Chapter 375: Fragrance is hard to find and pitiful

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The news of Xiao Yu'er's disappearance soon spread back to the building.

The servants of the Lou family were all sent out to find someone. The house was brightly lit, but the atmosphere was unusually dull.

Everyone felt as if a big stone was pressing on their chests.

The family member who reported the news returned home exhausted. As soon as they returned home, Lou Qingyi and Zi Ling hurriedly came to greet them. When they heard that there was no news about Xiao Yu'er, they couldn't help but burst into tears again.

Lou Qingyi wiped her tears and warned herself that there was no point in just crying in pain.

"Don't panic, don't panic. When a person is kidnapped, the most important thing is to avoid rushing around like a headless fly. It won't help. You have to calm down. You must calm down."

Although she was comforting herself in this way, her heart was twisting and turning like a mess.

Xiao Yu'er has followed her since she was a child and is called Master and Servant. They are actually sisters.

She recalled the past when Xiao Yuer opened her sleepy eyes and yawned lazily, combing her hair in the early morning.

Over the years, Xiao Yu'er has completely integrated into her life and become her family.

During the time when Xiao Yu'er was taking care of Chen Chang, she was even a little annoyed with Xiao Yu'er for speaking up for Chen Chang. Now that Xiao Yu'er suddenly disappeared, her heart felt empty, with a suffocating feeling that made her unable to breathe.


How could she have disappeared? Was she kidnapped by the lecherous evil spirit like herself?

Lou Qingyi couldn't help but shudder.

The little fish is still so small, what should it do if it falls into the hands of a thief?


She quickly overturned this conclusion.

This is Jiangling City, at the foot of the Emperor. There are soldiers patrolling the city at night. It is no different than the last time I was on the riverside. No one dares to take such a big risk. This has never happened before.

However, the youngest daughter has no money, and her only asset is the beauty of her family. Apart from this, what else can make people miss her?

Abducting women and selling them into the land of fireworks?

Or trafficking people to remote places?

Both of these possibilities require Xiaoyu'er to be taken out of the city as soon as possible.

Through Wang Huan, I have already greeted the soldiers guarding the gate. Now the four gates are closed tightly, and there will be strict inspections tomorrow morning.

This will make the thieves who kidnap people wary. After all, once they are caught, it will be a serious crime.

So how will they respond after they get wind of it?

They should have hidden themselves in the city for a few days, and then quietly transported the people out of the city after the news had passed.

This is the safest way.

Lou Qingyi sighed. Once Xiao Yu'er was taken out of the city and sold as a gangster in another place, the hope of recovering her would be completely impossible.

I am really lucky to be found back.

A sudden thought occurred in her heart. The reason why she was successfully rescued had a lot to do with Chen Chang.

I don't know that he put a lot of thought into killing him. I should be grateful and shouldn't blame him.

Lou Qingyi is a rational daughter, and she quickly got rid of her self-blame.

Thinking back carefully, first she was kidnapped, and this time Xiao Yu'er disappeared inexplicably. Could it be understood that someone was targeting the Lou family?

Lou Qingyi thought about it and realized that it was not enough to rely solely on the government and the Lou family. More people had to be mobilized.

"Zi Ling, you once mentioned that when I was kidnapped, there were signs looking for me posted all over the city, right?"

Zi Ling nodded vigorously: "Yes, it was at that time that Uncle Chen... painted it and asked the painter to print it and post it in a conspicuous place in the city, offering a reward for information about the search for the young lady."

"Okay, then let's do the same thing!"

Lou Qingyi's eyes suddenly lit up, there must be a brave man under the heavy reward.

With so many pairs of eyes, there must be more than the servants of the mansion and the soldiers of the government.

"But, miss, we don't have Xiao Yu'er's portrait, what should we do?"

Chen Chang's sketches were so similar that no one in Jiangling City could draw them like that.

Lou Qingyi frowned slightly, and suddenly a plan came to her mind: "Go to the study quickly and see if there is any portrait of Xiao Yu'er!"

Since Chen Chang likes painting, and as Chen Chang's personal maid, it is very likely that she will become a character in Chen Chang's paintings.

The two of them couldn't wait to run into the study. After some rummaging, they actually found Xiao Yu'er's portrait.

This is what Chen Chang uses to practice when he has nothing to do.

He thought that if one day he was kicked out, he could still make a living by setting up a painting stall on the street.

"It's so similar!"

Even Lou Qingyi, who is also a painter, couldn't help but admire it.

The little fish in the painting has a smile as bright as a flower, and is so naive that it is so lifelike that even its hair is so lifelike.

"Miss, there's still something for you here!"

Zi Ling took out a painting and handed it to Lou Qingyi.

In the painting, I stand on the stairs on the second floor and look back, my clothes fluttering.

Lou Qingyi's cheeks couldn't help but feel hot, and she said angrily: "Put it down, it's already been so long, there's still time to watch this."

"Oh!" When Zi Ling put the painting down, she didn't notice Lou Qingyi glance at it again.

He should be more beautiful in the painting. How did he draw it?

The two took Xiao Yu'er's portrait and walked to the main hall, where their family members were already waiting for instructions.


Lou Qingyi said to a family member: "You guys took Zi Ling to the painting shop where we were last time and printed out Xiao Yu'er's portrait overnight. Post notices all over the city to see if anyone can provide Xiao Yu'er.

The person whose clues can be confirmed will be rewarded with a hundred guan, and the one who follows the clues to rescue Xiaoyuer will be rewarded with an additional 500 guan! Whoever can rescue Xiaoyuer will be rewarded with a thousand guan!"

The family members were stunned: "A thousand strings?"

In the past, one thousand guan might not have been a big deal to the Lou family, but today is different from the past. Business everywhere is not very prosperous, and the income is much less than before. The family's expenses have been reduced to 30% of the past.

The eldest lady didn't even think twice, so she offered a thousand dollars.

And Xiao Yu'er is just a little maid in the inner house.

Even if the eldest lady has some private money, one thousand guan is still a large sum of money. Is it worth it to use such a large amount of money to reward a little maid?

There was silence in the main hall for a while, and everyone in the family was looking at Lou Qingyi.

Lou Qingyi turned his attention to Zi Ling and said decisively: "Compared with Xiao Yu'er's life, what does this thousand years ago mean?"

Zi Ling was overjoyed and burst into tears. She turned around and saw her family members still standing there, and couldn't help scolding her coldly: "What are you still doing? Miss Snapshot said, come with me quickly and post the reward list. Xiao Yu'er will

There is help."

Watching Zi Ling and others leave the main hall, Lou Qingyi softened and slowly sat down holding on to the desk, as if all the strength in her body had been drained away.

I hope Xiao Yu will be safe tonight!

This chapter has been completed!
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