Chapter 686 Competition Field

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Tianbang, as the most valuable list in Lingtiao Bureau, has attracted great attention from many members. After Xu Yan sent out the challenge letter with great fanfare, it immediately attracted the attention of many people. In the forum discussion area of ​​​​Guifenpai

, many posts are talking about this matter. It can be said that this competition has already become quite popular even before it starts. Many people even say that they will come to watch the competition tomorrow if they have time.

I also looked through the posts on the forum about this competition. Most of the comments above believe that Xu Yan can completely abuse me, a newcomer. The main reason is that I am too young, in terms of combat experience and against ghost energy.

His ability to use ghost energy must be far inferior to that of Xu Yan, who has been cultivating ghost energy for four years. Combat experience and application ability are also an important part of combat power, but these obviously cannot be measured by the ghost energy monument.


There are also many posts listing some of Xu Yan's past deeds. He is still capable of ranking 80th on the Heavenly Ranking. He has won many battles before, including many strong men ranked in front of him.

He won the battle with just one kick. After all, the Ghost Qi Monument measured only the intensity of ghost Qi, not the level of combat power.

Of course, there are also people who are on my side. Some people say that I can achieve this level of strength at such a young age. It is impossible that there is no strong support behind me, so I can’t guarantee that I have any big weapons. Then there are people who post comments and speculate about our situation.

This group of people are descendants of some kind of force. Some say they are descendants of a big family from other provinces. Others say they are the illegitimate children of a big shot. Some even speculate that I am the disciple of an unborn master.

I, the client, am dumbfounded here. Their imagination is too rich. Your sister is an illegitimate child, and your brother-in-law is an unborn master!

"Is Ye Zi confident of winning?" Zhang Xinyu took off the note on his face and asked: "According to the forum, Xu Yan has been practicing ghost energy for four years and has rich combat experience and proficient skills.

The ability to control ghost energy."

"Humph, you are really self-conscious..." Ye Yuyou snorted softly.

Zhang Xinyu smiled and said: "Isn't it time to stop playing? Then the punishment should also be cancelled."

I also took the opportunity to take off the note on my face and replied: "Of course, I am sure of winning. After all, I have been training in the Ghost Slayer Club for so long. Moreover, in the past six months or so, I have not experienced any battles.

Qian Ye is eight hundred years old, so in terms of combat experience, I don’t think I will lose to that Xu Yan.”

"If I really can't beat you, I'll just admit defeat. Anyway, it won't be embarrassing for me as a newbie to lose..." I said calmly.

"Yes, if you really can't beat me, don't show off." Lin Wei reminded: "You are only sixteen, and the opponent is over twenty, so there is no shame in losing."

"Don't worry, I'm not that reckless person." I nodded.

"Then you should rest early and replenish your energy and stamina for tomorrow's competition." Jiang Chen said to me.

"Okay." I nodded helplessly. Originally, I wanted to hang out with them until midnight, but with Xu Yan's letter of challenge, I had no choice but to rest early.

Although we only have four bedrooms here, each bedroom is very large and the bed is a large double bed. We have no shortage of quilts, so even if there are multiple Jiang Chens, we can sleep on them.

Since I need to get ready for tomorrow's battle, I sleep alone in one room, while Zhang Xinyu and Jiang Chen sleep in another room.

In the second half of the night, I woke up once, not because I was full from sleep, but mainly because I wanted to see if my ranking rewards had been settled. Ranking rewards are settled at twelve o'clock every night.

I touched it easily and touched the ghost score card placed on the bedside. After clicking it, I saw a new message on it: "The rewards for the daily ranking list on November 27th have been distributed to your personal account.

, a total of two hundred ghost points, please check carefully."

Here I would like to briefly explain the ranking reward rules of the Spiritual Tuning Bureau Heavenly Ranking. Starting from the daily reward of ten ghost points for the 100th place, every time the ranking rises by one, the reward will also increase by ten ghost points. This rule will continue

This continues until the eleventh place, at which time the daily reward for the eleventh place is 900 ghost points.

The tenth place is a watershed. Starting from the top ten, the daily reward will be increased by one hundred ghost points for every one higher in the ranking. In other words, the tenth place will be rewarded with a thousand ghost points per day, and the fourth place will be rewarded with one ghost point per day.

One thousand six hundred ghost points.

The third place is another watershed. The third place will be rewarded with 2,000 ghost points every day, the second place will be rewarded with 3,000 ghost points every day, and the first place at the top will be rewarded with a daily reward of up to 5,000 ghost points!!


The higher your ranking, the more generous the rewards will be. Therefore, in the Ling Tiao Bureau, whether you are rich or not has an absolutely direct relationship with your strength.

Of course, now I can only look at the generous rewards for the top ten and get greedy. I am ranked 80th on the sky list and only have 200 ghost points every day.

However, I am very satisfied with this. Apart from the one thousand basic ghost points this month, these two hundred ghost points are the first ghost points I earned in the Spirit Adjustment Bureau. Although I don’t hide, I still feel sweet in my heart.

It's great. Moreover, when my strength improves in the future, my ghost point rewards will naturally increase, so there is nothing to envy.

After checking the reward settlement, I put the ghost card on the bedside and fell asleep quickly.

The night passed quickly, and when the sun shone on my face the next day, Zhang Xinyu woke me up.

