Chapter 30 Supreme Card

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 "The dead duck has a tough mouth!"

"Isn't this obvious? Take your broken hair card and get out of here!"

Tian Bo's face was full of disdain. He picked up the bank card and was about to throw it directly at Qin Ming's face.

"Wait a moment!"

Director Hu hurriedly stopped Tian Bo, and then he took the bank card and looked at it carefully, and was shocked.

With his extensive knowledge, he quickly recognized that this was the Supreme Card of Jiangdu Bank!

Jiangdu Bank is the largest private bank in Jiangcheng. It has joined forces with many state-owned banks to jointly establish private banking business specifically for some high-consumption groups.

Usually state-owned banks have restrictions on large-amount transfers and online transactions, which has caused some inconvenience to wealthy people.

Jiangdu Bank has no restrictions in this regard. It is dedicated to serving rich celebrities and wealthy people. The threshold for processing is at least tens of millions of dollars!

Many large and small families, wealthy and powerful people in Jiangcheng use bank cards from Jiangdu Bank.

In addition, Jiangdu Bank's bank cards are divided into four levels, the highest level of which is the Supreme Card!

Director Hu knew very well that the reason why Qin Ming was able to obtain the Supreme Card was probably related to the power of a big family, and he was probably a direct descendant or distinguished guest of a certain big family.

This is a symbol of status and strength!

"Director Hu, what's wrong with you?"

"It's just a broken hair card. Why are you talking to this poor boy?"

Tian Bo smiled contemptuously.


"You dare to be disrespectful to noble people. Do you want to die?"

"You are seeking death yourself, but don't involve me!"

Director Hu was furious and slapped Tian Bo hard on the face.

"Director Hu, you...why did you hit me?"

Tian Bo covered his painful cheek and was stunned by Director Hu's slap.

"Idiot, you're the one I'm going to hit!"

"Who told you this is a haircut card? This is Jiangdu Bank's supreme card!"

Director Hu said with a sneer on his face.


Jiangdu Bank? Supreme Card?”

" is this possible!"

Tian Bo's face was full of shock, like a bolt from the blue, his head exploded with a bang!

Although he has never seen a bank card of Jiangdu Bank before, he has heard of the name of Jiangdu Bank and knows that those who are qualified to use Jiangdu Bank cards must have a very distinguished status. This is definitely not something that he, a small doctor, can do.


What he never dreamed of was that Qin Ming, a humble and poor boy, could actually get a bank card from Jiangdu Bank, and it was also a very rare supreme card!

You can imagine the shock this gave him!

"Sir, may I ask your surname?"

"Don't you know how I can help you?"

Director Hu smiled flatteringly at Qin Ming, nodded and bowed, his attitude was extremely humble and respectful.

"My surname is Qin, so I don't need to serve you!"

"However, I do have a suggestion for your hospital!"

Qin Ming pointed at Tian Bo and said coldly, "This Doctor Tian seeks personal gain in medicinal materials, causing the patient's condition to worsen. He has no medical ethics at all!"

"I hope your hospital can deal with this kind of people seriously and don't let this kind of people ruin the reputation of your hospital!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Director Hu's face darkened. There are some doctors in the hospital who sell health-care drugs to patients for profit. This happens occasionally. As long as the doctor can guarantee that the drugs are beneficial and harmless to the patient, he usually won't care about it.

But Tian Bo's behavior went too far. The drugs he promoted to patients at will not only had no benefit, but actually harmed the patients!

Director Hu and the hospital will never tolerate this kind of thing!

"I don't……"

"Director Hu, please listen to my explanation. The drugs I promote to patients are absolutely beneficial and harmless..."

Tian Bo was panicked. He wanted to explain, but with Qin Ming's noble status, it was impossible for him to deliberately accuse him of injustice.

He is a small person, and any explanation he gives is feeble!

"I don't want to hear your excuses!"

"Tian Bo, from now on, if you are fired, pack up and get out immediately!"

Director Hu slammed the table and yelled angrily.


"Director Hu, please give me another chance..."

Tian Bo wailed, rolled and crawled to Director Hu's feet, and kept pleading.

"Go away!"

"Security, throw him out!"

Director Hu kicked Tian Bo away, and with a wave of his hand, several security guards held Tian Bo down fiercely, dragging him out like a dog to death!


"Very good!"

"Scums like this with no medical ethics deserve to be like this. What a relief!"

The other two patients in the ward clapped their hands and cheered.

"Mr. Qin, please wait a moment. I will go and help the patient go through the discharge procedures."

Director Hu smiled respectfully, took Qin Ming's bank card and left quickly.

When Director Hu's back disappeared, Chen Tingting and her sister looked at each other, then they walked up to Qin Ming and knelt down with a thud.

"Secretary Chen, what are you doing?"

Qin Ming was surprised.

"Secretary Qin, you have helped us so much, and we, brother and sister, have nothing in return. Please accept our respect..."

Siblings Chen Tingting and Chen Hao kowtowed to Qin Ming to express their gratitude.

"We are colleagues and friends. We should help each other. You don't need to be so polite..."

Qin Ming was a little confused and quickly helped Chen Tingting and her sister up.

"Young man, you are such a good person!"

"In today's society, there are not many people as warm-hearted as you!"

The other two patients gave Qin Ming a thumbs up and praised him.

The uncle deserves the award..."

Qin Ming smiled sheepishly.

He knows that human nature is good, and there are actually many kind-hearted people in society, and he is nothing.

"Young man, the two of us have a gracious request. Your medical skills are so high, can you check us out and treat us both?"

"Yes, the two of us can pay for the consultation, so I can't trouble you in vain..."

The two patients requested with expectant faces.

"There is no need to pay for the consultation. If you don't mind my shallow medical skills, I can help you."

Qin Ming said with a smile.

The two patients were overjoyed, "Are you kidding? Your medical skills are so great. We both want them so much, how can we dislike them!"

Afterwards, Qin Ming took the pulses of the two patients respectively.

Their conditions were much milder than Li Qin's. One of them had a lung infection, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and the other had a bad stomach and couldn't eat.

Qin Ming simply gave them both a few injections, and then wrote out prescriptions for each of them, telling them to take the medicine according to the prescription and they would be cured soon.

"thanks, thanks……"

The two patients thanked each other profusely and put away the prescriptions.

"Secretary Chen, I have also written a prescription for my aunt. Her body is still relatively weak. Taking Chinese medicine for a few days on time will not only consolidate the treatment, but also help her body recover as soon as possible!"

Qin Ming smiled, wrote a prescription and handed it to Chen Tingting and her sister.

Qin Tingting and her brother and sister are indispensable for expressing their gratitude.

Not long after, with the help of Director Hu, Li Qin's discharge procedures were quickly completed, and they left the hospital together.

Come outside.

Chen Tingting hailed a taxi, and then she and her brother helped her mother into the car.

Before leaving, Chen Tingting strongly invited Qin Ming to have dinner at her home to express her gratitude to Qin Ming.

However, Qin Ming declined.

Chen Tingting considered that her mother had just been discharged from the hospital and it was indeed a lot of inconvenience, so she finally gave up and planned to talk about it later when she had the opportunity.

This chapter has been completed!
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