Chapter 76 If people want to make progress, they should study first

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 Chen Chang has seen countless novels, movies, and TV series about the fight for family property among wealthy families. This kind of bloody plot is the most normal thing.

Once Xingchen's chat box is opened, it is difficult to close it. He said angrily: "If you ask me, our eldest brother is very easy to talk to. My sister always gives them three points in everything. Huh, in the end, it's theirs.

They are becoming more and more arrogant and they take us less and less seriously."

"Now that Aweng is still alive, if he is no longer here one day, won't they take away our family property and throw us out of our house?"

"You're talking nonsense again early in the morning!" But a whisk gently swept over the back of Xingchen's head.

Chen Chang turned around and saw Xingchen's sister walking towards her in the morning mist.

She is still wearing a gray-green Taoist robe, but this outfit is elegant and refined. She has a snow-white and delicate face with melon seeds, long eyelashes and curved eyes, bright and elegant facial features, and a fairy-like Taoist body with a true cultivation body.

Chen Chang did not dare to be rude, so he crossed his arms and saluted her: "Miss!"

Shui Ling'er saw him and gave him a gift.

Only Xingchen made a face after seeing his sister.

The woman smiled at the two of them as a greeting.

Then, he turned to his younger brother with a pretty face, snorted heavily, and said: "I've been talking freely all day long! Isn't it something that a child like you can discuss between adults?"

"Didn't I ask you to get up early and study? Why are you here talking nonsense again?"

"In the old Guozi, students were limited to high or low. The emperor wanted to attract underachievers, so the students in the five halls all attracted talented people from poor families. There was no limit on the number. You are still young and have no worries about food and clothing. How can you not want to make progress?"

As outsiders, Chen Chang and Shui Ling'er saw their younger brother Jackie Chan's sister scolding him, so naturally it was inconvenient for them to interrupt.

Xingchen said unconvinced: "What's the use of that? Since the establishment of the Fifth Academy, it has become common to have negative ranks, and students from the first class have come out from time to time. However, some students from the Fifth Academy can try to become officials with Mingjing strategies, but their official positions are not high and their official career is not smooth.

, the achievements are not obvious, so the history is unknown, what is the use of studying?"

The woman was so angry with her brother that her face was covered with a layer of frost, but it was inconvenient for her to get angry in front of Chen Chang and Shui Ling'er.

The little guy still talked back: "In sharp contrast to Wuguansheng who came from a humble background and had difficulty in becoming an official, most of the Guozisheng students came from prominent backgrounds and achieved outstanding results, and could easily start from some upright officials and obtain high positions."

"Studying, studying, don't you have to rely on family background in the end?"

Guozixue originated in the Western Jin Dynasty. In order to maintain and satisfy the privileged interests of the noble gentry, the ruling group headed by the Sima family set up the country's highest academic institution for the children of the gentry besides Taixue.

Judging from their family background, there are four main sources of children in the Liang Dynasty: first, the sons of princes, such as Xiao Dalin, Xiao Dalian, Xiao Xiaoyan, and Xiao Ying; second, children of the Xiao Qi clan, such as Xiao Kai and Xiao Qian; third, children of foreign relatives, such as

Zhang Gei, Zhang Zan, Zhang Mian; the fourth are descendants of noble families.

Among the children of noble families, the most numerous are the children of Wang Langye, a top-ranking family.

Chen Chang could tell that this little guy was in a rebellious stage and now had a rebellious attitude towards studying.

He understood this very well. The policy of recruiting officials in the Liang Dynasty changed over and over again. The sons of the country were either from the families of princes or nobles, or from the clans that had been crowned for generations, and their social status and family rank were quite high.
It can be said that the selection of students in the Liang Dynasty followed the system of the previous generation and was still "limited to high and low".

Although most of this little guy's families are wealthy, they are not aristocratic, so they are disheartened about studying and becoming an official.

Chen Chang's style has always been to be tireless in teaching others. He couldn't help but said: "Don't be discouraged. The purpose of studying is to understand the truth, not just to get an official position."

He looked at the river water at his feet and said: "Look, the boats we are riding now are all wooden boats. The wood is relatively light, so it can float on the water. But have you ever thought about whether the boat can also float on the water if it is made of iron?


As soon as he said this, Xingchen, her sister and Shui Ling'er all looked at him with strange eyes, as if they had seen a monster.

Chen Chang's original intention was to advise the child to study hard, but the examples include chiseling the wall to steal the light, reading in the moonlight, the firefly in the bag reflecting the snow, stabbing the buttocks from the beam, hanging the book from the horns, high phoenix flowing wheat, hoeing with scriptures, Wen Shu compiling cattails, etc.

, all because of the desire to study, they work hard.

But the little guy hasn't reached this stage yet, so naturally we can't use these examples to educate him.

We can only arouse his interest in learning first, but the example of iron floating in water is indeed a bit incredible for people of this era.

He coughed a few times and said: "To achieve knowledge, you need to examine things, and then you will know. Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? Why does a year have spring, summer, autumn and winter, and why can a day be divided into black and white?"

"In this way, if you read more, you will naturally understand many truths."

Shui Ling'er quietly pulled his sleeve to signal him not to interfere too much in other people's family affairs. Then she walked up to the woman and said, "Miss, don't listen to his nonsense. I have read his book, but still

He is a master who likes to preach, so don’t be offended, Miss."

