Chapter 155: Tears in eyes but choked with sobs

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 Before the bride could speak, the second aunt who had been crying and playing emotional cards just now cried and said: "Why am I so miserable? The master just walked away and left us orphans and widows. There are still people who want to sell us off."

Doesn’t this give us, mother and daughter, a way to survive?”

"Uncles, relatives and friends, you must have seen this girl. Her almond-shaped eyes are more white than black, which is a fortune-telling sign. Her pretty nose and thin mouth are her fortune-telling signs. Together with her peach blossom face, she is just like her mother.

It was carved out of a mold, and the master was killed by her mother."

"So many people came back alive at that time. Why did the old man alone die in the rebellion? And the man lying on the ground, who was young and looked strong, how could he capsize when he was in a boat?

, it’s not just that she is like a lone star in the sky, her horoscope is too strong, she overpowers her father, her mother, and her husband..."

Listening to the second aunt's description, Chen Chang couldn't help but shudder. The bride's appearance was exactly as he had guessed, and the five-guan money was a bit hot to hold.

The bride over there was so angry that she was trembling all over. Her horoscopes and facial expressions were all nonsense, but her father died in the war, and the new husband capsized when he was crossing the river. He thought he was dead at the time, but he managed to find him.


These are indisputable facts. The second aunt forcibly connected these matters with her father and husband, and it was really hard to argue with anyone.

Most of the people here today are relatives and friends from my father's lifetime. Many of them say they wish you a good life, but they don't want you to really live a better life than they do.

Since her father's death, there used to be as few guests as the dawn stars and the waning moon, so she has long been accustomed to people leaving for tea.

Nowadays, the world is hot and cold, but human relationships are thin. We can only boast about the smell of gold, chase fame and fortune, get close to you when you need it, and stay away when you don't.

However, habits are habits. Now that she was bullied by her third uncle and second aunt in public, no one stood up to say a fair word for her, as if they were just passers-by who were watching the joke.

The human heart is like this. For a time, many emotions such as grievance, sadness, and anger surged into my heart. I could no longer restrain it, and my body began to tremble violently.

She had long known the plans of her third uncle, second aunt and others to seize the family property. Agreeing to this unwilling marriage was already a huge concession and sacrifice, but these people still had to suffer.

Bitterness forces each other.

Even though she usually has a strong temper, she couldn't help frowning at this moment, with tears in her eyes and choked with words.

But the second aunt refused to give up, still pointing at Lou Qingyi and scolding: "Humph, as long as you and your daughter are here in the Lou family, they will have to continue to decline!"

As soon as she said this, someone actually echoed her in a low voice. Obviously, this sentence was more inspiring and convincing than the horoscopes and facial expressions mentioned earlier.

The decline of the Lou family naturally led to the Hou Jing Rebellion and the destruction of the Nanliang Kingdom.

However, since the death of his eldest son, Lou Bo Fu, Mr. Lou has been depressed both mentally and physically. The influence of the Lou family has plummeted since then. The current emperor has invited the old man to serve as an official again several times, but he has been declined politely.<


In this way, these tribesmen naturally put this account on Lou Qingyi's head.

The second aunt kept pressing forward, pointing at Chen Chang on the ground and saying to everyone: "I heard that this new uncle is also well-known in the Bashu area, and he can be regarded as a suave and talented person. You guys

Look, when we arrived in Jiangling, there were no humans or ghosts..."

While he was frothing and talking, he suddenly saw everyone looking at him strangely, and he couldn't help but feel surprised...

The second aunt's words were extremely arrogant. Lou Qingyi was wearing a red hijab, her eyes were shining with crystal tears, and her heart was filled with mixed emotions. She pursed her lips as hard as she could, fearing that the tears would fall down the next moment.
She repeatedly tolerated it, but this did not win the other party's mercy. Instead, the second aunt became more and more aggressive.

Lou Qingyi wanted to argue a few words, but she knew that the second aunt was an overbearing and unreasonable master, and it would be useless to talk more.

Speaking of which, many of these things are my fault for not thinking carefully.

The letter has been sent a long time ago. According to the calculation of the date, Chen Chang should have arrived long ago.

But if you wait for the left, you won’t come, and if you wait for the right, you won’t come.

Her future husband hadn't arrived for a long time, so she took a few of her confidants and followed the cargo ship Shuojiang River, firstly to find him as early as possible, and secondly to make an agreement with him in advance.

However, what is disappointing is that no one was found, but a couple who fell into the water were rescued on the way back.

After the boat docked, the family recognized the man in the couple, who seemed to be her future husband.

Lou Qingyi was doubtful about this.

After entering the city, she sent someone to follow him secretly. When she got to the shop, she found out that the man's surname was indeed Chen.

"Miss, I think Mr. Chen is the new brother-in-law we are looking for. Although more than ten years have passed, his facial features are still very similar to those when he was young. I will never make a mistake."

It is said that when the new uncle was a teenager, the old family member once followed her father out to visit friends and met him.

For this husband, although they have been engaged for a long time, they have never met before. It is just that marriage has been put on the agenda recently, and there have only been a few letters between the two. It is not considered an understanding at all. Even if they have met now

She has no way of distinguishing between true and false.

The cautious Lou Qingyi was naturally doubtful about what his family said, but it was inconvenient to ask directly, so he improvised a so-called "recruitment" to further verify Chen Chang's identity.<


However, the sudden arrival of the city defense general led his troops to disrupt her plan, so she had to take Chen Chang back to the mansion first.

In the past few days, there were some problems with Dafang's accounts. She was focused on this and did not have further contact or communication with Chen Changzuo.

I wanted to seek further verification in secret, but the two uncles soon got the news that the new uncle had been taken back to the house, and they immediately urged her to get married. The matter had become a tiger-riding situation.

Later, she thought about it carefully, and when she couldn't confirm Chen Chang's true identity, she came up with a plan to make the mistake go away.

No one in the big house of the Lou family has ever met the future uncle. They only know that his surname is Chen. In recent years, his family has fallen into decline. Both his parents have died and he has no brothers or sisters.

Apart from this, there is no other bits and pieces of information. Therefore, this new uncle is just a symbol. The second and third bedrooms are even more unknown, but there is still some room for manipulation.

Of course, there are risks in doing this. The best case scenario, even if it is wrong, is to benefit Chen Changyu by hiding it for the time being. After they get married, let the man go and give him a sum of money. From now on, the two will not owe each other anything.


If she meets a scoundrel or something, not only will her reputation be ruined, but she may also be taken advantage of by someone from the second or third house, which will really be a doomed situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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