Chapter 319 A hasty battle with the killer in the dark night (3)

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 Although the deputy of the man in black was covered with a black scarf, his face under the black scarf was very ugly. He pinched his thumb and middle finger together and put it into his mouth to whistle, and soon two more men came over

, these two people were looking out from the front, but there is no need for them now.

Only the leader of the man in black and one other subordinate are left in front.

The deputy quickly explained the situation and told them not to be careless. There was a powerful opponent in the monastery. If there was any slack, the two of them would become a cold corpse like their previous companions.<


The two men looked at their leader in horror. They had not seen him like this for a long time. They remembered that the last time he was on the battlefield.

At this time, a knife flew out of the house with a roar. Ma Liang took advantage of the time they were talking to pick up the knife of the man in black and threw it away with all his strength. However, the alert deputy used a crossbow to gently throw it away.

He pushed it aside in one stroke, and the knife fell to the ground with a clang.

Ma Liang didn't expect that the other party would come with two more helpers, which made his heart hang high again.

The opponent has hard crossbows in their hands. From a long distance, the three people in their monastery are at a disadvantage. Even if the number of people is doubled, it will be difficult to withstand the opponent's powerful equipment.

Ma Liang heard the other party whispering and guessed that they were ready to start the next phase of the attack.

He asked about Ding Kui's injury, but learned that Ding Kui was also stabbed in the left shoulder by the last man in black before he died. Although Ding Kui did not moan at all, Ma Liang guessed that he was injured.

It's not light. The man in black's knife is much heavier than an ordinary knife. The bone may be visible when this knife is struck.

Ding Kui is quite a man!

Ma Liang asked Ding Kui to step back and whispered to Jiang Xiaoyi.

As soon as everything was done, the opponent's attack began.

Crossbow arrows flew, and in the chaos of the battle, Ma Liang was hit by an arrow in his left arm. It was so powerful that he leaned against a pillar.

Then two men of the deputy man in black rushed into the door. This time they learned from the previous lesson and did not leave their bodies in the air. One used a knife and the other used a crossbow.

Ma Liang swung his sword to resist, but was knocked away by the opponent's sword. Ding Kui was hit by an arrow again, and his life or death is unknown.

Ma Liang still wanted to resist, but a crossbow arrow hit his thigh. He immediately lost his center of gravity and half-knelt on the ground.

The deputy of the man in black immediately put his knife to Ma Liang's neck. He didn't want to kill this man immediately. He wanted to find out what kind of person he was that had such strong fighting power. He lost his life in an instant.

So many elite combat forces.

At the same time, he asked one of his men to drag the injured Ding Kui aside to take a look.

Another subordinate continued to search for possible threats. As for entering the back room to find Magistrate Chu and An Daoming, there was no rush. The two guys had been drugged long ago and would not wake up for a while.

When he entered the door, the deputy in black saw a body of the other party lying on the inside of the door. To be safe, he stabbed the body once to confirm the death of the other party.

The deputy said to Ma Liang fiercely: "I am a person who respects my opponents, especially strong opponents. If you name me, I can keep your whole body!"

Ma Liang was covered with a wet cloth, and the room was so dark that he couldn't see his face clearly.


The sound of a steel knife entering flesh.

The vice-captain was very surprised, where did the sound come from?

He looked at Ma Liang and Ding Kui again, and there was nothing unusual about them.

The deputy in black was startled and quickly turned his head, only to see the man in charge of the search standing with his back to the door, trembling all over, and the tip of a bloody knife protruding from his chest.

The tip of the knife slowly withdrew again, and the man in black knelt softly on the ground with a grunt, revealing another man in black squatting behind him.

The deputy men in black suddenly realized that someone was impersonating them, and they only paid attention to people wearing different clothes.

At this time, Ma Liang also saw Jiang Xiaoyi. This was what he had arranged before. He asked Jiang Xiaoyi to switch clothes with the dead man in black, lie on the ground and pretend to be the other person, and suddenly attack when others were unprepared.

Facts have shown that this method is very good, and another man in black was eliminated without leaving any trace.

"Xiao Yi, run!" Ma Liang's pupils shrank and he shouted for Jiang Xiaoyi to step back quickly.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoyi is holding a dagger.

The attack was too sudden and completely caught the deputy in black by surprise.

