Chapter 75 Preparation before the war{xml}nbspThe third time for Little Lucky 374205s Jade Pendant

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"You want to practice ghost energy?" Xiao Yuting raised her eyebrows and said.

"Well." Lin Wei asked, "Can you teach me?"

"Yes, yes." Xiao Yuting nodded and said, "But I'm not sure whether my method is effective, because even we ourselves don't know how our ghost energy appears, so... maybe I

The teachings are wrong.”

"It doesn't matter." Lin Wei waved her hand and said, "I will be very satisfied if you are willing to teach me. It doesn't matter even if you teach me wrong."

"Okay." Xiao Yuting seemed to be lost in memories and said: "About two months ago, at that time, there were about 700 or 800 people in our school. It was not like it is now, not even 60 people. That time

, I participated in the homework with Lin Huai and some other students..."

"At that time, both of us were ordinary people without ghost energy. The only thing that could fight against ghosts was the weapons in our hands. That time, the ghost we were looking for was not outside, but was mixed among our own people from beginning to end.

After defeating the ghost one by one, it finally showed its fangs. In order to save me... Lin Huai directly dragged the ghost from the third floor window, and then fell to the point of dying. He was still fighting with the ghost with weapons.

He was still shouting for me to run away first." Xiao Yuting said this with a bit choked up in her voice.

Speaking of this, Lin Wei clearly felt the fluctuation in Xiao Yuting's tone and the slightly red eyes.

"At that time, I only had one thought in my mind, that I must save him, I must save him... Then, a ghostly aura appeared on my body. However, because it was a life-or-death situation at the time, I could use

I released a relatively strong ghost energy and killed the ghost. Then I felt pain all over my body and fainted. After I woke up again, a day and night had passed. At that time, there was no ghost energy in my body. Later, I ate

I practiced it bit by bit after a lot of hardships." Xiao Yuting continued.

"Later, after I exchanged experiences with several other students who have ghost energy, we roughly concluded from the similarities between each other, that is, there is a strong belief, or obsession, or awareness, and in the end

Fortunately, it is at a critical moment of life and death that ghost energy may arise." Xiao Yuting said.

"Strong belief?" Lin Wei murmured.

"Well." Xiao Yuting nodded and said: "Well...for example, let's take Ye Yan, don't you like him very much, you just think... uh, I don't have any ill intentions, just imagine, you want Ye Yan to do it for

To save you, you are in a life-and-death crisis. In other words, you don’t want to drag Ye Yan back, so you want to become stronger in your heart. Also, it is best to find a way to focus on your fingertips at the beginning, as this place is more likely to produce ghost energy.

, Well... how should I put it, just squeeze all the strength into your fingertips."

"Well..." Lin Wei closed her eyes, and every detail of this period of time appeared in her mind. She thought of Ye Yan being possessed by Chen Minghao in order to save her. She thought of Ye Yan being possessed by a woman in order to save her.

The ghost pulled off the ghost bus... She was naturally very grateful for Ye Yan's meticulous care and help to her, but she didn't want to be a little girl hiding behind Ye Yan forever, but wanted to be a girl who could help Ye Yan share the burden

Stressed girl.

Xiao Yuting saw that many expressions appeared on Lin Wei's pretty face, including helplessness, despair, anger, hatred, self-blame and other emotions. Soon, sweat began to appear on Lin Wei's forehead, but she was slender and fair.

There is still no ghost energy on his fingers.

After persisting like this for an hour, Lin Wei's bangs were wet with sweat, but she still didn't use ghost energy.

"Lin Wei, don't be too hasty." Xiao Yuting advised: "Ghost energy can't be produced in a day or two. As long as you persist, I think you will be able to have ghost energy. You are too tired today, and you don't have time to do it."

It’s getting late, go to bed early and find time to practice again tomorrow!”

"Well..." Lin Wei nodded.

The night passed quickly and I slept very peacefully tonight.

