Chapter 271 Mandala

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 Under Cai Mao's warm greeting, everyone drank several drinks in a row.

Qin Ming was not a fool. He gradually realized that something was wrong with Cai Mao. Then he looked at the drink in Xu Xinyao's cup and quickly realized something.

"Xinyao, show me your cup."

Qin Ming said in a deep voice, a very bad feeling rising in his heart.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Xinyao was confused, but still handed her cup to Qin Ming as instructed.

Qin Ming picked up the cup and put it in front of his nose, smelling the smell of the drink inside, and his face changed drastically.

Then he suddenly stood up, took the cup and threw the drink in Cai Mao's head and face.

Cai Mao was caught off guard and was splashed with drinks on his head and clothes. He looked as embarrassed as he could.

"Qin Ming, what are you doing?"

Xu Xinyao and Jiang Qin were shocked.

Especially Jiang Qin, she hurriedly took out the paper towel and began to wipe the stains on Cai Mao's clothes.

"Xinyao, there's something wrong with these drinks. Cai Mao has drugged them!"

Qin Ming said angrily, piercing his eyes towards Cai Mao with a murderous look on his body.

He finally understood now. No wonder Cai Mao's behavior suddenly became so abnormal. It turned out that the other party had evil intentions!


Xu Xinyao and Jiang Qin were stunned, with astonished expressions on their faces.

"Boy, don't spit on me!"

“These drinks are good, what’s wrong with them!”

Cai Mao scolded him with a cold face, refusing to admit the matter.

"Is it?"

"Since you said the drinks are fine, show me how many drinks you have!"

Qin Ming smiled coldly and slapped the drink on the table in front of Cai Mao.


Cai Mao's face turned blue for a while.
Hong, I don’t know how to deal with it.

"Assistant Qin, don't bully others too much!"

"Amao kindly hosted a banquet for you and Xinyao, how could you slander him?"

Jiang Qin scolded angrily.

Cai Mao is her boyfriend, and now that both parties have different opinions, she must believe in her boyfriend more.

"I didn't slander him!"

"These drinks are spiked with datura, which can make people dizzy and weak. Overdose can even cause hallucinations!"

Qin Ming said calmly, but secretly blamed himself in his heart. He was too careless this time and had no defense against Cai Mao, which was why Xu Xinyao accidentally fell into Cai Mao's trap.

Fortunately, Datura is just an anesthetic drug that is often used in medicine. Although it can make people hypnotized or lose consciousness for a short period of time, it does little harm to the human body.

Otherwise, if it is a very powerful poison, it will be troublesome!

"Impossible, Amao is definitely not this kind of person..."

Jiang Qin was about to retort for her boyfriend, but before she could finish her words, a feeling of dizziness and powerlessness suddenly came over her. She couldn't help but staggered in her steps and fell directly into the chair.

"My head is a little dizzy, what...what's going on?"

Jiang Qin rubbed her forehead with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

"My head is also very dizzy, and I have no strength in my whole body..."

"Is this really Cai Mao's fault?"

Xu Xinyao's pretty face changed, and she also noticed something abnormal about her body.

Seeing that the matter had been exposed, Cai Mao no longer had the need to hide it. He simply tore off his disguise and laughed and said, "This kid is right, I did do it in the drink."

Some hands and feet!"

"You... are despicable!"

Xu Xinyao was furious. She slapped the table and tried to stand up, but her whole body was so weak that she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Cai Mao ignored Xu Xinyao's angry eyes. He turned his gaze to Qin Ming and asked in confusion, "Boy, I'm curious how you knew Datura was added to the drink!"

"It's okay to tell you. I know a little bit about Chinese medicine. There is the smell of Datura in the drink. I can smell it right away."

Qin Ming said calmly.

"I see."

Cai Mao suddenly realized that he did not expect Qin Ming, a small assistant to the president, to have medical skills. He was somewhat surprised.

"Cai Mao, what do you mean? Why do you do this?"

Jiang Qin asked angrily, her face turning red.

She had always believed in Cai Mao just now. In order to defend Cai Mao, she even suspected that Qin Ming was deliberately slandering him, but the reality gave her a loud slap in the face.

She really couldn't figure out what Cai Mao's purpose was in doing this!

"It's very simple. I just want to successfully win the cooperation rights of Mingyao Group."

Cai Mao said calmly.


"Assistant Qin just said that as long as you try your best to help them get the medicinal materials, regardless of success or failure, their Mingyao Group will agree to cooperate with you..."

Jiang Qin was interrupted by Cai Mao before she could finish her words.

"His little assistant just said it casually. I'm not a three-year-old child. Do you think I will believe him?"

"Besides, cooperation is very important to me, and I can't tolerate any mistakes."

"Since I have a way to win 100% cooperation rights, why should I risk trusting him!"

Cai Mao scoffed.
r> Originally, he planned to force Xu Xinyao to drink a few more drinks, and when Xu Xinyao completely lost consciousness, he could do whatever he wanted.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ming found out about the drugging, which caught him off guard.

However, fortunately, Xu Xinyao had already been tricked and Qin Ming found out too late, which had little impact on his plan.

"Winning 100% cooperation rights? You're dreaming!"

"Cai Mao, for Qinqin's sake, I did consider cooperating with you first."

"But now that something like this has happened, do you think I will agree to cooperate again?"

Xu Xinyao sneered.

"Miss Xu, don't forget that you have taken Datura and have no ability to resist. Are you still at my mercy?"

"Even if you don't want to agree to cooperate, it's not up to you!"

Cai Mao smiled disdainfully.

"Cai Mao, what do you want?"

Qin Ming asked calmly.

He still doesn't know what tricks Cai Mao plans to play, and mandala is not very harmful to the human body, so he is not in a hurry to take action against Cai Mao for the time being, and wants to take the opportunity to trick Cai Mao first.

"What do you think I want?"

"Jiangcheng has had outstanding people since ancient times and has given birth to many peerless beauties who have conquered the country and become famous all over the world."

"As far as I know, Miss Xu is one of the four recognized beauties in Jiangcheng, and she is also ranked second."

"I'm afraid there are so many men who can't help but fall in love with such a stunning beauty like her!"

"What an honor it would be if I were lucky enough to kiss Fangze today!"

Cai Mao laughed loudly, his unbridled eyes wandering back and forth on Xu Xinyao's beautiful face and graceful figure, and he was already starting to get carried away.

This chapter has been completed!
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