Chapter 1043 Shame

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 "It's over..."

Seeing that the poisonous hand successfully obtained the motherwort and seriously injured Qin Ming with one palm, Mr. Guan and the masters of the martial arts group felt like they were struck by thunder, and their mood suddenly sank.

Immediately afterwards, they did not care about dealing with the poisonous hand and rushed to Qin Ming's side, wanting to check on Qin Ming's condition.

"Master Qin, are your injuries?"

Guan Lao and others asked eagerly.

They all know the strength of Poisonous Hand, he is a powerful warrior in the war realm!

Now that Qin Ming's vital parts of his chest had received a firm palm from a vicious hand, this was probably a sign of disaster!

For a moment, while they were worried, they couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in their hearts!

After all, Qin Ming is also the captain of the Southern Territory Martial Dragon Team. If Qin Ming really encounters something unexpected, how will they explain to the Southern Territory Martial Dragon Team afterwards! .??.??

"I'm fine, I just suffered some internal injuries, nothing serious..."

Qin Ming exhaled a thick breath, and then with the support of Deng Hai and Zhao Jiantong, he stood up from the ground with staggering steps.

"You...are you okay?"

"Okay, great!"

Seeing that Qin Ming was indeed not in danger, Mr. Guan and others were overjoyed, and their anxious hearts finally dropped!

"Boy, this won't kill you!"

"Your life is really big!"

When the poisonous hand heard this, he was very surprised.

He didn't expect that Qin Ming could survive after being slapped by him with his flesh and blood body!

This was somewhat beyond his expectation!

"Poison Hand, you despicable and shameless villain!"

"After all, you are also a famous figure in the martial arts world, and you are also a powerful warrior in the warrior realm!"

"But you broke your promise and took advantage of the hostage exchange to attack Master Qin secretly!"

"Don't you even have the slightest sense of shame as a warrior?

Guan Lao scolded angrily.

"Shame? How much is this worth!"

"Old man Guan, since ancient times, soldiers have never been tired of deceit!"

"If you want to blame, blame the boy named Qin for being too stupid!"

"A young boy like him dares to confront me head-on. He is asking for his own death!"

Poison Hand smiled contemptuously and looked at Qin Ming as if he were looking at Sha Bi.


Guan Lao was speechless.

He knew that what the poisonous hand said was right. Anyone could see it just now. The poisonous hand insisting on asking Qin Ming to come forward in exchange must have bad intentions!

However, Qin Ming knew that there were tigers in the mountains and chose to go to the tiger mountains. This was indeed a bit too reckless and stupid!

"Poisonous Hand, there is no need for you to be proud!"

"Which one of us is stupid? I'm afraid it's too early to draw a conclusion now!"

Qin Ming endured the injuries on his body and smiled coldly.

Although he had just been plotted by the poisonous hand, he had already used the trick and stabbed the poisonous hand with two poisonous needles from Tianlu Jiudu Powder!

He knows the toxicity of Tianli Jiudu Powder, which can seal the throat with blood and kill people instantly!

All in all, he was obviously better in this confrontation with Poisonous Hand!

"Boy, what do you mean?"

Seeing Qin Ming's expression was different, his heart skipped a beat, and he had a very bad premonition!

Immediately afterwards, he did a little exercise and sensed it, and he quickly noticed it.

There was an extremely powerful toxin that was spreading along his palm towards the entire arm.

And with his movement, the toxin spreads faster and becomes unstoppable!

"Boy, actually poisoned me!"

The poisonous hand was shocked.

Recalling the two faint blue needles in his palm just now, he immediately realized that these two needles must be very powerful poisonous needles!

After that, he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly clicked his fingers on his shoulders several times to seal the surrounding acupuncture points, trying to prevent the spread of toxins!

Unfortunately, the toxins in Tianli Jiudu Powder were much more powerful than he imagined!

Even if he sealed the acupuncture points around his shoulders, he couldn't stop the spread of the toxin, but it slightly slowed down the spread!

"What a powerful poison!"

The poisonous hand took a deep breath and turned green! .??.??

Originally, he thought that Qin Ming was too stupid and overestimated his abilities just now for daring to confront him head-on!

But it wasn't until now that he realized that the clown was actually himself!

Qin Ming took advantage of his unpreparedness and actually used a poisonous needle to plot against him!

You can imagine how he felt at this moment!

"The poisonous hand was actually poisoned?"

" is this possible!"

Hearing this, Mr. Guan and the masters of the Wulong Group were shocked and couldn't believe their ears!

Originally, their thoughts were similar to those of the poisonous hands. They all thought that Qin Ming was young and energetic and acted recklessly!

But now, what they never dreamed of was that Qin Ming actually had a back-up plan and used poison to poison him!

This is too incredible, right?

They really couldn't figure out how Qin Ming did it!

Gulu! Gulu!

The next moment, the poisonous hand quickly took out a few detoxification pills and swallowed them!

Although Tianli Jiudu Powder is a highly poisonous substance that seals the throat when blood is seen, there is almost no cure!

But as a poison master, he has
There are many antidote holy medicines always on hand, including the antidote for Wudu Ruanjin Powder!

Most of these antidotes contain some detoxifying drugs like reishi and licorice juice!

Even if these detoxification drugs cannot detoxify the highly toxic Tianli Jiudu Powder, they can play a suppressive role to some extent and help him delay the onset of the poison!

"Mr. Guan, the poisonous hand has been poisoned now. This is a great opportunity for our Wulong Group to kill him!"

"Hurry up and don't let him escape!"

At this time, Qin Ming gave a cold shout and promptly restored the consciousness of Mr. Guan and others!


"Everyone takes action together and kill without mercy!"

After Guan Lao reacted, he raised his hand and immediately gave the order to attack!

Boom! Boom!

Following the orders given by him and Qin Ming, a group of well-trained masters from the Western Region and Southern Region Martial Dragon Groups, some of them blocked the poisonous hand's escape route to prevent the poisonous hand from escaping!

The other group of people, led by the two warrior masters, Mr. Fan and Mr. Tian, ​​each launched fierce attacks and roared towards the poisonous hand!

"Do you think you trash cans want to surround me?"

"You're still early!"

Poisonous Hand smiled wildly, then he jumped into the air and immediately threw handfuls of transparent powder towards the masters of the martial arts group!

"not good!"

"It's Wudu Ruanjin Powder!"

"Everyone hold your breath and retreat quickly!"

The faces of Mr. Guan and others changed greatly, and they hurriedly ducked, trying to avoid the attack of Wu Du Ruan Jin San!

Unfortunately, these Wudu Ruanjinsan powders were blown away by the wind, and they penetrated everywhere, quickly sweeping through the entire courtyard!

Even if they have taken precautions, it is difficult to guard against the Five Poison Ruanjin Powder that is spreading everywhere!

This chapter has been completed!
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