Chapter 760 An unexpected call

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A group of us left the Spiritual Adjustment Bureau together with great joy.

Whether it is the Sun family or the Xu family, it can be said that the family is extremely wealthy. Riding in luxury cars, a group of us went to a delicious restaurant that Sun Wei said.

In the private room, we talked about today's victory with smiles on our faces. There was no need to drink to enhance the atmosphere. We got into the mood directly.

After we had enough food and wine, we tallied up today's harvest and distributed it according to work.

To be honest, in the process of hunting ghost beasts, I didn't contribute much, but I was still considered by everyone to be the person who contributed the most. They directly gave me 10% of the ghost crystals, a total of fifty-five yuan.

Although 10% may not seem like much, most of the fifty-five pieces are high-quality ghost crystals. So, I actually got a big deal. Calculating it based on the value of the ghost crystals, I'm afraid I could take up nearly two floors.

Because the two tiger cubs were obtained by Sun Chengqian and I, and the two tiger cubs could not be divided, the tiger cubs were not included in the reward.

After the spoils were distributed, our emotions became even higher. Everyone here is a strong person, and no one will get drunk because of a few bottles of wine. Therefore, our celebration continues.

Just as we were toasting each other, Ye Yuyou's cell phone rang, and the clear ringtone seemed to make the entire private room quiet. Seeing this, Ye Yuyou looked ashamed and said, "Sorry, I'm going out to take a call. "

"Hey, if it's okay, you can just fight here. After the fight, we will continue." Sun Wei said with a smile. The others also had smiles on their faces and didn't mind at all.

"Yes." Ye Yuyou nodded, but when she saw the incoming call on her mobile phone, her face changed slightly. She looked in my direction and blurted out: "It's from Lin Li."

"Lin Li?" Hearing this, I frowned slightly. Why was she calling at this time?

But then my expression calmed down, hey, what a big deal, it made me nervous, the ghost master of No. 7 Middle School has been killed, it is impossible that anything will happen.

"Don't think too much, Lin Li probably just called because she missed you." I said with a smile. After all, the memory pill was to eliminate the horrific memories of those days, not to bring the relationship between Lin Li and Ye Yuyou back. Several years of friendship have been completely wiped out.

"Hurry up and answer the call. Don't keep her waiting."

"Yeah." Ye Yuyou also smiled. It was just because she was too nervous. She answered the phone and just said "hello" when she heard Lin Li's frightened cry for help.

"Yuyou, come and save us, our school is haunted!!!"

Let's move the time to two days ago.

Yangcheng No. 7 Middle School.

Lin Li has always had a strange feeling in her heart these past few days. This feeling can't be explained, as if she has forgotten something, but she can't recall it anyway. This feeling makes her very uncomfortable.

She used to have excellent sleep quality, but recently she was always awakened by nightmares in the middle of the night. However, when she woke up, she could not recall the content of the dream at all, and her cheeks were covered with tears.

"What on earth is going on? Am I depressed?" Lin Li was puzzled by this. After telling her parents about her confusion several times, both of them didn't take it to heart, but smiled. Explain that it may be due to study pressure and ask her to relax.

Lin Li's parents were very open-minded. Although their grades were important, their health was not as important as their children's. They immediately gave Lin Li a large amount of pocket money to let her relax.

Is it caused by study pressure? Lin Li thinks this reason is unreliable. Although she is about to take the high school entrance examination, she has always been ambitious and her grades are pretty good. There is no need to worry at all. There is no reason for her to be depressed!

Lin Li didn't know who to talk to, so she could only confide her depression to her best friend Bai Kexin. However, to Lin Li's surprise, Bai Kexin also had the same symptoms as her.

Not only the recurring nightmares, but also the situation where he seemed to have forgotten something.

While the two of them shared the same illness, their suspicions grew deeper and deeper. If it could be said that the strange feeling they had was caused by depression, then was it a coincidence that the two of them had the same symptoms at the same time?

It's a pity that even though there is definitely something wrong with the two of them, they can't find a reasonable explanation. In the past few days, Lin Li and Bai Kexin's sleep quality has been extremely poor.

Until Lin Li felt that it might be caused by her excessive study pressure, something unexpected happened that changed her view.

Until tonight.

