Chapter 1196 Bewitching

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"Damn it!"

Feeling the fierce attack from Second Master Tang, Nan Zun's face turned ugly!

He knew that his skill was slightly inferior to that of Mr. Tang, so fighting head-on would not do him any good!

He wanted to dodge, but Yu Yao was right behind him!

If he dodges, Tang Er Taiye's attack will definitely hurt Yu Yao, and may even kill Yu Yao with one palm!

Of course he can't do this!

"Your Majesty, let me help you!" .??.

The Grand Priest saw Nan Zun's difficulty, and he appeared next to Nan Zun in a flash.

Then he waved his palm, carrying an extremely powerful force, and quickly attacked the Second Master Tang!

"Mr. Tang, take my move!"

Taking this opportunity, Nan Zun stepped forward and punched out, and an extremely powerful zhenqi surged out from his fist.

Then the qi of him and the great worshiper gathered together, condensed into a more powerful move, and roared towards the attack of the Second Master Tang!


With a violent collision, Nan Zun and Da Chongfeng's joint attack collided with the attack of Second Master Tang!

Although the Second Master Tang's skills are relatively profound, neither Nan Zun nor Da Chongfeng are weak!

Needless to say, Nan Zun among them, his strength is not much different from that of the Second Grand Master Tang!

As for the Great Enshrinement, he is the head of the Four Great Enshrinements, and his cultivation has reached the realm of the mid-stage War Lord several years ago. He is the leader in the same level, and his strength is far from the late stage of the War Lord.

Not much!

Now that Tang Er Taiye is fighting one against two, it is naturally impossible for him to defeat Nan Zun and Da Chongfeng in a combined attack!

Immediately afterwards, he was caught off guard and was directly knocked away by the attacks of Nan Zun and Da Chongfeng!


Fortunately, the Second Master Tang's cultivation was so advanced that he swept through the air and removed the residual power of Nan Zun and Da Chongfeng's energy in time!
Even so, after landing, he couldn't help but staggered in his steps, and was knocked back three or four steps by the attacks of Nan Zun and Da Chongfeng. There was a surge of blood in his chest, and he barely managed to stand firm.

“Do you want to defeat less with more?”

"Second brother, the two of us are here to help you!"

Seeing Second Master Tang being repelled by Nan Zun and Da Chongfeng, the two powerful old men behind Second Master Tang became furious!

These two old men are none other than the second elder and fifth elder of the Tang family!

Among the five elders of the Tang family, the second elder, the third elder and the fifth elder are the direct supporters of the second Taipa Tang and the second son of the Tang family.

The Second Master Tang brought people here for support this time. For safety reasons, he only brought the Second Elder and the Fifth Elder, leaving the Third Elder to take charge of the family!

"And us!"

The Great Elder and the Fourth Elder from behind also stepped forward in time.

Except for their four elders, the rest of the masters from the direct line of the first family and the direct line of the second family immediately rushed forward and surrounded Nan Zun, Yu Yao and others in a semicircle!

Of course, the four major worshipers under Nan Zun and the masters of the Yu family were also not slow to respond!

They all gathered around Nan Zun and Yu Yao, father and son, and formed a confrontation with a group of Tang family masters!

The atmosphere between the two sides immediately became tense, and the war was about to break out!


Seeing that the war was about to break out again, Nan Zun spoke up in time to stop it.

Now that Qin Ming's side has the support of Tang Er Taiye and the second direct descendant of the Tang family, their Yu family has lost its advantage in numbers and strength!

In addition, the Tang family has a deeper foundation than the Yu family. It would not be a wise move for the Yu family to fight head-on with the Tang family!

"Second Master Tang,

You just kept saying that Yao'er was the murderer of Tang Yanqi!"

"Did you and Qin Ming see it with your own eyes, or do you have any evidence?"

"If you don't have evidence, don't spit on others!"

Nan Zun scolded with a cold face, not in a hurry to fight against the Tang family.

"So what if there is no evidence!"

"Yu Yao has already admitted this matter personally, what more evidence is needed!" .??.

The Second Master Tang said with a murderous look on his face.

"Of course!"

"Yao'er just fell into Qin Ming's trap and just made a gaffe. It doesn't count!"

"In short, the murderer of Tang Yanqi is Qin Ming. In order to get away with it, he deliberately set up Yao'er and framed this matter on Yao'er!"

"You must not be fooled by him!"

Nan Zun used strong words to argue the truth.

He knew about Yu Yao's plot to murder Tang Yanqi, but he didn't leave any clues or evidence behind!

Since Mr. Tang, Qin Ming and others had no evidence, he would have to struggle and he would not admit it easily!


After hearing this, Mr. Tang Er's nose almost became crooked!

Things have reached this point, and Nan Zun still dares to quibble. This is too shameless!

He has never seen such a shameless person!

“Since ancient times, every wrongdoer has his own debtor!”

"Second Master Tang, Qin Ming is the murderer of Tang Yanqi, and the evidence is conclusive!"

"How about this? If you are unable to kill Qin Ming to avenge Tang Yanqi's blood due to Tang Anguo's obstruction, then I can do it for you!"

"After I get rid of Qin Ming today and get the Mingyao Group, I can give half of the Mingyao Group's interests to your Tang family!"

"When the time comes, our Yu family will join forces with your Tang family, and we will jointly dominate the entire southern region in the future, ensuring that the family will continue to grow and prosper for a long time.

"Isn't this beautiful?"

Nan Zun said beguilingly, trying to use the interests of the Mingyao Group to persuade Mr. Tang!

He knows very well that Mingyao Group contains huge interests and influence!

If the Tang family can obtain part of the benefits of the Mingyao Group, their strength will definitely increase and they will create greater glory!

This is only good for the Tang family and has no harm at all!

As the saying goes, everyone in the world comes and goes for benefit!

As long as he offers enough benefits, this may be able to convince the Second Prince Tang to defect in battle, and then he can easily get rid of Qin Ming and seize the Mingyao Group!

This is much better than the quarrel between the Yu family and the Tang family!

On the other hand, if he can't inspire Mr. Tang, he has nothing to lose!


"Nan Zun, do you think our Tang family is as despicable and shameless as you, doing whatever it takes to gain profit?"

"Our Tang family can't do this kind of thing, so don't waste your efforts!"

The Second Master Tang scolded angrily.

The Tang family is a well-known family and behaves decently. Even if Nan Zun says that everything is ridiculous, the Tang family will never betray Qin Ming for profit!

Besides, Nan Zun and Yu Yao, father and son, were the murderers who killed Tang Yanqi, how could he collude with Nan Zun!

"good very good!"

"Second Master Tang, I have already given you the opportunity!"

"Since you don't want to cherish it, then you can't blame me!"

"Today I will go on a killing spree and destroy Qin Ming and your Tang family at the same time, so as to avoid future troubles forever!"

Nan Zun said with a cold face, a fierce murderous look flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he wanted to persuade Tang Er Taiye to rebel, so as to prevent the Yu family from fighting with the Tang family and causing heavy losses!

But now, seeing that Mr. Tang refused to be fooled, he had no choice but to go all out and prepare to fight to the death with the Tang family at all costs, striving to destroy Qin Ming and the Tang family in one fell swoop!

This chapter has been completed!
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