Chapter 385 Deliberately delaying to stop the evil slave

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The confidant gave a thumbs up: "Manager Cui still sees far, I admire him, I admire him!"

Being flattered by his confidant, Manager Cui's originally anxious mood calmed down a little.

A servant on the side echoed: "No, we have to follow the steward closely from now on in order to be successful, right, brothers?"

The rest of the people also agreed.

After drinking another cup of tea, Manager Cui's bladder began to protest, and he had to stand up, stretching his neck to look into the backyard.

"Shopkeeper Qiu, what's going on? Then Mr. Chen went to see your wife, why haven't you come back for so long?"

Shopkeeper Qiu's face turned red and he hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

Did Chen Chang see his wife when he went to the backyard? If so, what did he say to her and what was her attitude?

Shopkeeper Qiu is also anxious!

Manager Cui snorted. Shopkeeper Qiu had always been hesitant and lacked decision-making.

From the bottom of my heart I look down on such people, they are useless!

Manager Cui looked at Ma Wu and Zhang Qing who were guarding the door, then turned to Manager Qiu and said, "Manager Qiu, since I am a guest of your Songhe Tower, is it okay if I want to go to the backyard for convenience?"


Manager Cui crossed his legs and said angrily: "Shopkeeper Qiu, don't you guys in Songhe Tower sell you the face of the shopkeeper?"

He didn't want to deal with people like Ma Wu and Zhang Qing. These two guys might get angry and beat him up, which would be uneconomical.

Relying on Shopkeeper Qiu to suppress Ma Wu and Zhang Qing is the best choice.

Shopkeeper Qiu rolled his eyes, feeling a bit in a dilemma.

He knew that Manager Cui went to the backyard to inquire about his wife on the pretext of going to the toilet.

What should I do?

Based on his understanding of his wife, who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, she will definitely not agree to this marriage, even if the other party is the husband of the Lou family.

However, shopkeeper Qiu used his identity as a guest to make a request, and in front of everyone, if he didn't agree to it, he was afraid that others would be blamed.

At this moment, Chen Chang wandered out from the backyard with a thick smile on his face.

The savior has finally arrived.

Shopkeeper Qiu suddenly saw Chen Chang and was so happy that he shouted loudly: "Chen Langjun!"

After seeing Chen Chang, the two doorkeepers at the door, Ma Wu and Zhang Qing, turned left and right respectively to make way for the back door. Their movements were uniform and in perfect harmony.

As soon as Chen Chang crossed the threshold, he saw shopkeeper Qiu running over, his old face flushed with excitement, his eyes looking at him lovingly, and he whispered: "Chen Langjun, you are here! Cui!"

Take care of him..."

Chen Chang looked at Shopkeeper Qiu's affectionate eyes and could only say: "Well, I know all this."


Shopkeeper Qiu was stunned. Could it be that Chen Chang had been eavesdropping from behind?

"But Manager Cui..."

As Shopkeeper Qiu spoke, he looked at Chen Chang with burning eyes and said: "Chen Langjun, it is really difficult for me to make a decision. I wonder if you have seen Madam in the backyard?"

Chen Chang rolled his eyes at him, "If I were my wife, I would fire you immediately after seeing your behavior."

He cleared his throat and said: "Shop Manager Qiu, since Manager Cui wants to go for convenience, don't you still want to stop him?"

After saying that, he ignored Shopkeeper Qiu and walked straight towards Manager Cui.

"Oh, Manager Cui, I kept you waiting for a long time!"

Cui Guanshi stood strangely, his bladder kept protesting, which made him put going to the toilet first.

I was originally hoping that Chen Chang would come back quickly and reply, but now Chen Chang asked him to go there quickly, but the person kept blocking him.

"Chen Langjun, has Madam ever replied...?"

Chen Chang cleared his throat and said in a serious tone: "I did meet Madam. Madam said..."

Manager Cui looked at Chen Chang eagerly, waiting for him to continue.

"Madam said..." Chen Chang stuttered.

Manager Cui's expression became increasingly anxious.

"Mrs. Chen, what do you mean, please tell me quickly!"

Chen Chang sighed suddenly.

Manager Cui trembled in his heart, his legs also trembled, and he suddenly made an anal lift movement, and then he temporarily controlled the urge of his bladder.

"Madam said... I'm afraid the Lou family is not sincere!"

"Ah?" Manager Cui didn't understand, "Why are you so insincere?"

My husband put a lot of thought into this marriage. Before leaving, he gave himself numerous instructions to get things done.

If this is done well, Mr. Lang will be greatly rewarded.

"How can a marriage be a trivial matter? Since Mr. Lou loves the young lady, why did he only send Manager Cui to propose marriage?"

Chen Chang's implication is that a housekeeper and servant came to propose marriage, which is far from qualified.


Of course Steward Cui didn't think so. His husband was just taking a concubine, and it was enough for a steward like him to show up.

A widow from a small family doesn't even weigh her weight.

What kind of status does my husband have? If you marry my husband as a concubine, you are climbing a high tree.

He thought so in his heart, but couldn't say it out loud.

Manager Cui resisted the urge to urinate and slandered Chen Chang in his heart before forcing out a smile: "Haha, since the madam said so, it's easy to handle. But now that I'm here, shouldn't I meet the madam?

, tell my husband’s thoughts to my wife face to face?”

Chen Chang nodded: "Manager Cui's request is naturally reasonable, and I think Madam will definitely agree to meet him."

Manager Cui breathed a sigh of relief: "Then please ask Chen Langjun to take me see my wife!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Manager Cui, please!" Chen Chang said while making a gesture of invitation.

After Cui Guanshi's bladder kept protesting, he finally saw a glimmer of light, but the owner stopped.

It wasn't that Manager Cui didn't want to leave. He wanted to go to the backyard more strongly than anyone else, but he was blocked by Chen Chang.

"Chen Langjun, what are you...?"

Chen Chang suddenly turned around and said helplessly: "Manager Cui, I have forgotten something. Madam's maid has eaten badly this morning and is currently occupying the latrine."

Manager Cui had no choice but to fire his arrow, and said with difficulty: "You can't have only one hut in the backyard of Songhe Tower, right?"

Manager Qiu looked at Chen Chang, this reason was a bit too far-fetched.

It is simply difficult to deceive the shrewd Manager Cui.

The backyard of Songhe Tower not only has latrines, but the latrines are even divided into men and women.

Because after Young Master passed away, Madam Young Master occasionally came to the restaurant. For convenience, shopkeeper Qiu specially arranged for craftsmen to renovate the latrine.

Xiaolian has diarrhea. How can she, a little girl, go to the men's hut?

Unexpectedly, Chen Chang waved his hand: "Manager Cui, it's not that I don't want you to cause trouble in the backyard. This matter is really, really..."

Manager Cui is almost dying of anxiety, what else is he hiding?

Can we finish it together?

This chapter has been completed!
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