The woman smiled slightly. What the scholar said did make some sense. However, the sun rose in the east and set in the west, the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter alternated, and night and day came and went. This was something she had become accustomed to since she was born. She had never thought about why it was like this.<


Xingchen thought for a moment, raised his head and asked, "Why haven't I thought about these things? Is there such truth in the book?"


Chen Chang felt it was difficult to answer. After all, the popular science knowledge in this era is very backward. If you tell him that we live on the earth, and the earth is round, it would be strange if people don't regard him as a monster.

He could only say vaguely: "This is natural."

After a pause, he continued: "I have a friend who once wrote a poem called "Encouraging Learning". I might as well tell you about it today."

Xingchen said suddenly: "Okay, I want to see what fancy reasons you can come up with."

The woman and Shui Ling'er also looked at each other with beautiful eyes and waited eagerly.

Chen Chang cleared his throat and chanted slowly.

"A rich family doesn't need to buy fertile land, there are thousands of grains of millet in books."

"There is no need to build a high hall to live in peace, there is a golden house in the book."

"Don't regret having no one to follow you when you go out. There are as many horses as there are horses in the book."

"Don't hate an unscrupulous matchmaker when marrying a wife. There is a beauty in the book."

"A man who wants to fulfill his life's ambitions should diligently read the Six Classics in front of the window."

His voice is clear and low, and he deliberately uses some broadcasting accents to enhance the effect, and he talks eloquently.

This is the work of Song Zhenzong, a chicken-blood copy used to encourage scientific examinations.

The star sneered and said: "The poem is quite good, and the literal meaning is very simple, so it is not difficult to understand."

"In life, what we pursue is nothing more than food to keep us warm and full, money to make us rich, beautiful women in pink to renew our marriage, and carriages and horses to show our status."

"You mean to tell me that these can be achieved by gaining fame and fame through reading. As long as you read books well or read good books, you can get everything, whether it is money or beautiful women."

"But do you know what I want?"

The woman scolded: "Xingchen, don't be rude!"

Xingchen ignored it and argued: "Isn't that what he meant?"

Shui Ling'er looked at Chen Chang anxiously, intuitively telling her that this young man had a very stubborn temper and was afraid that he would not listen to what others said. At this time, Chen Chang's preaching would definitely make him feel disgusted.

These two siblings are her and Chen Chang's lifesavers. If they say too much, they will hurt their harmony.

So, Shui Ling'er cast a pleading look at Chen Chang and signaled him to stop talking.

Chen Chang laughed: "If we understand it so well, I'm afraid it's too superficial, right?"


The two siblings stared at him at the same time.

Chen Chang said calmly: "Literally understood, this poem is just about using books as a 'stepping stone' to fulfill one's life ambitions, diligently reading the Six Classics, and seeking sales in officialdom."

Xingchen asked back: "Isn't it?"

Chen sang: "Of course not!"

"This poem is often used to encourage people to read. Utility and reputation can be a great motivation for reading."

"Of course, reading does not exclude utilitarianism. However, when the motivation is noble, utilitarianism is included, and you will get it naturally without asking for the beauty in the golden house; when the motivation is evil, it is better not to study."

"You may only remember that there is a golden house in the book, and there is a beauty like jade in the book. But what I want to say is that there is a world in the book that you can't even imagine."

The stars looked at him as if thinking.

"As we just said, it is not impossible for a ship made of iron to float on rivers, lakes and seas!"

"If you really don't believe it, you can make a small boat and try it. You will know if it is true or false at a glance."

"Be diligent in learning and be quick to seek knowledge. You should read more books with words and more books without words."

When doing things, the most fearful thing is that you only talk but don’t do anything, and have high ambitions and low abilities.

This is a common problem among scholars since ancient times. This young man named Xingchen is in a plastic period, and Chen Chang is happy to help him at the critical moment.

Xingchen nodded, seeming to have some realization.

Chen Chang smiled at him. It's not that children don't want to read, they just aren't interested in reading like that.

The woman's beautiful eyes twinkled and she said to Chen Chang: "Mr. Yang, what you said just now is so precious that you, the little girl, have learned a lesson."

She knows her brother's temper best, and knows that although he is not convinced now, he has already fallen into thinking. In the past, he would have thrown away his sleeves and left.

I wanted to ask Chen Chang a few more words, but it was very inconvenient for my brother to be present.

Chen Chang waved his hands repeatedly: "As the saying goes, if a bird wants to fly high, it first flutters its wings, and if a person wants to make progress, he first studies. Xiaolangjun has a desire to make progress, but he just has some prejudice against reading. In time, if you find the right method, you will naturally achieve great results."
At this moment, the big ship docked, and five or six horse-drawn carriages came riding on the shore.

An old family member got off the car, hurriedly walked across the plank and stepped onto the boat. He first glanced at Chen Chang with doubts, then crossed his hands and reported to the woman: "Miss, I'm here to pick you up!"<


"Uncle Zhong, thank you for your hard work!" the woman said with a smile.

The old man looked at Chen Chang and Shui Ling'er at the side again, and asked: "Miss, who are these two?"

The woman said: "Two friends who are taking a boat. Uncle Zhong, since the car has arrived, please tell everyone to unload the boat and load the car!"

Chen Chang nodded secretly. The woman said that he and Shui Ling'er were just taking a boat and didn't mention anything about rescuing people. She was very considerate of their feelings and did not let the two of them be grateful to Dai Yi.

This kind of kindness without seeking repayment is admirable.

This chapter has been completed!
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