Ma Liang's reminder was already a step too late, but it was already too late. The deputy of the man in black strode over and slashed Jiang Xiaoyi's head with a knife.

At the critical moment, Jiang Xiaoyi leaned back. Although the knife did not cut off his head, it hit his thigh. Jiang Xiaoyi screamed in pain, and the knife fell to the ground with a clang.

Jiang Xiaoyi was very stubborn at this time. He endured the severe pain, gritted his teeth, stood up and continued to fight with the deputy in black, but was kicked to the ground by the deputy in black.

Continuous losses of troops and generals have made the deputy of the man in black furious. He shouted angrily: "Huh, kill so many of my brothers, and none of you will have a good death!"

He grabbed Jiang Xiaoyi's wrist, dragged him to Ding Kui's side, and ordered his only subordinate to take off Ding Kui's belt and tie up Ding Kui and Jiang Xiaoyi.

The deputy of the man in black pinched Jiang Xiaoyi's wrist hard, almost breaking his bones.

Beads of sweat the size of soybeans dripped from Jiang Xiaoyi's forehead.

The deputy's men in black found lamp oil from nowhere and poured it directly on Ma Liang, Ding Kui and Jiang Xiaoyi.

After everything was ready, the deputy of the man in black took out the fire sickle with a grim smile and started a fire with a click in his hand.

Ma Liang knew something tragic was about to happen, but he was powerless to stop it.

Ding Kui's face was covered in blood and her expression could not be seen.

Jiang Xiaoyi cursed the man in black across from him. The deputy of the man in black knew that these three guys were dangerous people, but the more this happened, the less willing he was to kill them easily.

While the men in black walked to other places in the room, Jiang Xiaoyi whispered to Ma Liang: "Captain Ma, you have to run out, I will find a way to hold them back!"

Ma Liang looked at the childish Jiang Xiaoyi with a lump in his throat.

He really shouldn't have kept this child just for the sake of chatting with him.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die." Ma Liang squeezed out a sentence from the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Xiaoyi didn't know what Ma Liang meant, but he had no chance to ask again. The man in black glanced at him sharply, and the two could no longer talk or discuss.

Jiang Xiaoyi is determined to die. Ma Liang is a person he respects. He will feel happy if he can die for someone he respects.

He endured the severe pain and arched his right leg so that he would have the strength to eject when the fire burned his body.

But the injuries on his body were very serious, and every movement involved the wounds. His hands and feet were shaking, his teeth were shaking, and even the muscles on his face were shaking. For a moment, liquid flowed uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes.

When it came out, the liquid washed away the dust and blood on the face.

The deputy of the man in black finally lit the fire, and the ball of burnt moxa in his hand had already lit up with a small green flame. He glanced at the three dark prey and said viciously and cruelly: "

You three hateful guys have killed so many of my brothers, now let’s use you three to pay homage to their dead souls!”

To avoid being affected by the fire, the deputy in black took a few steps back, leaning against the door and window. He calculated that the distance was safe enough, and then raised his arm to throw the moxa out.


Ma Liang shouted with all his strength.

The deputy's hand of the man in black suddenly stopped in mid-air. He looked at Ma Liang suspiciously. In fact, the distance between the two was not enough for him to see the expression on half of Ma Liang's face clearly. He was focused on the other person's voice.
"Ma..." The deputy's voice began to tremble, "Is that you?"

"It's me!"

The deputy's hand of the man in black also trembled, and the flames on the moxa also started to jump, and all the people and objects in the room seemed to jump with it.

"Why do you do this?"

"We are forced by life. After coming off the battlefield, we don't know what to do!"

"Is it just possible to kill people and set fires?"

"Besides this, what else can we do?"

"Kill everyone?"

The deputy in black was silent.

Jiang Xiaoyi roughly understood that Ma Liang actually knew the deputy man in black, and the two were close friends with each other.

On such an occasion, such a scene is indeed incredible.

"Let these two young men go, I'll stay here!" Ma Liang said to the deputy in black.

The deputy in black looked at Ma Liang, as if he was thinking about something.

Ma Liang added: "They are still young and should not die here."

"No, everyone has their own choice. Ever since the two of them appeared here, they should have expected such a result." The deputy of the man in black undoubtedly rejected Ma Liang's request.

