Chapter 918 Division of Labor

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Ghost beasts are very interesting creatures. They obviously have power that is not inferior to that of cultivators, but they do not have the IQ to match their strength, and they still retain a deep sense of territoriality that belongs to animals.

As cultivators, we naturally know that we need to restrain our breath to hide ourselves, but for most ghost beasts, releasing their breath has become an important habit for them to show their strength to the outside world and clarify their territory.

This is true even for the beast king who is approaching two stars in strength. It seems to be promoting its supreme status in the forest of beasts. That amazing aura can be clearly sensed by us even from a distance of five thousand meters.


Sensing the aura of the Beast King in advance allows us to be fully prepared and take the initiative in the battle, which is obviously a good thing for us.

In addition to this, we were also surprised to find that there was no aura of any other ghost beasts within a few kilometers. Whether this happened because these ghost beasts did not dare to expose their ghost auras in front of the Beast King, or because they had already let

After killing all the beast kings, it will be the same outcome for us - that is, we will save a lot of trouble.

"This animal is too lethal. I suspect that it has killed all the ghost beasts in the nearby area." Xia Ziwen said beside him: "But this is also good news for us, which means there is no unnecessary

The ghost beast has come to cause trouble."

After a night, Xia Ziwen, who had been feeling a little depressed, had regained his energy and looked completely in high spirits.

"What it did was seeking its own death." Hearing this, I smiled and said, "However, we still have to carry out the interception work seriously. Once the battle breaks out, the ghost beasts farther away may be captured.


"That's right, the interception team still has work to do." Xia Ziwen nodded, looked at Jiang Yue and me, and said: "You two, I see that it's almost time to let the members of the interception team stay here.

Come down now. If we go forward, I'm afraid of unexpected dangers..."

"Well..." Jiang Yue and I looked at each other and nodded, so I said, "That's it. As agreed in advance, the members of the snatching team will follow us.

It’s okay for the others to stay and intercept the other ghost beasts, right?”

"no problem!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded. Our four bureaus had discussed our division of labor in detail before coming, so naturally everyone had no objections to this at this time.

According to the division of labor arrangement, our more than 100 players in the four rounds were divided into three groups, one is the combat group, the second is the snatching group, and the third is the interception group.

The responsibilities of these three groups can actually be seen from the literal meaning. For example, the combat group is responsible for fighting the beast king; the snatching group is responsible for snatching all available resources including the Ten Thousand God Fruit while we are fighting; and the interception group is responsible for

It is responsible for intercepting ghost beasts that may be attracted from all directions.

Needless to say, the members of the battle group are naturally our ten strongest second-level players. As for the members of the snatching group, they are carefully selected from the remaining players, and their strength is second only to our second-level players.

Contestants, after all, snatching jobs is a relatively dangerous job, so you must choose someone with stronger abilities.

In fact, each of us knows that even if this operation is successfully completed, we will eventually face a situation where there are many monks and few porridges, and there will definitely not be many players who can get the All-God Fruit. Therefore, anyone with a discerning eye knows that, except for a few of us

Apart from the people in the fighting group, the only other people who are eligible to receive the All-God Fruit are the members of the snatching group.

For this reason, we tried our best to squeeze our own people in during the four games.

The strongest team in the Su Bureau had the most people, four of them were blocked at once, accounting for half of the total, and the other half was shared by our three rounds. Fortunately, our Yang Bureau was assigned two positions, one with a strength close to the second.

Lin Feng, who is in a serious situation, and Chen Xinyi, who is well-informed.

Although Chen Xinyi's strength is not as good as that of the top non-second-level players, her well-informed skills are enough to squeeze into the snatching group. No one has any objection to this. After all, if it happens,

For any new discoveries, everyone has to rely on Chen Xinyi.

Therefore, compared with the Lin Bureau and the Black Bureau, which can only accommodate one person, our situation in the Yang Bureau is pretty good.

In fact, I also wanted to fight for Jiang Chen, Xu Xue and others at the beginning, but if I think about it carefully, if we allocate more places, other branches will naturally add more players, thus reducing the number of players in the All-god Fruit.

It is unfair to us to take away too many allocations.

After all, if we purely count the merits of the battle, our contribution to the Yang Bureau due to Ye Yuyou and I must be the greatest, and naturally we will be allocated a lot of God Fruit. But if there are too many members in the snatching group

, is undoubtedly diluting our contribution, so that we lose more than we gain, so I can only give up.

"Let's go, it's time to meet up with the Su game players."

Seeing that no one had any objections, the players from our combat team and snatching team parted ways with everyone here, and then quietly walked towards the depths of the woods.

At this time, the Su Bureau has gone around to the other side of the Hundred Beast Forest, responsible for intercepting the ghost beasts on that side, forming an encirclement trend with us. Judging from the time we agreed with Song Feisheng, they will intercept them at this time.

The work of the team should have been arranged, and now it’s up to our combat team and snatching team.

In fact, I was extremely uneasy as I walked on the road, because I didn’t know if the All-god Fruit was still alive. If the All-god Fruit had been swallowed by the Beast King, then our action would be a miscarriage. After all, let the four of us

The driving force for the alliance to unite was the dozens of Ten Thousand God Fruits. With just one Ten Thousand God Fruit, everyone naturally had no reason to face such a huge risk.

However, Chen Xinyi said that the All-God Fruit brought by Bureau Su is not yet fully mature, and the All-God Fruit can only exert its greatest effect after it matures, so the Beast King is most likely still waiting for the All-God Fruit to mature.

This uneasy feeling didn't disappear until I was less than three kilometers away from the Beast King, because with my advantage of high perception, I can sense the majestic soul of the All-God Fruit here, which is much better than what I saw before.

Any plant is stronger.

"The Ten Thousand God Fruit is still there!"

After sensing the All-god Fruit, I couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and spoke with a smile. After listening to my words, everyone looked happy. The fact that the All-god Fruit is still there means that the only boulder in everyone's heart is gone.


Walking a little further forward, I could already see the huge body of the dog king. It seemed to be sleeping on the ground at this time. From a distance, it actually looked like a dog. No wonder the Suzhou players like to call it "dog."


With my excellent eyesight, I could vaguely see that the tall plant next to the Dog King was the Myriad God Fruit brought by Su Bureau. At a glance, there were quite a few, and I estimated that there must be more than twenty.

This number made me very satisfied. Just when I was counting the number of tens of thousands of divine fruits, there was a slight noise in the woods nearby, and then Song Feisheng and several top players from the Soviet Union appeared in front of us.

As soon as he saw us, Song Feisheng lowered his voice and said to us: "We have made arrangements over there, when will we take action?"

Song Feisheng was excited and nervous at the same time. She was excited because the All-god Fruit was close at hand, but nervous because there were several dog kings with amazing strength next to the All-god Fruit. Recalling what happened that night, Song Feisheng still felt

I am very afraid of that dog king.

Seeing that everyone was here, I nodded and said: "Okay, now that everything is ready, let's act according to the plan..."

This chapter has been completed!
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