Yangcheng No. 7 Middle School already has evening self-study in the third grade of junior high school. The evening self-study lasts until nine o'clock. During this period, from six o'clock to six-thirty, it is the time for everyone to have dinner.

Lin Li is very popular in Class 7, whether with boys or girls. The reason for this is that she is very warm-hearted.

Tonight, a girl named Du Huan felt unwell, so she asked Lin Li to help her bring a takeaway from the snack street. Lin Li readily agreed, so she and Bai Kexin went to the snack street together.

Buy food.

After returning from buying food, Lin Li wanted to give the dinner to Du Huan, but found that she was not in the classroom. Lin Li didn't care at the time, thinking that Du Huan might have gone to the bathroom or someone was looking for her, so she put the dinner in Du Huan's class.

At the table, he returned to his seat and finished eating with Bai Kexin.

However, after the self-study bell rang that night, Lin Li finally felt that something was wrong. No matter what Du Huan said, he would not be in the classroom during the half-hour break. You must know that stealing food is not allowed during the evening self-study time. Did she not eat?


Frowning tightly, Lin Li took advantage of the chaos in the classroom when the bell just rang, and pulled Du Huan's deskmate Chen Yunce, and asked doubtfully: "Chen Yunce, where did Du Huan go?"

"Ah? Where did what go? What about Du Huan?" Hearing this, Chen Yunce was startled and said.

Lin Li thought Chen Yunche didn't hear clearly, so she slowed down her speech and spoke clearly and clearly: "I said, Du Huan, where has she gone? Didn't she eat the meal I brought her?"

This time, Chen Yunce was stunned for three seconds, and then he laughed dumbly and said: "Lin Li, what's wrong with you, Du Huan? The name is a girl, who is she?"

"Huh?" Lin Li never expected that Chen Yunche would reply like this. She was stunned for a moment, and then said with a somewhat unhappy expression: "Chen Yunche, you have always given me a good impression, why did you make such a boring joke today?

?Be serious! Where has Du Huan gone? She is sitting next to you and you don’t know?"

"No, Lin Li, I'm not joking. I really don't know what you're talking about...Who is Du Huan!! Why should I make such a boring joke? I'm free."

Chen Yunche was stunned and said innocently: "My deskmate is an empty seat, and I put the books on it. They are all my things. Because the number of members in our class is an odd number, I have never had a deskmate this semester!"

"Impossible!!" Lin Li's face changed. She stood up from her seat. Regardless of the astonished looks of other students and the teacher on the stage, she grabbed Chen Yunche's shoulders and shouted: "Du Huan has been working with us for three years.

Classmate, how could you not recognize him??"

"Hey, classmate? I really..." Chen Yunche looked blankly at Lin Li, who was a little out of control. Before he could finish speaking, the head teacher on the stage knocked on the desk and said in a stern tone: "

What are you two doing? Lin Li, it’s been self-study in the evening, why don’t you return to your seat and sit down?”

"Teacher Zhang!" Lin Li turned around and asked loudly: "Tell me, is there Du Huan in our class?"

In fact, by this time, Lin Li was already a little panicked. He knew that Chen Yunce was not the kind of person who liked to joke, and he would not continue to make boring jokes after he was already a little angry.

At this time, she had to confirm everything to the most authoritative and serious teacher in the class. This teacher Zhang was always strict and could not make such a joke.

However, when Teacher Zhang heard this, he did not blurt out what Lin Li wanted to see. Instead, he frowned and said firmly after a while: "What Du Huan? There is no such person as Du Huan in our class. Lin Li... you...

Have you been under too much pressure lately?”

"Yeah, where did Du Huan come from?"

"There is no such person in our class!"

"Lin Li, are you... okay?"

The classmates also said worriedly.

"No... Du Huan?" After hearing the answers from Teacher Zhang and her classmates, Lin Li murmured as if her strength had been taken away.

Could it be that she really suffered from some kind of mental illness and started to have hallucinations? However, Lin Li clearly remembered every bit of memory she had with Du Huan in the past three years, as well as Du Huan's voice and appearance. How could there be no such person?

Just when Lin Li was feeling a little desperate, Bai Kexin next to her said firmly.

"No, there is Du Huan in our class!"

This chapter has been completed!
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