Ma Liang was unwilling to give in: "I have never begged you, just this once!"

"No, there is no need for the word 'begging' between us!"

"I can die, but they can't. And I can guarantee that they won't leak what's going on here!"

"You are wrong. In my opinion, only brothers and dead people can keep secrets. But here, you are my brother, but they are dead people!" The deputy of the man in black refused to give an inch.

"You..." Ma Liang did not expect that the brothers who lived and died together on the battlefield in the past would become so cold-blooded and ruthless. He only remembered that this kind of indifferent expression would only appear when dealing with the enemy.

"Everyone changes. You have changed, and so have I!" the deputy of the man in black concluded, "Have you recognized me a long time ago? Why don't you recognize me?"

Ma Liang remained silent.

"Why?" The deputy of the man in black roared almost as if it was coming directly from his chest.

If Ma Liang had revealed his identity long ago, would there still be corpses everywhere like this?

Ma Liang was angry, and he also felt extremely angry.

What could have turned hostility into friendship has now become a mess!

"Why? Why?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a big hand stretched out from between the window lattice behind him. In a flash of cold light, a dagger pierced the back of his heart.

The deputy of the man in black never thought that someone would attack him at this time. While he was talking to Ma Liang, his mind went back to the days when his shirt was stained with blood, so he had no precautions at all.

The dagger stabbed very deep, piercing his heart from behind.

As the deputy in black yelled, he forked the knife in his hand backwards, and a hoarse voice screamed in the courtyard, followed by the sound of falling.

Ma Liang recognized it. It was the voice of County Magistrate Chu.

How could this confused official run outside? In an instant, he understood. Ding Kui opened the rear window, and Magistrate Chu probably escaped through the rear window.

Didn't he ask him to look at An Daoming? I think this guy is greedy for life and afraid of death, but why would he come back now that he had escaped?

In addition to these questions swirling in his mind, what Ma Liang thought about most was his former Paoze, his current enemy.

What an irony this is. We once fought side by side, but now we have to fight tit for tat!

"Jiang Yong!" Ma Liang's voice was full of anger and sadness.

The deputy man in black slowly fell against the window lattice. He was still covered by a black scarf. No one could see the expression on his face clearly, but Ma Liang seemed to see the smile in his eyes. That was his very

A familiar scene.

The sudden scene made the last man in black completely confused.

He jumped over with a knife and slashed at Ma Liang and others. If he didn't strike, he would die.

Naturally, Ma Liang would not let him succeed. He had a relationship with Jiang Yong, but not with the man in black. However, before he could take action, Jiang Xiaoyi, who had already tensed up, suddenly kicked out, directly hitting Hei.

On the ankle of the man in black, the man in black could not stand steadily, and the knife lost its accuracy, and struck Jiang Xiaoyi on the shoulder, and the bone was clearly visible.

At the critical moment, Ma Liang used the ceramic shards on the ground to cut the belt that bound his hands, and then punched the man in black in the abdomen.

This punch was done with all his strength, and the man in black felt that all his internal organs had been displaced, and the muscles on his face were painfully twisted. Ma Liang followed closely, picked up the knife on the ground and inserted it directly into his chest.

The man in clothes fell to the ground with a plop, leaving only two legs still kicking desperately, and soon became lifeless.

"Are you two still alive?"

Ma Liang asked while picking up the man in black's hard crossbow from the ground. With this weapon, the disadvantage is no longer so obvious.

Jiang Xiaoyi and Ding Kui were really strong. They groaned, and Ma Liang finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he was alive, that would be fine.

At this time, Magistrate Chu from outside also hurried in.

When Ma Liang saw this guy, he wished he could kill him with a knife, and Jiang Yong died in the hands of Magistrate Chu.

But he couldn't do it. If it weren't for Magistrate Chu, Jiang Xiaoyi and Ding Kui would have died.

He can die, but the two young men cannot.

This damn guy, Magistrate Chu, has almost been forgotten.

Just as Ma Liang guessed, he initially huddled next to An Daoming holding a dagger. Later, the man in black launched an attack. When he saw that the situation was not good, the guy quietly climbed out of the back window.<


Unexpectedly, the person who saved people in the end was actually this confused officer!

This is like a ridiculous joke!

This chapter has been completed!
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