Chapter 674 The storm at the train station

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As the center of Yangcheng Province, the provincial capital is naturally much more prosperous than Yangcheng, and the iconic architectural attractions are far better than Yangcheng. I have been to the provincial capital before because of its reputation, but at that time we were visiting the provincial capital.


At that time, I came with a playful mentality. It was one feeling at that time, but it is another feeling now.

As soon as I got off the high-speed train, I could vaguely feel a strong sense of oppression coming from many places in the city. This was something I had never felt in Yangcheng.

Except for Su Liuliu and his gang, the strongest people in Yangcheng were wiped out (not counting Qing Ling who came from the provincial capital). Unlike here in the provincial capital, there is a sense of oppression everywhere. You can imagine how many strong people there are in the provincial capital.


"The provincial capital is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon." I sighed.

"Of course, it is the center of a province, and the quantity and quality of strong people there are far better than our remote Yangcheng." Qin Jiujiu smiled slightly and said: "However, only in a place like this can you grow rapidly.

There is motivation only when there is competition.”

We all nodded.

"Okay." Qin Jiujiu changed the subject and said, "It's already noon, you must be hungry. I know there is a very delicious restaurant near the train station. Let's go there together!"


As soon as she heard that she wanted to eat, Ye Yuyou's eyes suddenly lit up, twinkling like crystal stars. She was the one the foodie was talking about.

However, who would refuse to enjoy delicious food? As soon as Qin Jiujiu’s proposal came out, we unanimously approved it without any objection.

"It's a hot pot restaurant, very unique. I used to eat here all the time. You can see it about five hundred meters from the train station." Qin Jiujiu introduced it to us as he walked.

If we want to say who is most familiar with the provincial capital, it must be Qin Jiujiu and Jiang Chen. However, Jiang Chen is not very interested in eating and drinking, so if we want to say who is most familiar with the cuisine of the provincial capital, it must be Qin Jiujiu!

We followed the crowd out of the train station, while Qin Jiujiu led the way.

“The hand-cut fresh lamb in this store is particularly delicious, and the grape juice in this store is also very delicious..."

Qin Jiujiu kept commenting on the food in that hot pot restaurant while walking.

About two hundred meters out of the train station, we saw a bunch of people gathered around the roadside in front of us, pointing inside.

"What are you doing over there?" Ye Yuyou looked curious.

"We'll find out if we go there." Zhang Xinyu said eagerly.

With the mentality of watching the fun, a group of us gathered around. When we went around to take a look, we found that the group of people were surrounding a chess board. Two people were playing chess. Around the two people, several people in their thirties or forties gathered around.

An uncle who is about 10 years old.

The two parties playing chess were an uncle who was about fifty years old and a young man who was about twenty years old. The young man frowned and seemed to be trapped in the current predicament.

"You should move the knight in this move. After moving the knight, if you draw the rook, won't you checkmate him?" An uncle about forty years old pointed at the chessboard and gestured back and forth.

"That's right, you win with this move." A thirty-year-old man holding a briefcase and wearing glasses echoed next to him.

Not only these two people, but also several uncles watching nearby also gave instructions to the young man on how to do it.

I was a little stunned at that time. As the saying goes, a true gentleman is silent when watching chess, but these people were not speechless. They were just helping. They wanted to poke their fingers on the chessboard. How could they do this?

In the end, this young guy did not play according to what they said, but played according to his own ideas. Unfortunately, he lost.

"Hey! You are so stubborn, I tell you how to do it but you just don't listen!"

"That's right, you lose this time, right? This is called not listening to the old man's advice, and you will suffer the consequences in front of you!"

Seeing how they were all filled with indignation and excitement, I wanted to laugh a little. What did they do to you when they played chess? Are they so excited?

The acting was a bit too fake.

In fact, after seeing this, I already had some idea in my mind that we are very likely to encounter the legendary 'chess endgame scam'.

The general operation method is to arrange a few shills who win money, and then arrange a few shills who are responsible for instigating stupid and greedy passers-by, and then cooperate with each other. In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that they do not know each other, but in fact they are all in the same group.


They are very cunning, and the endgame they set up is usually a draw, which means that they are invincible from the beginning, and as long as the challenger makes one wrong move, the whole game will be lost.

Generally, the victims of deception are young people who are not experienced in the world. I once saw in the news that a college student was defrauded of all his tuition fees in this way.

