mission, airdrops do exist." I said helplessly.

"All right..."

"Let's get back to the topic." Wang Huan said: "Whether it's the bombing zone or the ghost-attracting jade, there shouldn't be many ghosts affected by it, right?"

"It should be, otherwise there is no way to explain that we have not encountered such a strong ghost along the way." I nodded, then looked at everyone, and said: "Anyway, no matter whether our guess is right or wrong, no matter whether these strong ghosts

What is the reason for the emergence of ghosts? When we encounter ghosts next time, we must be very alert to deal with them. We can even shoot when necessary..."

After I asked a few words, I realized that the circle time was almost up, and there were only five minutes left, so I said to the five people in Class 2, Grade 2, "It's almost time to circle. You can just follow us. We won't

You will be at the bottom of the class."

"Thank you, Brother Ye." The five people thanked them respectfully.

Five minutes later, the fifth circle refresh time returned to zero, which meant that the fifth refresh of the safe zone was about to begin.

This chapter has been completed!
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