Chapter 272 A small village encounters a robber in the middle of the night

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 Almost at the same time, Chen Chang was also thinking about the same problem, tossing and turning and unable to sleep at all.

Chen Chang didn't know much about the past and present life of the Lou family, and no one had told him these things in detail. All he knew was speculation in a few words.

The second and third bedrooms of the Lou family are considered candidates for the mastermind who may attack Lou Qingyi. If something happens to Lou Qingyi, the interests of the second and third bedrooms can be maximized.

However, looking at the personalities of Lou Zhongmou and Lou Shubi, they must have a lot of dirty tricks, but at the moment they are not going to kill Lou Qingyi.

In addition to the second and third bedrooms, they are the people on the second aunt's line. Lou Qingyi's existence is also a threat to the Shan family. They also have motives. But he has only met the Shan family a few times, purely based on the surface.

Look, I don’t think this woman is particularly scheming.

As for the other people, Chen Chang couldn't think of them at the moment. The relationship between the Lou family is complicated and cannot be clarified in a short while.


Chen Chang's thoughts were pulled back by the slight footsteps outside. Based on experience, he judged that these were definitely not the footsteps of the old woman. The frequency did not match. It was obviously a young man.

Although Wang Huan fell asleep in a daze, her sleep was very light, and she could hear the footsteps in the yard.

I woke up with a start, listened carefully, and after confirming, I immediately got up, got dressed, grabbed the Huanshou knife, and ducked behind the door.

In the dark, Chen Chang also climbed up from his bed. He was lying with his clothes on, and his movements were no slower than Wang Huan's. He just kicked over a clay pot in his haste. The person outside was immediately alarmed, turned around and ran away.


Wang Huan thought about it and realized that there was something wrong with Chen Chang. She angrily cursed "stupid pig" under her breath, opened the door and rushed out.

At this time, Chen Chang also walked to the door of the kitchen. In the rainy night, he saw an elegant figure rushing from the door towards the black shadow fleeing in the courtyard. His movements were as agile as a rabbit in flight.

The black shadow knew it was not good and ran away in a hurry. In front of him was the courtyard wall, which was not high. He had just climbed up from here, so it was most appropriate to escape along the original route.

Realizing that Wang Huan behind him was difficult to deal with, the black shadow jumped under the courtyard wall, and at the same time stretched out his hands to grab the top of the wall. When people are in a hurry, they can indeed show their strength far beyond ordinary. According to experience, he escaped now

It must be stable.

However, as soon as his body was in the air, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his heart, his vision went dark, and he almost fainted on the spot.

With a scream like a slaughtered pig, the black figure's body fell sharply, fell to the ground with a thud, and curled up in the mud.

The black shadow was dragged into the barn by Wang Huan like a pig to death. Wang Huan was quite considerate. The old woman loved cleanliness and could not bear to make her house dirty.

After interrogation, he found out that this guy was a habitual thief and a local. He mistakenly thought that Wang Huan and Chen Chang were the daughter and son-in-law of the old woman who returned to her parents' home. He knew that the blacksmith's family was well-off, and the couple must have brought some with them to their parents' home this time.

Money and gifts are on my mind.

I want to sneak in while they are asleep and take advantage of them.

"Two gentlemen, I really haven't stolen it yet!" The man begged loudly for mercy.

Wang Huan slapped him in the face with her backhand: "Keep your voice down!"

Even though she was a little thief, she didn't want the old woman to know. After all, there would be no benefit in knowing about it.

Chen Chang searched him and only found dozens of pennies and a small purse.

Chen's singing was boring. This little thief disrupted his train of thought, which was quite annoying. However, he couldn't do anything to this little thief.

Wang Huan's eyes fell on the purse, and her expression became solemn.

Just when Chen Chang was about to ask, Wang Huan picked up the purse and asked the little thief: "Where did you get this purse?"

Chen Chang leaned over to take a look under the light of the oil lamp, and saw that the purse was very delicate. The upper part was embroidered with stars arching over the sun and moon, the lower part was embroidered with a cool boat floating on the water, and an oriole was standing on the treetops. The embroidery was exquisite and the colors were rich. It was considered a masterpiece.

piece of art.

The little thief’s eyes twinkled.

Wang Huan's knife has already been placed on his neck.

"Spare your life, spare your life..."

"If you want to survive, just recruit him truthfully!"

The little thief didn't dare to hide anything, so he told everything.

It turned out that he went to a neighboring village in the middle of the night to check around, but found nothing. On his way back, he encountered a carriage on the official road. The carriage seemed to be stuck in a mud pit, and several people were struggling to push the carriage.

When the little thief saw this, he got close to him and took advantage of the opportunity of helping push the cart to attack.

The big men were very vigilant, and he didn't dare to make a move, but this guy reached into the carriage compartment. He thought it contained some valuable property, but he only found a purse, which didn't contain many copper coins.

.He was afraid that the group would find him if he stayed any longer, so he had to secretly take his wallet and leave.

Wang Huan's expression told Chen Chang that she knew this purse, and her intuition told him that it looked familiar.

"This is Qingyi's purse. She embroidered it when she was fourteen years old. I also have the same one." After that, she took out an almost identical purse from her waist.

Chen Chang suddenly realized that he had seen such one when he was rifling Wang Huan's clothes just now. No wonder he felt a little familiar at first sight.

"You really don't know who this belongs to, do you?"

"The villain just touched it casually. He thought it was a fat sheep, but he didn't expect it to be so shabby... Bah, bah, no, no..."

The little thief who is eager to quibble is a bit arrogant.

Now is not the time to investigate the thief's theft. Since this purse belongs to Lou Qingyi, then the mysterious carriage and those strange people that he saw appeared on the official road in the middle of the night...

Lou Qingyi’s whereabouts are almost obvious!

At that moment, the two of them asked where the little thief found the carriage and the direction in which the carriage went.

After asking, I found out that the place was only two miles away from here. The little thief came back from stealing the purse and went straight to the village. He found that there was a light in the old woman's daughter's room and then climbed over the wall to steal. In total, it was only

Half an hour later.

The two men immediately led the horses out of the barn and let the little thief lead the way to chase the carriage.

This noise naturally woke up the old woman. She took out the oil lamp and took a look. She saw someone pulling horses in the courtyard. She thought there was a thief in her home, but when she took a closer look, she found that it was Chen Chang and Wang Huan.

People can't help but look at the two of them in shock.

Chen Chang only told the old woman that he had something urgent and needed to leave immediately.

The old woman hurriedly gave them two raincoats. Chen Chang gave her another handful of copper coins, then mounted his horse and galloped away.

After chasing him all the way, the little thief was driven by the two of them and almost lost his strength.

Finally, half an hour later, Wang Huan caught up with the carriage, but Chen Chang was not good at riding and fell behind together with the little thief.

"Stop! Who are you?"

Wang Huan rode up to catch up with the carriage, pulled the reins, stood in front of the carriage and asked coldly.

This chapter has been completed!
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