Chapter 1009 Too late to regret

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"Does the Shen family have any?"

Hearing this, Qin Ming was surprised, and his mood suddenly sank.

Originally, he had pinned all the medicinal materials on the Shen family!

But now, what he never dreamed of was that the Shen family did not have Ganoderma lucidum that was about five hundred years old!

This was somewhat beyond his expectation and caught him off guard!

Of course, it’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!

Ganoderma lucidum, which is about 500 years old, is the main detoxification medicine for Huanglin. Its importance is self-evident and cannot be replaced by other medicinal materials!

Nowadays, the Shen family does not have Ganoderma lucidum that is about 500 years old. No matter how powerful he is, he will never be able to help Huang Lin detoxify!

"Qin Ming, although our Shen family does not have Ganoderma lucidum that is around 500 years old, there is one that is over 300 years old."

"Is this okay?"

Shen Yi thought for a while and said.

"Three hundred years? This medicine may not be effective enough!"

"Forget it, it's better than nothing!"

"Uncle, please help me prepare the 300-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and other medicinal materials. I will go to the Shen family right away!"

Qin Ming thought for a moment and said.

Since there is no Ganoderma lucidum that is about 500 years old, he can only settle for the next best thing and plan to try it with Ganoderma lucidum that is 300 years old.

There is no other way!

"Well, okay, I'll start preparing now..."

Shen Yi agreed, and then both parties hung up the phone.

"Qin Ming, what's wrong?"

"Is there something wrong with the medicinal materials?"

Seeing that Qin Ming's face looked a little unhappy, Lin Wanqing couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Well, the Shen family doesn't have Ganoderma lucidum that's around 500 years old. There's only one that's over 300 years old. The efficacy of this medicine will be much worse..."

Qin Ming sighed.

"Then how sure are you that you can cure Mr. Huang?"

Lin Wanqing asked.

"If it's Ganoderma lucidum that's about 500 years old, I'm at least 60-70% sure!"

"But now, I'm afraid I can't even get 20% or 30%
I’m not even sure…”

Qin Ming said helplessly.

"The confidence is so low?"

"Isn't it very dangerous for Mr. Huang..."

Lin Wanqing was surprised.

"Yes, everything depends on God's will!"

Qin Ming smiled bitterly.

In the past, when he helped others heal, he was at least 60 to 70% sure.

But this time, he had no confidence at all!

"how so……"

Next to her, Feng Ruoshuang's pretty face turned pale, she bit her lip, and two clouds of mist appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"Sister Shuang, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Ming couldn't help but feel a little strange when he noticed Feng Ruoshuang's strange behavior.

"Qin Ming, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I caused you trouble..."

Feng Ruoshuang could no longer suppress the guilt in her heart. She suddenly threw herself into Qin Ming's arms and burst into tears.


Qin Ming never dreamed that Feng Ruoshuang would suddenly throw himself into his arms. He was startled, his hands stopped in mid-air, and he didn't know what to do!

Immediately afterwards, he reacted quickly, patted Feng Ruoshuang's shoulder and comforted, "Sister Shuang, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to blame yourself!"

"No, this has a lot to do with me..."

"If I had known that things would be like this, I should have killed that insidious villain Bai Ge with a poisonous needle!"

Feng Ruoshuang cried and said, feeling extremely regretful.

She had had the opportunity to shoot Bai Ge before, but considering that Bai Ge was her ex-boyfriend, and because she was temporarily soft-hearted, she let Bai Ge go.

This will make things worse and make Qin Ming take the blame!

If Qin Ming can save Huang Lin this time, everything will be happy!

But now, due to the problem of medicinal materials, the probability that Qin Ming wants to detoxify Huang Lin is very low!

If Qin Ming fails to cure Huang Lin, and the Huang family pursues it, she and Qin Ming will definitely not end well!

It is no exaggeration to say that it was her temporary weakness that caused Qin Ming to suffer along with her!

For a moment, one can imagine the self-blame and regret in her heart!

"Sister Shuang, this matter is not your fault, you don't have to be sad!" ??

"Besides, Young Master Huang is not completely hopeless!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely try my best to save him and restore our innocence!"

"In short, as long as I am here, no matter what the outcome is, I will never let that despicable villain Bai Ge succeed!"

Qin Ming comforted him softly.

Although Feng Ruoshuang failed to kill Bai Ge in time this time, the incident became more and more serious.

But he didn't blame Feng Ruoshuang!

After all, Bai Ge is also Feng Ruoshuang's ex-boyfriend, and Feng Ruoshuang is not the kind of cruel woman. Feng Ruoshuang couldn't bear to kill Bai Ge. This is only human nature!

He would rather Feng Ruoshuang be kind-hearted than become that cruel and ruthless woman!

"Qin Ming, thank you..."

Feng Ruoshuang felt warm in her heart, as if a warm current was flowing into her heart.

Instead of blaming her this time, Qin Ming stood in front of her as always, shielding her from the wind and rain!

This moved her very much.

For a moment, she suddenly felt that compared with Qin Ming, Bai Ge couldn't even compare to one of Qin Ming's toes!

I don’t know if she was blind in the first place, how could she fall in love with such a sinister villain like Bai Ge, and she even suffered from falling out of love for several years because of it!

This is so not worth it!

At the thought of this, the good impression Bai Ge had left in her heart in the past disappeared in an instant!

From this moment on, she has completely opened her heart and completely walked out of the shadow of the past!


At this moment, there was a sound of cars, and Tang Yu drove and chased him from behind.

Immediately afterwards, the car door opened, and Tang Yu led people from
The car got out.


Seeing Feng Ruoshuang lying on Qin Ming's shoulder with pear blossoms in the rain, Tang Yu coughed a few times and looked a little weird.

However, remembering that Feng Ruoshuang was Qin Ming's god-sister, and that Lin Wanqing was standing by and watching, he didn't feel anything wrong with the close behavior of Feng Ruoshuang and Qin Ming.


Feng Ruoshuang exclaimed, then realized that her behavior seemed a bit too intimate, so she quickly left Qin Ming's arms, stepped back a few steps, her pretty face blushed, and two groups of beautiful red clouds flew up.

"Mr. Qin, what's going on?"

"what happened?"

Tang Yu asked with confusion, not understanding why Feng Ruoshuang was crying so hard.

"Oh, that's it..."

Qin Ming briefly explained the situation.


"You mean Huang Lin can still be saved?"

After listening, Tang Yu was shocked and couldn't believe his ears.

Originally he thought Huang Lin had been poisoned, but now, what he never dreamed of was that Qin Ming could actually save Huang Lin!

This was quite beyond his expectation!

At the same time, he also understood, no wonder Qin Ming insisted on taking Huang Lin away from Huang Yuying's hands before leaving. It turned out that Qin Ming wanted to help Huang Lin detoxify!

"Well, yes, Mr. Huang still has a glimmer of hope!"

"However, the Shen family does not have Ganoderma lucidum that is about five hundred years old. I am not very sure whether I can cure Mr. Huang this time..."

Qin Ming said with regret on his face.

"Ganoderma lucidum around five hundred years old?"

"We in the Tang family do have one, and it's about 800 years old..."

Tang Yu said quickly.


"Does your Tang family have one?"

"Is this... is this true?"

When Qin Ming heard this, he was overjoyed and wondered if he had heard wrongly.

This chapter has been completed!
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