Chapter 337 Secretly Instructing to Be Evil

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Although Lou Qingyi has a strong personality, he is still very kind.

Such people will always be merciful to their second and third wives out of family affection, so as not to push them to a dead end.

If it were someone else dealing with the second and third bedrooms, it would be hard to say.

At this time, the old man said again: "People's hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants. Maybe when they have nothing, they won't have the thought of scheming against people every day. What do you think?"

Chen Chang understood that the old man had set the tone for the future struggle between the three families.

Don't look at the second child, the third child is the elder, but he really may not be able to defeat Lou Qingyi. In the end, Lou Qingyi will still have to show his favor and let the two of them live.

Only in this way can the bloodline of the Lou family be prevented from being cut off.

However, until now, I only know that Lou Qingyi is smart, but I have never seen her take action against the second and third bedrooms.

Could it be that she is also hiding her clumsiness as much as she is?

Looking back at myself, I can hardly hide it anymore.

First of all, you have to stop hiding when it comes to making money.

It is difficult for a rich man to be a man without money.

How can you make money without showing some talent?

Chen Chang knew that now was not the time for him to express his stance, and there was no need for him to express his stance.

The old man said these words to his granddaughter. Who is he?

Lou Qingyi said lightly: "Granddaughter, remember Aweng's advice, the Lou family will always be the Lou family!"

The old man smiled happily and said: "I really did not misjudge you. You, like your father, are so kind-hearted."

Turning his head, he said to Chen Chang: "No matter what happens to you two in the future, I implore you to help Qingyi when he fails."

Chen Chang was startled, feeling more and more like he was about to explain his funeral.

Is there really nothing wrong with the old man's health?

At this time, the old lady raised her thick eyebrows: "Why, you don't want to?"

Chen Chang said hurriedly: "No, I have written down Aweng's words."

I have written it down, but I don’t know if your granddaughter is willing to let me help her.

The old man nodded happily: "You are also the person I like. There is one more thing I want to ask of you, Qingyi. There has been no news from your fourth uncle. People say he has died in the battle, but I don't believe it.

I have been dreaming about him these past few days, and I have a feeling that maybe he is still alive."

Regarding this fourth uncle, the family rarely talks about it.

Even Lou Qingyi didn't mention it much, Chen Chang only had such a vague concept in his mind.

The fourth uncle was a few years older than Lou Qingyi, and it was said that he was separated during the war.

After searching for several years, he could not find it. Together with the death of Lou Qingyi's father, they were the two major worries of the old man.

Lou Qingyi answered: "Don't worry, Aweng, we will do our best to find out about our fourth uncle."

The old man sighed: "If there is any news in the future, tell me in front of my grave. I will be content even if I am under the spring."

When the fourth uncle's whereabouts became known, did he not forget to report the family sacrifice to Aweng?

Before Chen Chang could wait, Lou Qingyi tried to comfort him. The old lady raised her hand and said to Lou Qingyi, "You go back first. I'll stay with Chen Chang to talk for a while!"

"Well, Avondo, please take care of yourself. My granddaughter will leave first." Lou Qingyi bowed and exited the room.

Zi Ling and Xiao Yu'er, who were waiting outside, immediately came over to greet them. Xiao Yu'er looked behind Lou Qingyi, but found no sign of Chen Chang.

At this time, Lou Qingyi whispered to Zi Ling: "Go and get the old lady's latest pulse record and prescription."

Although Zi Ling didn't know why, she still nodded in agreement and followed the order.

"Xiao Yu'er, you come back with me first."

Xiao Yu'er looked around the room, opened her mouth, and finally responded: "Yes!"

After Lou Qingyi left, the study fell into silence.

The old man and the young man seemed to have a tacit understanding, and no one spoke.

The old man closed his eyes tightly, as if he was in meditation like an old monk.

Chen Chang looked at his face and saw that his face, already full of wrinkles, had become older.

"Cough cough... cough cough cough! Chen Chang, what do you think of my arrangement just now?"

An old voice sounded, accompanied by a violent cough, making it difficult to speak.

"Aweng has worked very hard for the Lou family."

Chen Chang stood up and patted the old man on the back.

These words seemed to answer the old man's question, but they didn't seem to answer anything.

The old man smiled slightly: "I am keeping you here just to ask you, if one day in the future, the second and third houses are going to kill the people in the first house, how should you deal with it?"

Chen Changyi frowned, this is just a question.

It is a matter of life and death for your family. Wouldn't it be nice for me to answer it?

"There are only you and me in the room. You say it and I listen. No third person will know. Just say it!"

Chen Chang remained silent.

The old man smiled and said: "Actually, you don't tell me. I also know the answer in your heart. Although the Lou family is a whole, if the two arms are disobedient and always want to strangle themselves, I will not hesitate.

Cut off these two arms!"

When he said the last sentence, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and a hint of murderous intent emerged.

"If the skin is gone, how can the hair be attached? Chen Chang, I understand such a simple truth, and so do you, right?"

Chen Chang's mind buzzed, and he finally understood the old man's intention of leaving him alone.

Lou Qingyi is too kind and will definitely not be able to do anything at the critical moment, so who will be the villain?

The old man naturally chose himself.

But is it appropriate for me to be a villain?

Let me come up with a bad idea and make my brother-in-law feel disgusted.

But I am determined not to do this kind of murder, as it goes against the harmony of nature.

"No, Aweng, I cannot agree to this," Chen Chang said immediately.

They are all smart people, so there is no need to be secretive when speaking.

"If you don't do it, why don't you let me do it? I know Qingyi's temper best. If you are not cruel, it will be the two of them who will be unlucky in the future."

The old lady was a little excited.

This was one of the few times when he was emotionally excited.

Mainly, this matter is related to the life and death of the Lou family!

Once Lou Qingyi relents at a critical moment, the Lou family will be completely destroyed.

He knows very well the virtues of having a second or third house.

Needless to say about the second bedroom.

Although Sanfang is a little clever, his scheming skills are not enough compared to those of the officials in the court or those from a wealthy family.

Once this happens, the Lou family will indeed have a big problem, and it is very likely to cause natural and man-made disasters.

He didn't want the Lou family to be ruined in his own hands.

"There is no parent in the world who doesn't cherish their children, and they all hope that brothers and sisters will be respectful, that the father will be kind and the son will be filial, but God doesn't fulfill people's wishes! The second and third children have evil intentions, and I am heartbroken..." the old lady said publicly.

His tone was extremely calm.

Chen Chang sympathizes with the old man. One of his two favorite sons is dead, and the life of the other is uncertain.

The two living sons think about intrigues all day long, which is a huge mental blow to an old man in his dying years.

"Chen Chang, I beg you to be this evil person!"

This chapter has been completed!
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