Although I had known about chess scams for a long time, this was the first time I had seen it with my own eyes, so I became interested and wanted to see how these movie kings acted.

Seeing us gathered around, the fifty-year-old stall owner raised a handful of red banknotes in his hand and said loudly: "The end game of chess, you will win as much as you bet. Is there anyone here again?"

Hearing this, before we could say anything, the man with the briefcase spoke up: "I'll give it a try!"

The uncle opened his wallet, took out six red banknotes, and said boldly: "I bet six hundred!"

"Okay!" the stall owner opposite said cheerfully.

So a duel between "masters" began. Why do I say it was a duel between masters? Because they almost don't have to think about chess, and they play chess so fast that it's dazzling, in less than ten seconds.

Zhong, this endgame ended with the victory of the uncle carrying the briefcase. At this speed, if it is not a duel between "masters", then what can be called a master?

After winning the money, the uncle was naturally smiling, and I nodded with satisfaction. It was a good performance and my expression was on point.

The stall owner was also very cheerful. He counted twelve red banknotes without saying a word, and then handed the briefcase to the uncle. Then he said boldly: "You see, I am very fair here. If you can

Win and the money is all yours."

While saying this, his eyes kept glancing towards us, as if to lure us, and I almost peed with laughter. I glanced at the five people around me, and they also looked like they were suppressing laughter.

When the briefcase uncle won money, he also patted the young man who lost money on the shoulder in good faith: "Look, I won 600 yuan with just a little effort. If only you had listened to me just now, that money

Isn’t it already within reach?”

"Idiot." Zhang Xinyu couldn't hold it in any longer, so he asked the young man: "Brother, how much money did you lose?"

"Eight hundred..." said the young man.

"You have so much damn money that you have nowhere to spend it." Zhang Xinyu hugged the young man and said in a tone of experience: "Brother, you can't gamble. Since you lost money, let's stop here.

Okay, don’t continue.”

Zhang Xinyu obviously couldn't bear to let this young man continue to lose money, so he tried to persuade him.

As soon as Zhang Xinyu opened his mouth, the expressions of the uncles all changed. One oily-faced uncle was anxious. I thought he might have forgotten to wash his face. He stared at Zhang Xinyu and said, "Hey, what's wrong with you? If you

Can you walk without playing?" As he said that, he stretched out his hand to push Zhang Xinyu. It seemed that he was very anxious.

I was a little surprised that he was the first one to be anxious. When the young man lost money just now, the greasy-faced uncle was still comforting him. I originally thought he was a good person, but I didn't expect that he was also a shill.

"Why are you pushing me? You have oily hands." Zhang Xinyu's bad temper can make people push him? He slapped the oily-faced uncle's hand away, glared at him, and said: "This road is your property.

Son? You just left when you asked me to leave. Who do you think you are?"

The oily-faced uncle looked a little unhappy, but he also saw that Zhang Xinyu was not someone to be trifled with, so he said in a gloomy tone: "Then just stop talking and just watch quietly. Don't you know that a true gentleman is watching the chess without saying a word?"

I suddenly felt funny. This time the greasy-faced uncle stopped talking about watching chess. When he was giving pointers before, he was the one who called me "huan".

"No, uncle, this is not about gambling." I took out a pack of tissues from my trouser pocket, handed it to the oily uncle, and said, "Would you like to wipe your face?"

The uncle looked at me coldly and didn't answer. Of course, I had no intention of giving it to him at all. I just wanted to tease this damn liar. I put away the tissue and said with a smile.

"I'm telling you, oily uncle, there are police officers all around this train station. I even passed by a police station just now. Why do you think you dare to lie to people under the eyes of the police officers?"

"Aren't you afraid of being caught?"

If the faces of this group of people just now were just a little gloomy, then as soon as I said these words, their faces became ugly. The oily-faced uncle pointed at me and said, "You...what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, don't you know what I said?" I clapped his hand and sneered.

"You kid..." The stall owner was about to say something when Ye Yuyou clapped his hands and said in surprise: "Ah, I see, it turns out you are all shills. I said this guy just now

Why is Mr. Briefcase so awesome?"

At this time, all the uncles' faces looked as ugly as if they had eaten shit.

"Yes, Yuyou, even though they have challengers, bystanders, and champions, in fact, they are all scum wearing a pair of pants." Lin Wei smiled. Although there was a smile on her face, her words were not enough.

