Chapter 891 The door can be pushed open when the three powers are complete

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You know, the Guangdong Bureau and the Sichuan Bureau are both the favorites to win this year. Either of the two divisions alone is enough to sweep most divisions, let alone the two divisions combined.

If these two bureaus really join forces, I am afraid that the next spiritual bureau competition will become their personal show. They will sweep all the way, and no bureau will be their opponent.

Just when my heart was shaking, everyone had already started talking. They all heard what Jiang Cisheng said before leaving, so they were also shocked at this moment.

"If the Guangdong Bureau and the Sichuan Bureau join forces, they will indeed be unstoppable, but how will the final ranking be calculated? They are both favorites to win the championship? Is it possible that a certain branch is willing to give up the championship?"

"It's possible. Maybe the two branches have already privately discussed the distribution of benefits!"

"Perhaps the two bureaus just decided to clean up the other bureaus first, and then have a showdown at the last moment. That's not impossible!

Everyone was talking a lot, and what they said made some sense. I listened and just nodded, saying: "In short, it is true that the Guangdong and Sichuan bureaus have joined forces, so it is foreseeable that they will sweep the other bureaus in their next actions.


Having said this, I smiled and said: "Maybe we can add more fire, and when we see the Zhejiang Bureau or the Jiangsu Bureau, we can instigate them to join forces. By then, the competition will become more and more lively.


"Ye Yan, you have also made a mistake. What is instigation, what is advice, what is guidance..." Xie Zhen said seriously: "Comrade Ye Yan, your ideological consciousness also needs to be improved."

Hearing this, I was stunned. I didn't expect that Xie Zhen would actually use what I said before to trick me. At that moment, my face was straight, my eyes squinted at the Shi Jian Guo in his hand, and I said calmly: "Comrade Xie Zhen

, is it possible that you don’t want the fruit anymore?”

"want to!"

Xie Zhen was timid again and hugged Shi Jianguo without letting go, with a look of resentment on his face.

"If you can meet the Su Bureau or Zhejiang Bureau, even the Hunan Bureau, try to spread the news." I said slightly seriously: "Although the Guangdong and Sichuan Bureau are strong, as long as they can respond in advance, they will not be swept away.


What I fear most is that the two bureaus in Guangdong and Sichuan will dominate and sweep all the bureaus before the other bureaus can form effective resistance. In that case, we will have no chance of fighting for the top spot.

Therefore, if possible, let the other top ten players have to worry about the Guangdong and Sichuan games! We can just watch the excitement from the sidelines.

"Let's go and search the swamp to see if there are any good things that the Guangdong Bureau has not found." I said to everyone with great anticipation. Although the Guangdong Bureau had almost searched, it was in a rush after all.

What good stuff is left?

It happened that the ghost beasts and the people from the Guangdong Bureau had left, and the resource area was deserted at this time, which was a good time to search.

The Cantonese team eats meat, let’s have some soup, shall we?

Facts have proved that I was overthinking it. We turned it over and over, but nothing of value was found. This Guangdong Bureau animal was like a Japanese raider, not even a hair was left with us.


We had no choice but to leave this sad place and walk towards the Beast Forest.

What we didn't know was that it was not only us who were sad at this time, but also the Guangdong Bureau, which was more than ten kilometers away from us.

After a hard battle, the Guangdong Bureau team finally managed to beat away the giant python, although they put in a lot of effort. Just when they were about to go deep to search for resources, they saw the tree where Iwamika was.

Looking at this empty tree, the Cantonese opera singer jumped up and down excitedly.

The members of the Guangdong Bureau could naturally see that the tree had obviously been plucked out all the fruits, otherwise the branches would not have been broken into such a dog-gnawed appearance. In other words, someone had climbed on it first.

And it seemed that they had not left for a long time. The giant python attacked them like crazy without even looking at them. He probably thought that he was the same group of people from before.

Jiang Cisheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling a little depressed. After all, anyone who fought desperately with a giant python that went crazy for no reason and didn't get even a hair would feel a little uncomfortable.

"Who is it that strikes so quickly?"

While Jiang Cisheng and others were thinking about us, we had already left the second resource area several kilometers away. The reason why we walked so far was because we were worried about the tiger and the Cantonese opera in the first small resource area.

It was discovered that someone climbed up first and then came back again.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, we walked a few kilometers further. Seeing that the distance was far enough, we found an open place and ate our respective Ishimi fruits.

Of course, for safety reasons, we were divided into two groups. One group focused on digesting the energy of Shi Jianguo, and the other group was responsible for vigilance. Since my body condition was a bit bad at this time, naturally I was not responsible for the first group.

The warning work was approved, so I immediately took this opportunity to adjust my status quickly.

The first step I have to do is naturally to use my own mental power, in order to completely wipe out the mental power of the giant python in my body as soon as possible. This is not a difficult task for me, after all, there are only two in my body.

The python's remaining mental power is nothing to worry about. It can be solved in a short time.

In fact, this is really not difficult. After a few minutes, the giant python's mental power disappeared into thin air, completely cutting off the possibility of the giant python catching up with its mental power.

Then I just set my sights on Ishimiguo.

The energy of Iwami Fruit is quite mild. What made me feel so uncomfortable was mainly because I ate a little too much, and the beastly mental power of the giant python was still causing trouble in my body.

Chen Xinyi said that Shi Jian Guo mainly has relatively strong vitality and is most effective for cultivators who are about to locate the gate of life. Of course, this does not mean that it is not good for cultivators in other realms such as ours.

As a living being, Iwamiguo naturally has a soul, and it is also a leader among medicinal plants. If I can completely absorb it, it will obviously improve my soul power and help locate the spiritual door.

Therefore, at this time, I have completely calmed down and devoted myself wholeheartedly to absorbing Iwamiguo's soul, hoping to feel the existence of the spiritual door through the process of absorbing the soul.

Speaking of locating the spiritual door, I have been trying to find a direction recently, but unfortunately there has been no progress. However, even so, I don’t know if it is my sixth sense or there is a connection somewhere, but I always feel like I have found it recently.

The location of the spiritual door.

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling. There is no reason or logic. It is just the simplest and crudest intuition.

I instinctively felt that the spiritual door should be in this direction, so these past few days I have been trying to explore the depths of my soul along this direction, hoping to find the spiritual door.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't find it.

"It would be great if I could locate the spiritual door. God bless me and let me be lucky..." I prayed to all kinds of gods, Buddhas, Gods, and Jesus in my heart, hoping that these gods could

It serves as a starting point and helps me achieve a breakthrough in the competition.

Once I break through, it’s not my fault. I can defeat someone like Jiang Cisheng with one hand, and I will have enough capital to compete for the championship.

More importantly, the third level of perfection means that the second star is not far away. It can be said that the third level is the stepping stone for the second star. The breakthrough is only a matter of time.

Here I will explain how a cultivator can break through to the second star.

In fact, it is very simple, just push the door of life, but it is not an easy task to push the door of life. You must have the power of life, the power of ghost energy and the power of spirit to reach a certain level at the same time, and then

Only then can the door of life be opened in one fell swoop.

This degree is different for everyone, but the difference is not big. Everyone will feel something when it reaches this degree, which is very magical.

The world of cultivation calls this degree perfection, which means the vitality is perfect, the ghost energy is perfect, and the spiritual power is perfect.

The three most critical steps to break through the second star are to let these three powers reach perfection at the same time. Without any one of them, it will not work. And when these three powers reach their peak at the same time, they can push open the door of life in one go.

When the door of life opens, it becomes the second star!

This chapter has been completed!
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