Chapter 885 Arriving in time

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At this time, the sounds in the room and Lu Hong's shouts had already alerted the two middle-aged men and several Lu family guards outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, several of them hurriedly opened the door and rushed in from the outside.

"Young Master, you...what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the mess in the room and the seriously injured Lu Hong, the two middle-aged men and several Lu family guards were shocked and quickly stepped forward to help Lu Hong up.

"Hurry up and catch that bitch..."

Lu Hong pointed his hand in the direction of Xu Xinyao and said with an angry look on his face.


Two Lu family guards took the order and hurried forward to catch Xu Xinyao.

Xu Xinyao did not resist, and she had no ability to resist at all, so she could only let the two Lu family guards hold her captive.

"Bitch, you dared to attack me just now, you are looking for death!"

Lu Hong was so angry that he endured the injuries on his body and walked over with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"You are the one who deserves to die!"

"If you weren't so lucky, you would have gone to hell by now..."

Xu Xinyao said coldly, looking directly at Lu Hong with her cold beautiful eyes, happy and unafraid.

"Bitch, you dare to speak harshly even when you are about to die!"

"I'll kill you!"

Lu Hong was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped Xu Xinyao hard on the cheek.

Seeing that Lu Hong's slap was about to fall, Xu Xinyao bit her lip and her mood sank to the bottom.

She knew very well that her failure to attack Lu Hong this time had deeply angered Lu Hong!

If nothing unexpected happens, she will definitely not end well in the future. She will probably not be able to escape the fate of being bullied and defiled by Lu Hong!

When she thought of this, everything in her heart was filled with despair and despair!

For a moment, she even wanted to find a chance to die to show her will, lest her innocent body be tainted by the beast Lu Hong!

However, just when she was in despair, the next
A sudden change occurred!


With a loud noise, the bedroom door was suddenly kicked from the outside and collapsed.

As the door fell down, a tall and majestic figure appeared at the door with a murderous look, as if a murderous god had come down to earth. The evil aura on his body shot straight into the sky, making people shudder!

Obviously, the person who came was none other than Qin Ming!

"How dare you, thief!"

Seeing Lu Hong preparing to kill Xu Xinyao, Qin Ming's eyes were about to split.

Then he didn't hesitate for a moment and raised his hand!

Whoosh whoosh!

A sharp sound broke through the air, and the three needles, carrying a little bit of cold light, shot towards Lu Hong's palm with lightning speed.


Lu Hong was taken aback and quickly retracted his palm.

But his action was still a step too late, and he barely dodged the attacks of two filiform needles. The last one hit his palm, causing a bloody gleam and making him gasp in pain!

"Let her go!"

At the same time, Qin Ming gave a cold shout and raised his hand again.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several needles were fired at lightning speed towards the two Lu family guards who caught Xu Xinyao!

The two Lu family guards were horrified.

Qin Ming's cultivation level was much higher than the two of them. Before the two of them had time to react, there was a sudden pain in his wrist and arm, and he couldn't help but let go of Xu Xinyao.

"Go away!"

Taking this opportunity, Qin Ming flashed and appeared in front of Xu Xinyao at extremely fast speed.

Then with a flick of his palm, he immediately swept away the two Lu family guards and successfully rescued Xu Xinyao.

"Qin Ming, it's you!


Lu Hong took a closer look and was immediately shocked out of his mind.

Although his purpose of catching Xu Xinyao this time was to lure Qin Ming into taking the bait.

But now, what he never dreamed of was that Qin Ming would come so quickly, and miraculously appear here without disturbing any Lu family masters!

Isn’t this incredible?

He really couldn't figure out how Qin Ming did it!

Of course, what he didn't know was that Qin Ming found him through Thousand Miles Chasing Soul Incense.

Otherwise, the Lu family has already set up a dragnet, and Qin Ming is not clear about the internal layout of the Lu family, so it is impossible to find Xu Xinyao without anyone noticing!

"Qin Ming, you're finally here, it's great..."

Seeing Qin Ming appear in time, Xu Xinyao was overjoyed, and her mood immediately went from hell to heaven.

The next moment, she could no longer bear the grievance and fear in her heart. She threw herself into Qin Ming's arms and cried loudly, shedding tears of joy.

"Xinyao, it's okay, everything is over..."

"As long as I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt you again!"

Qin Ming subconsciously hugged Xu Xinyao and whispered a few words of comfort, but his tone was firm and unquestionable!

"Well, I believe you..."

After Xu Xinyao vented her emotions for a while, she left Qin Ming's arms, with a smile of joy on her pretty face.

It's just that she was slapped by Lu Hong in the company before, and half of her cheeks are still a little red and swollen, which looks very irritating!


Qin Ming gently touched Xu Xinyao's slightly red and swollen cheek. His heart ached and his eyes turned red.

"Lu Hong, you damn bitch!"

"Now it's time for the two of us to settle our accounts!"

Qin Ming's body surged with murderous intent, cold and stern
His eyes immediately shot towards Lu Hong, ready to take action to avenge Xu Xinyao and Ke Rui!

"Third uncle, you two stop him first!"

"I'm going to move the reinforcements..."

Lu Hong was horrified and hurriedly gave instructions to the two middle-aged men.

Then he didn't dare to linger any longer, let go, and immediately ran outside like he was dying.

His father Lu Wenyuan had fought with Qin Ming before because of the acquisition of a pharmaceutical company!

At that time, his father Lu Wenyuan was defeated by Qin Ming even though he was as powerful as Zhan Wang Dingfeng!

He didn't think that two middle-aged men in the late War King realm would be able to defeat Qin Ming!

However, as long as he can escape and bring the experts from the Lu family over.

By then, no matter how powerful Qin Ming is, he will definitely die!

"Want to run?"

"It's not that easy!"

Qin Ming snorted coldly. He held Xu Xinyao with one hand, jumped forward, and quickly chased Lu Hong in the direction of his escape.

"Boy, stop being so arrogant!"

"Since you're here, you'd better keep your life alive!"

The two middle-aged men shouted loudly, and each launched an attack. With an extremely powerful force, they quickly attacked Qin Ming.

Although Lu Hong knew how powerful Qin Ming was, the two middle-aged men had never fought against Qin Ming before, and they didn't know how strong Qin Ming was!

However, Qin Ming is young and unknown, so his cultivation level is probably not that high!

The two of them secretly made up their minds and prepared to join forces to destroy Qin Ming!

When the time comes, Mr. Lu will definitely remember the two of them for their great achievements!

"Go away!"

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Qin Ming's eyes turned cold, and he punched out, carrying a fierce and violent power, and quickly faced the attack of the eagle-eyed man in front.

This chapter has been completed!
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