There was no mercy at all.,

"I understand." Ye Yuyou nodded.

"Don't talk about them like that. In fact, they have one skill, and that is acting. Thank you for bringing some joy to our boring journey... Oops, I'm laughing so hard..." Qin Jiujiu laughed.

My stomach hurts: "You act so fake, but you still have the nerve to lie to people."

Even Jiang Chen said with a smile on his face: "The scam is as old-fashioned as ever, with nothing new, and the acting is embarrassing. I advise you not to embarrass yourself in the future..."

We completely ignored the many uncles with ugly faces and kept talking to themselves. Every time we said something, their faces became more ugly. Finally, the stall owner couldn't help it anymore. He stood up and said in a cold voice: "A few young men

You little bastard, you dare to interfere in our affairs even though your fur is not fully grown?

"Fuck you, a liar dares to make such random calls! Is it reasonable to come out to swindle money?"

Zhang Xinyu immediately became angry. He lifted up the chessboard and threw it directly into the face of the stall owner. The chessboard was made of wood. Zhang Xinyu was not gentle at all. He immediately hit the stall owner's face with blood.

"I'll fuck your mother!" The stall owner touched his face and roared: "Fuck me and fuck this little brat to death!"

The battle was about to break out. The stall owner, the briefcase uncle, the greasy-faced uncle, an uncle with a Chinese character and a flat-faced uncle all punched us directly.

It is worth mentioning that after struggling for a while, the young man actually punched him.


It turns out that he is also a shill.

Isn't it easy for us to deal with these six people? We put them to the ground in three strokes, five divided by two, and for a while they only had the strength to lie on the ground and groan.

"You kid, you are really a white-eyed wolf. Think about it with your conscience, regardless of your position as a shill, should I help you again? Tell me if our intentions are good, but you still dare to hit us

, I’m really ungrateful..." Zhang Xinyu squatted in front of the young man, ignoring the young man who begged for mercy, and kept slapping him while muttering.

"Hey, the world is declining, and in broad daylight, all the dignified provincial capitals are fucking liars." I said helplessly.

"There is a mixed crowd near the train station, and there are all kinds of people." Qin Jiujiu said.

"Stop beating us up and let's go have dinner, okay..." Ye Yuyou whispered from the side.

"Okay, let's go eat." I nodded and said, "Okay Xinyu, don't hit that white-eyed wolf, you have to teach him a lesson."

"Yes." Hearing this, Zhang Xinyu responded, then slapped the young man's face twice, which had been beaten into a pig's head, and said: "If I see you lying again, I will beat you up."

"I don't dare to lie to people anymore, thank you, brother, thank you, brother..." the young man said repeatedly, his voice changed a little because his face was swollen.

"Remember me, I won't let you go. Just wait to die. I know Brother Long, and Brother Long will definitely make you pay the price. Just wait for me!" We had just walked a few steps, and then we heard

The stall owner cursed loudly from behind.

We stopped immediately.

Before we could take any action, Jiang Chen waved his hand and said to us, "I'll take care of it." After saying that, he walked towards the stall owner who was lying on the ground.

Seeing Jiang Chen walking towards him, the stall owner panicked a little. He glared and said, "I know Brother Long. If you dare to attack me again, you will be dead."

"Who are you referring to, Brother Long?" Jiang Chen grabbed the stall owner's collar and asked coldly.

"Brother Long's name is Xu Yilong. Hey, if you know better, let me go, then kneel down, apologize and kowtow twice. Then I might be merciful and spare you." The stall owner said proudly.

He thought Jiang Chen was giving in when he came over to ask him Brother Long's name.

"I don't know." Jiang Chen didn't appreciate it at all. He stepped on the belly of the stall owner and said indifferently: "Don't you want to take revenge on us? If you have the guts, just ask your Brother Long to come over. I'll wait.


After saying that, Jiang Chen kicked him away mercilessly, then turned around and walked back.

This time, the stall owner stopped talking. He didn't have the strength to speak anymore. Jiang Chen's kick just now was very hard on him.

"Brother Chen, you are so cool!" Ye Yuyou said with stars in his eyes.

"After all, I'm a member of the Spiritual Adjustment Bureau, and I can't let such deceptive scum run unchecked." Jiang Chen said with some embarrassment.

"Okay, let's go, more and more people are gathering..." Lin Wei said softly.

So our group quickly left the place under the attention of many passers-by.

This chapter has been completed!
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