Early the next morning, Lin Huai and the others started calling people constantly, asking everyone to gather in front of the hotel we visited yesterday.

As for the people they called, they were probably all the remaining survivors from their school.

After a day of chatting yesterday, I roughly understood some of the situation.

The school Lin Huai and his friends are in is Jiangcheng No. 9 Middle School, which is the ghost school we went to originally. However, in the current teaching building of their school, during a major counterattack after we left, all the ghost students and ghost teachers have been

were cleaned up. In that counterattack, more than ten people died among the already few survivors. Now it seems that there are only about sixty people left. In a school of more than 8,000 people, only six people are left.

Ten people, compared with them, we are pretty good.

They also formed an alliance, and Lin Huai was one of the leaders of the alliance. After all, ghost energy owners accounted for a quarter of his team. It was indeed a considerable force, and one of the three people who originally had ghost energy

Xiao Yuting is the only one who follows his lead, so Lin Huai has a pivotal position in this school.

During that counterattack, according to Lin Huai, they found only four small ghost crystals among the eight thousand ghost students, and eleven small ghost crystals from the remaining more than a hundred ghost teachers.

Larger ghost crystals. It is precisely because the survivors have tasted the benefits of ghost crystals that they have carried out the biggest operation since their school became a ghost school--Operation Ghost Extermination!

This time, Lin Huai and the others took me and Lin Wei to their school. In Class 1, Grade 1 (set as the base camp because the lowest floor is closest to the school gate), there were piles of countless weapons and props.


"Oh my God, Lin Huai, how did you get all these weapons and props? There are too many!" I said in amazement.

"Actually, at the beginning, the Ghost Master released homework to all classes at the same time. It was not until the number of people decreased to a certain extent that it started to randomly release homework. In the past six months, each class can have forty or fifty props or

Weapons, naturally add up to a lot." Lin Huai explained to me.

Hearing this, I nodded.

Indeed, our class only has six ghost sticks, although they are all lost... But I estimate that in half a year, the total number of weapons and props will not be much, forty or fifty.

"Huh?" I saw a familiar prop and said in surprise: "Skeleton balloon?"

This skull balloon is the skull-shaped black balloon left over from the death balloon we completed before. If I remember correctly, we had four of them, and we all put them away. I just don’t know what the purpose of this balloon is.

So I pointed to the skull balloon and asked: "Lin Huai, do you know what this skull balloon is for?"

"Skeleton balloon?" Lin Huai followed the direction of my finger and saw the skull balloon, and then said: "This skull balloon is blown with ghost energy. It is filled with ghost energy. The moment the balloon explodes, it will cause huge damage to the ghosts."


"Oh..." I nodded, and soon my eyes were attracted by another weapon.

"Isn't this a ghost gun?" I said in shock: "How to use this thing?"

This ghost gun is also the black gun left after we completed the death balloon. Since it has been run out of bullets, we can only throw it together with the skull balloon.

"Ah, you are talking about this ghost gun." Lin Huai smiled and said, "I can't explain clearly, let me demonstrate it to you."

With that said, Lin Huai picked up a ghost gun, and then a strong ghost energy surged out of his hand.

At this time, I was surprised to see that the ghost gun seemed to have suction, absorbing Lin Huai's ghost energy. After about two minutes, it stopped absorbing, and at this time, Lin Huai's head also oozed out.

Sweat less.

"This ghost gun can temporarily compress the ghost energy and absorb it into ghost energy bombs." Lin Huai wiped the sweat on his head and said with a smile: "Actually, our main weapon is still using this ghost gun. The ghost gun is controlled by us.

These people with ghostly auras filled them in advance and then distributed the ghost guns to the students who did not have ghostly auras."

"I see..." I nodded and said.

After Lin Huai introduced me to the uses of several more weapons and props, at this time, the survivors of Jiangcheng No. 9 Middle School began to walk in one after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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