Chapter 24 Dead by Daylight appears

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 Modern people must be familiar with the saying "In order to fight against the outside world, we must first settle the domestic situation", but the origin of this sentence is not a certain bald man. It comes from Zhao Pu, the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty who "ruled the world with half of the Analects".

After Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi succeeded Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin to the throne, he had a less optimistic judgment about the political environment at home and abroad. He believed that there were many domestic social contradictions, and the border minority regimes always had ambitions to conquer the Central Plains, but his own troops were very limited.

, whether it is "external" or "internal" has become a difficult problem that troubled Song Taizong.

Zhao Pu submitted a memorial in response to Song Taizong's doubts, which contained this sentence: "Now that China is safe, the barbarians have surrendered. As an old husband, those who want to fight against foreigners must first make peace at home."

This memorial actually has similarities with Song Taizu’s last words before his death.

Before Zhao Kuangyin's death, he personally told Zhao Guangyi: "If the country has no external troubles, it will definitely have internal troubles. External troubles are nothing more than side events, and they can all be taken precautions against. However, treachery and evil are invisible, and if they are internal troubles, they are deeply to be feared."

As a porter of famous quotes, Chen Chang showed his face in front of Miss Wang and others. This allowed him to regain some confidence. Although he had no talent, he relied on his understanding of the historical trend to take advantage of the trend and follow the trend.

Therefore, if you take advantage of the situation and advance, although you may not be able to achieve a career, you will definitely not make a wrong decision such as joining the Guo Army in 1949.

When Wei Chuanzheng heard that Miss Wang agreed, he couldn't help but blush. He quickly raised his hands and said: "Yes, I will obey your order!" He turned around and called a guard and gave some instructions in a low voice.

Chen Chang added: "Although there is this small moat to stop bandits, it is not very safe. We need to order people to quickly prepare some rolling logs and rocks, and boiling hot water to put on the top of the city."

Wei Chuanzheng did not refute this time. He responded respectfully and ordered a guard to implement it.

Chen Chang then said to Miss Wang: "While the bandits have not yet made a substantial attack, notify the local officials to assemble the people, send the guards to briefly explain the attack and defense tactics, and at the same time arrange for people to guard the retreat at the back door.

, once we cannot hold it, we will have to consider retreating."

"Who will evacuate first, and who will stay to cover, these must be arranged in detail in advance so that the villagers know what they are doing. Don't mess up the position when everyone is in danger. In addition, more pitfalls should be set up along the retreat road.

and obstacles to prevent the enemy from pursuing..."

"Oh, by the way, it's best to send one or two smarter guards to pretend to be villagers and sneak in, keep a close eye on them, and prevent the bandits from inside and outside from cooperating... Miss, it's almost dawn, please make arrangements

The women are preparing to eat. Whether they are fighting or not, they must be hungry after working hard all night..."

Miss Wang raised her eyes, the smoke in her beautiful eyes moved slightly, and she looked a little surprised. After hearing Chen Chang's arrangement, or more accurately, it should be a suggestion, she was extremely surprised.

At that time, most of the young Confucian scholars were interested in maintaining health and seeking immortality, advocating taking medicine, and naturally being idle and doing nothing. However, Chen Chang was very admirable for his well-organized war and civil arrangements.

Just now, I was only focusing on dealing with the bandits outside. After listening to Chen Chang's words, I thought of first ensuring that there would be no problems within myself.

Apart from other things, if there are one or two spies of bandits among these villagers and they cause something casually, the consequences will be disastrous.

Wang Huan was born in the Ming Dynasty, and her knowledge is naturally extraordinary. Tonight's Wubao defense battle is not just a military matter. If chaos breaks out internally first, the Great Wall will be destroyed.

The number of guards under her is not large, and she cannot control the situation once a civil uprising occurs. Chen Chang's suggestions may not seem to be of direct help in retreating the enemy, but she knows that this is the fundamental reason to stand firm and wait for help.

Wei Chuanzheng looked at Miss Wang, and when he saw her nodding, he crossed his hands to Chen Chang: "Chen Langjun, I will go and arrange what you just said, and take my leave!"

Chen Chang also bowed his hands and watched them leave. He turned to Miss Wang and asked: "Miss, when will the reinforcements come?"

Although the bandits have not invaded Wubao at this time, Chen Chang does not feel that he can sit back and relax. Unexpected situations may happen at any time, and the consequences of such accidents are irreversible.

Miss Wang pondered for a moment and said: "If nothing unexpected happens, the reinforcements in the city should arrive soon after dawn." Her father was a powerful official in the dynasty and a prince-in-law. He was trying to find a way to mobilize part of the army out of the city for rescue.


"I hope everything goes well!" Chen Chang showed a smile. He was still worried about Shui Ling'er. It took a lot of time to give him some advice and suggestions. He didn't know how Shui Ling'er was doing now. "Miss, if nothing happens at this time,

I want to go down and have a look!"

Miss Wang's cheeks suddenly showed pear dimples, and her smile was warm: "Please!"

She looked away from Chen Chang's staggering back, looked in the direction of Jiangling, and murmured to herself: "Yes, I hope everything goes well!"

A vast twilight shrouds the silent mountains, with only a light flickering on the far side of the official road. This is the nearest post station to the northwest of Jiangling City. Because it is built on the boundary of Wutou Village, it is also called Wutou Village.