"It's seven o'clock!" Zhang Xinyu said sourly: "Get up quickly, your little Weiwei has already made breakfast."

"Zhang Aiguo, it's as if I didn't make you a portion. If you feel sour again, don't eat it!" Lin Wei's voice came from the living room.

"Hey, hey, I'm going to eat, I'm going to eat, I know I'm wrong..." Zhang Xinyu immediately gave up. When he saw that I was awake, he said, "Go and eat quickly," and then trotted out of my bedroom.

"By the way, there will be a duel at nine o'clock..." I just woke up and I was still a little confused. It took me a few seconds to remember that I was going to duel with Xu Yan later.

After walking out of the room, everyone was already having breakfast in the living room. Zhang Xinyu looked like he was devouring breakfast as if he hadn't eaten in three days.

As soon as she saw me, Lin Wei smiled and waved to me and said, "Wake up, come and eat."

Lin Wei's cooking skills are good. She can cook everything. She is a little chef. Her cooking skills are several levels better than those of my little ancestor Ye Yuyou. I usually serve Ye Yuyou at home, but this time I can be considered lucky.


Lin Wei and I were next to each other. I didn't even watch how Lin Wei ate. I saw her frequently picking up food for me and saying as she did so: "There will be a duel in a while. Eat more. Only when you are full can you have the strength to duel."


Zhang Xinyu looked at me and Lin Wei faintly, with a look of resentment in his eyes. I didn't care. I just ate whatever I wanted. You're a single, I'm jealous of you.

Jiang Chen ate very quickly, and after eating he explained to me the rules and precautions of the competition field.

"It is prohibited to use weapons, take pills, and use deadly strikes in the competition arena. If there are any violations, the Spiritual Adjustment Bureau will severely punish you. You must remember this."

"There are not too many rules in the martial arts arena. There are no gender restrictions or age restrictions. The martial arts arena is based on strength. As long as you can win, you can fight in any way. Of course, the premise is that you must abide by the three rules I just mentioned, that is, prohibition.

Use weapons, take pills, and kill."

Jiang Chen said: "There are three rules for determining loss. First, one party directly abstains or the number of people. Second, one party is completely incapacitated for more than ten seconds. Third, the body touches outside the venue. As long as one of the above three rules is met

, it’s all considered a loss.”

"In addition, both parties competing in the competition field need to pay an admission fee of one thousand ghost points..."

"What!?" When I heard this, I was shocked and said, "The admission fee of one thousand ghost points? This is basically my entire family fortune!"

"Don't worry, the admission fee is not non-refundable, but the one thousand ghost points will be refunded to the winner." Jiang Chen said with a smile: "So, Ye Zi, you have to work hard, if you lose,

You will become a pauper..."

"You must not lose!" A thought immediately passed through my mind. If I lose, then I will really be a pauper.

"Actually, both parties can also make bets before the competition, but this requires the consent of both parties. If one party refuses, it cannot proceed." Jiang Chen said: "But you are so poor, after paying the entrance fee, you only have two hundred ghosts left.

If it’s divided, the bet will be waived..."

I was about to cry but said without tears: "I will be rich soon..."

Since everyone expressed their intention to cheer for me at the competition venue, after dinner, a group of us left the residence together and headed to the competition venue.

As soon as I went out, I realized that I had become a celebrity. Many people pointed at me and said things like dueling.

"When you get to the competition arena, you will find that you are more popular. I guess there should be a lot of idle people planning to watch your duel." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

"Sooner or later there will be a battle. If Xu Yan doesn't challenge me today, maybe Zhang Yan and Li Yan will come to trouble me tomorrow. I've been mentally prepared for this. It's better to just have a quick fight and save money.

Similar troubles keep coming to my door." I said calmly.

"We will cheer for you in the audience." Ye Yuyou waved his two small fists and cheered me up: "Be determined and fight hard, we will always be by your side to support you."

"Yeah." I said with a smile, and a warm current passed through my heart. It seems that today's duel must be won.

The competition ground is located in front of the mission hall. The distance between the two is not too far. At half past eight, we had already arrived at the competition ground.

Although Sun Zimo took us around the competition venue yesterday, it was just to familiarize us with the terrain. We didn’t know what it was like inside. Strictly speaking, this is our first time coming to the competition venue.

This competition ground is very big. I think the auditorium can seat ten thousand people, which is almost the size of a football field. Under the auditorium is a square and very wide arena, which occupies most of the competition arena. area.

"This arena is made of special materials, which can significantly suppress and defend against ghost energy. On this arena, strong men with two-star strength and below will basically not cause much damage to the arena." Jiang Chen was standing aside. explained.

We nodded. The reason why the ring was made of special materials was so that it would not be easily destroyed during the battle. After all, the ring could not be repaired just for every fight.

"The competition venue opens at eight o'clock, and it's just past eight now, so that's why the competition venue seems so empty." Jiang Chen explained.

"Haha, that's wrong. Although the competition ground is empty now, I believe it won't be empty in a while."

At this time, a sound of laughter sounded from behind us.

"After all, many people are paying close attention to this upcoming duel."

We looked back and saw that a group of people had already walked in at the entrance. At the leader of this group, a young man with an unruly face was looking at us with a smile on his face, and his narrow eyes were flashing. A touch of hostility.

Although this is our first meeting, I have seen this person's photo on the Tianbang list before, and this person is my opponent today.

Xu Yan.

This chapter has been completed!
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