Chapter 210 A poem and a painting always relate to feelings

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 In addition to iron money, the bag contained gold and silver jewelry and jade pendants. There were a lot of them, and Hei Wa's eyes were dazzled by the sight of them: "Little Master, this...this..."

The young man in white robe didn't care about Hei Wa's surprised expression. He just turned his head and looked in the direction of the hall. There was a sound of silk and bamboo and laughter. In the middle, there were guessing orders, reciting poems, singing songs and drinking. It was really a Sheng song.

Everywhere, there is a peaceful scene.

Turning his head again, he suddenly asked: "Who do you think is the winner of today's poems and paintings?"

Hei Wa obviously couldn't keep up with his train of thought, scratched his head and said: "Xiao Langjun, I don't know a single Chinese character, so it's really hard for you to ask me that." He giggled for a while, and then said: "But you have to let me

If I say it, it should be the picture of Mount Tai, and the "Looking at the Moon", that's pretty cool, it's obviously looking at Mount Tai, so why is it titled "Looking at the Moon"?"

The young man in white robe couldn't help but laugh in surprise after hearing this: "Since ancient times, there has been no first in writing, and no second in martial arts! How can you be so sure that this poem will definitely win the first prize?"

Hei Wa smiled and said: "Young Master, don't try to test me. Judging from the discussion just now and the reactions of the two old men with white beards, it is already obvious. Although some scholars are dissatisfied, but

Which of them can create such poetry and paintings? If the person who organized this poetry meeting was not blind and deaf, winning the first prize would be a sure thing."

The young man in white robe couldn't help but nodded secretly. Although Hei Wa is an illiterate beggar, he is very proficient in the world of people and observing words and expressions.

Hei Wa grabbed the wine bottle and drank a few more sips, until the last few drops fell into his mouth, and then reluctantly put the wine bottle down.

The young man in white robe said: "Then tell me, what kind of person is the author of this poem and painting?"

Hei Wa said: "I don't know about that, but I still think the poem on the front is more interesting, haha... From a distance, Mount Tai is dark, thin at the top and thick at the bottom. If you turn Mount Tai upside down, it will be thin at the bottom.

Come on, it’s rough.”

The boy in white robe was amused by the way he shook his head and recited poetry.

Hei Wa said seriously: "I really want to meet this great poet. With just a little guidance from others, I can compose such a poem, hehe..."

The young man in white robe looked at Hei Wa with lively eyes and said: "Hey, why don't you ask me what I asked you to do?"

Hei Wa rolled his eyes and pouted: "Let me guess, must be related to that man named Shan, right? I saw you put a fly into his tea bowl. If he hadn't dropped it,

The tea cup was broken, hehe... This guy named Shan is not a good bird at first glance. He made up rumors everywhere and even gave money to the guy named Wang, oops..."

He suddenly took out a dark green embroidered purse from the small cloth bag just now, and stared: "Isn't this the one that belongs to Scholar Wang?"

The young man in white robe smiled: "It's yours now! Let your little brothers keep an eye on Dan Dan and see where he went, who he met, and what he said. I will tell you all about it. You need to know."

"Don't worry, young man, I will take care of all these things!"

The young man in white robe stood up and said: "We need to leave quickly, otherwise someone will come to our door."

Hei Wa was surprised. He immediately remembered what was in the bag and immediately understood. He stood up and left after the young man in white robe. After a while, the two of them disappeared into the night.

Although Zhong Zhong and Lu Wuya had left Xuezizhou, the poetry meeting was still going on. Some old scholars were exhausted and had left long ago. Without the respected old men, the young scholars were even more wanton.

"How about Dai Zongfu?"

"Qilu is still young."

"Good Fortune Bell Shenxiu,"

"Yin and Yang cut off the dusk."

The poem "Wang Yue" was spread from all over the hall one after another. Some scholars had already written this poem in big characters with a splash of ink and hung it in the hall for other scholars and scholars to appreciate. Not only that, this poem It was also copied on paper and allowed to be circulated for everyone to read.

Compared with this poem, other poems and paintings have very few traces of people before them, and there is quite a feeling that once this poem is published, all other poems will be useless.

Zi Liang, a student of Zhong Zhong, was surrounded by people in the center. People kept asking him for advice and discussing the beauty of this poem. Some of these people had just rushed back to the hall not long ago. Zhong Zhong and others could not hear the interpretation, so they had to turn to Zi Liang for help. .

"Brother Ziliang, I heard that the author of this poem is the eldest lady of the Lou family."

"Isn't that possible?"

"Although Miss Lou is a talented woman, she can't write such powerful poems. Take a look at the sentence "Zeng Yun is born from breasts". How powerful is that? I don't believe it anyway!"

"Are you obviously jealous? Miss Lou didn't write it, could it be you?"

"I don't have this kind of confidence. Don't get me wrong. What I mean is that this poem is so majestic and heroic. It should not have been written by a woman, but by a man."

"How is it possible..."

"Why is it impossible? I think what he said makes sense!"

These scholars were immersed in the poems, and then developed a strong interest in its author. For a time, there were different opinions, but there was no conclusion.

Ziliang couldn't bear the noise they made in his ears and said, "Don't argue any more. Mr. Lu and Weng Lu have already gone to the building. I think there will be results tomorrow. Just wait patiently."

"That's right, what Brother Ziliang said makes sense!"

However, Ziliang's influence is very limited compared to Naishi.

Discussions about the author are still going on, and someone actually put forward a bold guess: "Since these poems and paintings were brought by Miss Lou, even if she is not herself, it must have a great relationship with her."

"It can't be the scholar she married, right?"

"Ah, Miss Lou got married. When did it happen?"

"Hey, Brother Zhang, everyone in Jiangling knows it, why do you still act like you heard it for the first time?"

"This is indeed the first time I have heard, who is she married to?"

Everyone was quiet for a while.

Finally, someone gave the answer.

The scholar surnamed Zhang had a look of regret on his face: "I have only been away from Jiangling for half a month. I didn't expect it to be like this. I really agree with that sentence - a good man has no good wife, and a lazy man marries flowers." What a beautiful flower.

The flowers are inserted... they are inserted... Oh... don't say it, don't say it."

Someone said sourly: "Brother Zhang, you have a beautiful wife at home, are you still thinking about Miss Lou?"

The scholar's face turned red: "How dare you, how dare you? Don't say it as a joke, I'm just talking, just talking!"

"Brother Zhang is naturally just talking, otherwise how can Madam-in-law explain it to me?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

The scholar surnamed Zhang quickly changed the subject: "Have you ever met Miss Lou's husband?"

"I've only heard of this person. She doesn't go out of the door or steps forward, just like a big girl who hasn't left the court yet..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately burst into laughter, which immediately drowned out the scholar's words. The scholar raised his voice again and said: "Maybe he wants to come up with it, but Miss Lou won't allow it..."

Someone continued: "You can't get on the stage, you can't get on the stage!"

This chapter has been completed!
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