From the outside, this inn is no different from other inns. There is a watchtower at the gate. There are only seven or eight rooms in the several-acre courtyard, and the rest are troughs for the post horses.

During the Southern Liang Dynasty, the imperial army held Jiangling in the north and occupied the Western Wei Dynasty (Northern Zhou Dynasty) in the north. Wutou Station was one of the centers for timely communication between Jiangling and the front line. It was responsible for the important task of transferring top-secret military intelligence from the front line to the court. When the war was at its most tense, it was here

There are fifty or sixty soldiers guarding it.

Nowadays, there is only one state in Houliang and there is no war on the border. Xiao Jin has no choice but to be his puppet emperor. The status of this post has plummeted. The post has only one post minister and five post soldiers.

The night before dawn is the darkest.

The postmen's daily life is one of silence and dullness. At this time, they have completely lost their vigilance and are sleeping soundly. Even the old postman on the watchtower who is on duty is so sleepy that he can't even lift his head. He has already collapsed.

He leaned on the crooked table and snored like a thunderous sound.

In this moment of alternating light and darkness, a mist slowly rose up. The mist became heavier and heavier, and dispersed in an instant. For a moment, everything was gray and everything became blurry.

In the guard room of the watchtower, which was brightly lit like beans, the thunderous snoring suddenly stopped, followed by the old postman's rapid and strong coughing, which made him almost lose his breath.

Under the dim light, the old postman who had woken up couldn't help but stretched out his arms, stood up slowly while holding on to the curved foot table, rubbed his almost numb legs, and then slowly walked to the door while holding the oil lamp.

When I opened the door, the sound made by the wooden door was heartbreaking.

He held his hand on the railing and took a look at the courtyard. It was a foggy day, making it difficult to distinguish.

He let out a long yawn and was about to close the door and go back to the house to have a good night's sleep.

A soft sound of "swish" came from the trough not far away. The old postman's eyes were dim but his ears were not deaf. Hearing the faint sound, he turned back to look at the trough, and saw that the thick fog seemed to be stirred by something.

, a black dot grew bigger and bigger in the eyes, and it was speeding towards the direction of the watchtower.

When he wanted to look again, the black spot disappeared again.

The old postman rubbed his eyes in confusion. During this moment of confusion, there was a slight noise behind him. The old postman turned around suddenly, only to see the black dot broke through the thick fog. It was a soldier carrying a soldier.

The man in black with the blade.

The old postman opened his mouth in horror, but he only let out a half-shriek, and his head turned rapidly in the cold light. With the sound of sharp blades, he flew down from the tower like an arrow, and the oil lamp snapped.

Falling to the ground, the lamp oil splashed everywhere, and part of it dripped down the edge of the watchtower.

"Lao Yu, a hangover is harmful to your health, ah..."

When a postman who had woken up at night heard the commotion, he held his pants in one hand and rubbed his sleepy eyes with the other and looked at the tower.

Suddenly, a dark object flew toward him and rolled down five steps in front of him. He was startled at first, but then he had the courage to look at the object. It didn't matter what he saw, and he was immediately frightened out of his wits.
Human head, Lao Yu’s head!

"Come..." When the postman reacted, it was already too late...

The black shadow flew down from the tower about two feet high like a big bird, and rushed in front of the postman like a ghost. A strong whirlwind stirred up the thick fog.<


The night wind blew, the sword flashed, and the blood flashed. The sword in the hand of the man in black drew a strange arc in the air, circled around the postman's head, and then put the sword away.

The surprised face of the postman was still condensed in the thick fog, and his head, which had lost the support of his body, rolled to the ground. Blood spurted out from the neck cavity, and the headless body fell to the ground silently.

A pair of black deerskin boots with patterns embroidered on the tops stood on the two headless corpses. The owner of the deerskin boots slowly turned around. The first thing that caught his eye was a black masked silk scarf and a big black fake clock.

Black arrow jacket, black leather girdle, slim-fitting black leather pleated trousers, everything on the body is black.

This person has a tall and straight figure, with concave and convex shapes. Even though the outer robe has been tightened, it still cannot hide the enchanting figure. The slender and white neck is dotted on the black clothes, like a dream.

Turns out to be a woman!

She coughed lightly, held the knife in her hand, bent her index finger in the direction of the trough, and whistled softly in her mouth.

It was too late, but it was soon. In the thick fog, seven or eight men in black, carrying various weapons, ran over like lightning, silently running to her left and right, standing in the shape of a wild goose's wings.

She gently pointed the knife in her hand towards the door, and the leading man behind her jumped up, kicked open the door...

Before the three postmen who were sleeping soundly in the room realized what they were doing, their limbs and heads were scattered in all directions in the light of swords and bloody arrows. Their screams before death were also blocked by the heavy fog and did not spread far.<


In just a moment, the room became quiet. The strong smell of blood, alcohol, and sweat mixed with the thick fog drifting in from outside, making people's breathing become heavier.

Not long after, a man in black had already picked up the man who was shivering like chaff. The man was forty-two years old. His white coat was covered with dust and mud, and he looked miserable.

The woman in black's voice was cold and emotionless as she said, "Are you the postmaster of Wutou Station?"

"...Small is not talented, exactly..."

The woman in black interrupted him, and her deep voice rang out: "We are just borrowing your help, you are still the Yi Cheng!"


This chapter has been completed!
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