Chapter 244 Talking along the way

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 Chen Chang did not want to disclose his identity as an official candidate. After all, the events between the Later Liang Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty deeply affected the people of the two countries.

Although Wang Huan is the niece of the emperor and the daughter of the princess, in fact she is just like a subjugated slave during the Anti-Japanese War in later generations. If Chen Chang says that he is a special high school class or a special agent of No. 76, the national feud is there. What do you think?

What would the eldest lady think?

Of course, the same is the ultimate goal of annexation. The Northern Zhou Dynasty was much more upright than the Japanese pirates.

But even so, Chen Chang still felt that he had to keep it a secret.

News of the search ahead came from time to time, but none of them made people happy.

The only thing that surprised Chen Chang was that the images coming out of the city looked more and more similar.


From the simple imitation at the beginning, that person has become familiar with the use of light and shadow, contrast between light and dark, picture levels, etc. His lines have become smoother and smoother, and he has become more and more sophisticated.

Chen Chang felt that if the two of them set up stalls in the West Lake in later generations at the same time, his business here would be robbed in a short time.

Who can master this painting technique in such a short period of time?

At this moment, Wang Huan suddenly said: "The leader of the bandits who besieged us last time seems to be named Song, but the specific origin is unknown. There are many people named Song, and he can be regarded as a giant bandit in Jiangling.

At first they just wanted to plunder Yangjiadu and other villages, but later they added another task."

She paused deliberately when she said this, just to give Chen Chang time to think.

Chen Chang thought for a while and said: "Yes, I had a feeling at that time. The thieves had already retreated after the initial attack was frustrated. Why did the large group of troops come to cover up the enemy again and attack the city desperately? Could it be that there are people in Wubao?

What do they want?"

Wang Huan cast an approving look. Smart people often don’t need to explain too much.

Chen Chang made a good guess, but what the thief wanted was not something, but Miss Wang herself.

This was revealed by an injured and captured little leader before he died.

Wang Huan told the story, and Chen Chang frowned and said, "So, that person named Song has a grudge against the eldest lady?"

Wang Huan shook her head: "It's hard to say!"

She was just catching thieves, and she didn't have any deep grudge against anyone.

"Either I have enmity with the eldest lady, or I have enmity with your Wang family, the consort, the princess, or even the current emperor!" Chen Chang's thinking was obviously more exciting.

"Your Majesty?" Wang Huan raised her eyebrows gently.

"I'm just guessing!"

Chen Chang found that his previous views on this small Jiangling state were somewhat biased, and he increasingly felt that this place was full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind.

Could it be that Lou Qingyi’s disappearance has something to do with some big shot?

While Chen Chang was thinking wildly, Wang Huan suddenly said: "I heard from my father's generation that the generations above them had hatred between country and family, life and death, grudges and grudges, just like listening to stories. According to me

The idea is that several generations have passed, so we should not pass on grudges to the next generation like family heirlooms, but..."

As she spoke, she fell silent, her clear eyes looking at the river bank not far from the official road.

Chen Chang smiled bitterly and said: "Miss, these are just our beautiful expectations. Now I just think that even if there are no grievances and resentments in the past few lives, there will definitely be people with ulterior motives who will do anything for their own benefit.

Do something that hurts others. I hope Qingyi can be a blessing to people and heaven!"

Wang Huan turned around, a smile finally appeared on her face, but there was still sadness in her dark eyes, and she said: "She will... When we were young, the two of us drew lots to grab toys like puppets, and she

Her luck is always better than mine... You are right, she must be waiting for us to pick her up somewhere now, or she is taking a break and returning to Jiangling after she has regained her strength and energy... Qingyi

...She is smart and alert...She will be fine!"

Wang Huan felt sad, but she had to force a smile. Because she was worried about Lou Qingyi's safety, her eyes were still shining with tears: "At first, I said I would let her practice martial arts with me, but she didn't do anything about it.

I'm not interested. Now that I think about it, I'm really stupid. If I had learned the skills of three punches and two kicks, I wouldn't be missing now."

Chen Chang thought that it might not be a good thing for her daughter to learn the Kung Fu of a three-legged cat. It would be bad if she angered the gangsters. Unless everyone is like you, Miss Wang, who can kill with a knife, but women of this era

How many of them can grow into Overlord Flowers?

Wang Huan breathed a sigh of relief, crossed her legs, glanced at Chen Chang, and suddenly said curiously: "I have always wanted to ask you something. You are different from the scholars I have met, especially in how you talk and behave.

It’s really not like making a decision after encountering a big event. I’m curious, what have you experienced before and what kind of things have you encountered?”

Chen Chang's heart skipped a beat, and he was silent for a moment, then suddenly grinned: "Haha, I'm afraid all the scholars the eldest lady has ever met are from Jiangling City, right?

The folk customs in my hometown are strong and tough. They are not scholars. They just read a few books and know a few words. They are not as delicate as the scholars in Gangneung. As long as you stay in contact with people for a long time, you can do more things.

, you can naturally learn a lot about human nature and sophistication."

Wang Huan turned her head and asked curiously: "Have you traveled to many places before?"

Chen Chang shook his head: "To be honest, this visit to Jiangling is my first time traveling far away."

He is not going to make up a story, because if the officials want to investigate him one day in the future, they will definitely get to the bottom of it. If a lie is told, countless lies will be needed to cover it up.

Changing the topic, he added: "To learn the ways of the world, you don't necessarily have to travel all over the world. Some ancients have already written these principles in books. We just need to understand the contents of the books thoroughly.

You see, didn't the ancients compile books just to save us descendants from taking detours? You see, the world is one big world. Northern Qi, Northern Zhou, and Southern Chen are each one world, and even the prefectures, counties, and villages are all the same.

It’s the world.

And your Prince Consort’s Mansion and Lou Mansion are also small worlds, as are restaurants, teahouses, etc. The same is true. As long as you study with your heart, you can also learn the ways of the world.”

Wang Huan fell silent, and after a long while, she said softly: "Actually, I understand everything you said, but...but...I can't be as calm as you. I'm afraid that something will happen to her...

After a long silence, Wang Huan said: "I can't say more about you and Qingyi. But as her sister, I can't help but tell you. If...if Qingyi can escape this time

If you suffer a calamity, when you take her back to Jiangling, you promise me that you will treat her well, and she will feel bitter in her heart..."

This chapter has been completed!
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