Chapter 259 Thoughts wandering and nowhere to rest

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Although it was late at night, it was not difficult to identify the direction. Lou Qingyi knew how to look at the stars in the sky and walk along the river bank.

However, this is not safe. It is still dark, who can guarantee that the thief will not appear again.

Lou Qingyi plucked up the courage to get into a small forest on the shore, leaning against a willow tree and curling up.

The wind from the river blew in, and it felt cold. Various trees in the forest were criss-crossing each other, and the moonlight was not spread out unobstructed, but scattered in spots, twinkling due to the swaying shadows of the trees.

Lou Qingyi's teeth began to chatter.

What happened tonight seemed very bizarre to her, and she still can’t figure it out. First, she was slandered and spread rumors by Shan Teng in Xuezizhou, and then she met a thief by the river.

These things happened one after another, all directed at her.

She smiled bitterly.

Lou Qingyi, Lou Qingyi, maybe God thinks you are not miserable enough.

Looking back, I shouldn't have.

Things that are rumored are beyond our control.

As for the thieves, they actually killed the coachman, which was very different from what her grandfather told her before.

She even wondered if the coachman had faked his death. The trick of the people sent by her grandfather was too real?

Of course, all this was denied.

In the dead of night, there was no one else there at that time, so it was easy to make it look like she and Zi Ling were missing. There was no need to act so realistically.

Moreover, judging from the words and deeds of those two people, it does not look like they are acting.

They are real thieves.

The more I think about it, the more confused I become, and my body becomes colder and colder.

Lou Qingyi knew that he must not let himself fall asleep. There were bad people and wild beasts here.

So, she started to let herself think of some interesting things and tried her best to stay awake.

The first thing that comes to mind are the two paintings and two poems that were hung in Xuezizhou and became the focus.

Although her appreciation of poetry and painting is not as heavy as that of Lu Wuya, the poem sounds shocking enough, and there is such a majestic poem in the world.

Although she had left Xuezizhou early, she could fully imagine how important the poems and paintings were.

Although Zhong Zhong and Lu Wuya did not give any substantive opinions on the selection, the conversation between the two was very revealing. The two paintings and poems whose authors are unknown are highly praised.

Lou Qingyi is very curious about what kind of person the person who writes paintings and poems is.


Ignore fame and fortune?

Are you proud of your talents?

She thought of many words that could describe that person, but none of them were appropriate enough.

The Lou family has been a family of scholars for generations, but in the previous generation, only my father, Lou Bofu, inherited Aweng's scholarly mantle. The second uncle and the third uncle were keen on fame and wealth and disdained learning, and the fourth uncle was even more deviant.
Their generation is not as good as the previous generation.

In order for his grandchildren to study, Aweng built a huge school and paid a lot of money to hire teachers. But listen, let’s talk.

Lou Qingyi understands her grandfather's mood. He wants to cultivate a group of scholars for the Lou family as soon as possible, create a group of scholars as soon as possible, and let the Lou family shine again. This urgent mood has been noticed by her since she was a child.<


It is difficult to go from luxury to frugality, but it is easy to go from frugality to luxury. The same is true for reading. Once you put down the book, it will be difficult to pick it up in the future.

Among the third generation, Lou Qingyi is the best at reading, but it’s a pity that she is a girl.

Aweng dotes on her very much, but because of her identity as a woman, the limitations of this doting are obvious.

Lou Qingyi knew Aweng's difficulties, and the old man was helpless.

When an old man reaches his old age, he may not need great wealth. He just hopes that his children and grandchildren can live in peace and harmony. It would be best if a few of his descendants could be successful.<


Until now, none of Aweng's three hopes have been realized.


I lost my son in old age, and my fourth uncle has disappeared.


The second and third houses are fighting fiercely for the family property and the big house, plotting against each other, where is the sense of family ties?

Are the younger generations promising?

A grandson like Lou Ming is ignorant and incompetent, fighting cocks and lackeys, sleeping on flowers and willows...

After his father died, Aweng suddenly became much older.

Every time she saw Aweng's old voice, she shed tears silently in her heart.

Lou Qingyi sighed, is this family really going to break up like this?

The figures of family members, maids, and servants appeared in my mind one by one.

Suddenly, it was fixed on a certain person...

The figure that always appeared in Lou Qingyi's mind was a little blurry, but she was very sure that this person was Chen Chang.

That's her husband!

Husband in name only.

They can be considered family members, even though the relationship between the two is just a contract.

She suddenly remembered the scene of He Baichuan scolding Fang Qiu in the circle of scholars and students in the previous poetry gatherings. The hazy feelings seemed to have arisen at that time. Although they often met and played together when they were children, they were not

I don’t feel that way.

To be honest, she didn't think that her talents and learning were inferior to He Baichuan's, but the two grew up in different environments. He Baichuan could devote all his attention to poetry, calligraphy and painting, but she couldn't. She also had to take care of her mother and younger brother, and support them.

This home.

As for poetry, calligraphy and painting, I only think of it when I have free time. But sometimes even if I think of it, I don’t have the energy to do it.

Today's He Baichuan is the representative of Jiangling's young scholars. He should be the ideal grandson-in-law in Aweng's mind.

She blushed suddenly, was it just Aweng's thought?

The question was raised quietly in my heart, but I didn't dare to answer it, even if I answered it silently in my heart.


However, I already have one at home.

I have never heard of this person’s talents, or it may be said that he does not have any talents at all.

Lou Qingyi's mood is very contradictory. On the one hand, she hopes that Chen Chang can talk freely among scholars like He Baichuan, and even respond to every call. Which woman doesn't have a little vanity, and who doesn't want others to praise her husband.


On the other hand, he is still the same person, and I don’t like him. Can I change my attitude towards him if I have talent and learning? I’m afraid not!

As she thought about it, a wry smile appeared on Lou Qingyi's lips. She couldn't save herself. What else could she do with these useless things?

Lou Qingyi has already seen away that there is no use in being compassionate towards others.

When a person is about to die, it is better to think about how to live the last period of time in this world.

Suddenly, she thought about the poems and paintings that caused a great sensation in Xue Zizhou.

I wonder if Mr. Shen and the others can find the person who composed the poems and paintings.

Since last night, she had developed a strong curiosity in her heart.

The painting tube belongs to the Lou family, but the paintings inside are not painted by her.

She knows Zi Ling very well. This girl is outspoken. If she picked up the wrong painting, she will never hide it. Instead, she will admit her mistake obediently.

This is exactly what Lou Qingyi appreciates about Ziling.

Sometimes she envies Zi Ling and even Xiao Yu'er. She envies them for being able to express whatever they have in mind.

My thoughts return to the poets and painters.

This chapter has been completed!
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