103. Chapter 103 Curse Talent

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Chapter 103: Curse Talent

It is imperative to go to the Ten Witches Palace to find the witch doctor’s herbs.

First, it can relieve the coldness in Ouye's heart and mouth.

Second, it can prove Feng Yun's witch doctor's knowledge of Gu.

As the sun set, Feng Yun had dinner at the second elder's residence, and then headed to the Ten Witches Palace under the leadership of the second elder.

Although the torch is not as bright as the oil lamp used in the large court, it is still convenient and practical.

"Second Elder, are you still in office at Shiwu Palace so late?"

The translator witch also made a meal of it at the second elder's place.

"There are day witches during the day, and night witches at night. They come in turn day and night." The second elder said casually.

However, after thinking of Feng Yun's "talent for witchcraft", I added another sentence.

"Sooner or later, this Ten Witches Palace will be yours. I'll go there soon. You can take it as you like."

The second elder's kind attitude made Feng Yun very uncomfortable.

He did not become a psychic Chi You because of some witchcraft, but because of the black hair in his hair.

This is the power of Nuwa.

But it is useless to say more, and Nuwa also concealed this matter, so Feng Yun really found it inconvenient to say it.

However, if he were to become an official in Baiyue, Feng Yun would not be able to tolerate the Nuwa clan being unfavorable to Baiyue at that time.

However, as the chief witch god of Jiuli, Nuwa, how could she harm Jiuli’s tribe?

Along the way, we arrived at the Ten Witches Palace, which was still brightly lit.

The place where Feng Yun lives temporarily is not far from here.

Stepping into the Palace of Ten Witches, the place is quite simple. The first courtyard is filled with messy medicinal materials and some bronze cages, including many wild beasts.

They are all medicinal materials and are guarded by some Baiyue Han.

When seeing the second elder, these Baiyue Han people greeted the second elder one after another.

Say hello, but still have some strange etiquette?

"Hey, what do the people of Qi teach? They look stupid, but don't let those kids in my family learn from them. They are not smart in the first place, so they are just stupid..."

The second elder muttered and sneered at this gift.

"If you salute a beast, can the beast give you a gift in return?"

When Feng Yun heard this, he did not think that the second elder was ignorant of etiquette. Instead, he thought that the second elder's words were reasonable.

Just like the curved robe Feng Yun was wearing at this time, it restricted his actions.

This is also a stupid behavior for Baiyue.

Baiyue is good at hunting. If he wears this kind of clothing and a wild beast pounces on him, he will end up with a few rags, broken meat and bones.

So what Baiyue needs is light clothing and tough armor.

The lightness of life and the convenience of transportation, as well as the sensitivity of defense in the mountains, must be taken into consideration.

The same goes for putting it on a gift.

"Second Elder, if I serve as an official in Baiyue, I'm afraid I will have to consult all the elders first."

"Oh?" The second elder looked at Feng Yun.

She was surprised and said: "Yunwa, you are a learned person among Zhou people and are called Jun. Why do you need to ask me, a barbaric old man, for advice?"

Feng Yun shook his head: "Yu is just an average person among the Zhou people. There are countless capable and sage people in the Zhou countries, and it is difficult for Yun to touch them."

Feng Yun thought about the frequent emergence of saints and the period of contention of a hundred schools of thought in the future.

Look at yourself again——

Feng Yun was stunned, when he crossed the country to control the floods and killed the king of Yue.

If Jie Jie still exists in the future, I am afraid it will be recorded in the "Historical Records" and become an allusion.

In this way, the wind is happy.

But he did not forget to answer the second elder.

"Second Elder, I am in Baiyue, but I am not a person with Baiyue knowledge. He is old and sophisticated, so he must be in Baiyue. Only you elders are proficient in the way of Baiyue."

"Hahaha, oh, Yun Wa is so nice to talk to. If you have any questions, just ask. Second Grandpa will tell you everything."

Feng Yun nodded.

When we came to Erdaoyuan, there were ten roads here, and the middle one was the widest.

"Let's go, this is the way to the Witch Doctor Palace of the Ten Witch Palaces."

After crossing the Second Courtyard and arriving at the Third Courtyard, there were already many shamans here, who were picking and processing herbs, wild beasts, poisonous insects, etc., and then sent them to the side warehouse.

Directly opposite is the main hall of the Witch Doctor's Palace.

The main hall is made of wood as the skeleton, mud as the wall, painted with lime and decorated with blue colors.

There is a strong smell of herbs and some fishy smell coming from the wild beasts...

"Second Elder, you came to me to get hawthorn fruits?" A tall and thin man wearing a blue and white rag robe, covering his face, came to Feng Yun and the Second Elder.

Feng Yun looked at it, his eyes were cold, as if he didn't care about the things around him, but he was also like an eagle, staring at everyone who stepped into his territory.

"...The dolls really need some sweet and sour fruits to eat. You pack two baskets for me and I will take them back and share them." The second elder frowned slightly. He was not close to the Shi Wu Palace, which was also in Baiyue.

"The hawthorn fruit has been taken away. Does the second elder have anything else to do?" Although his voice was in Jiuli dialect, it just felt cold. It sounded like an older person who didn't have much respect for the second elder.

"Oh, this is it. Yunwa is coming to get some herbs from you."

Feng Yun said sincerely: "My friend was injured, so he came to look for some medicine."

After the witch of translator translated, the second elder hurriedly said: "I still need to learn some witch doctor skills, Wu Yi..."

The second elder came to Wu Yi and whispered a few words.

Wu Yi was stunned, but there was surprise in his cold eyes.

"King Baiyue knows?"

"The boss went to talk..."

Hearing the sound, Wu Yi said to Feng Yun: "Please come in, Mr. Feng."

Feng Yun entered the palace with him.

The temple is simple, with mostly strange patterns and some animal skin pictures, but no bamboo slips.

When we came to a bamboo mat, there was a low table facing it.

Feng Yun knelt down under Wu Yi's arrangement.

But the Jiuli people sit casually.

When Feng Yun saw it, he was not polite.

"What kind of medicine does Mr. Feng want? Is it to treat... the cold?"

Feng Yun nodded after hearing this.

Wu Yize frowned slightly. He wanted to speak, but suddenly coughed several times, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" The second elder stared at Wu Yi.

"Who can hurt you?"

Although he seemed to be concerned, there was no actual action. Instead, the second elder seemed to be watching a show.

Wu Yi raised his hand and stopped.

He said coldly, with a strange look in his eyes: "Does Mr. Feng know the skills of a witch doctor?"

Feng Yun paused slightly and said in a low voice: "I have encountered tribes from the Baiyue Land and learned some witch doctor skills to treat cold air."

After hearing this, a shaman asked: "Master Feng, do you want to learn the skills of a witch doctor?"

Feng Yun said bluntly: "In the land of Baiyue, I looked at the picture of the ancestral cave, and it can be seen that the skills of witch doctors are also the specialty of Baiyue."

"If you want to prosper a hundred countries, you should promote its strengths, avoid its shortcomings, make up for its shortcomings, eliminate its difficulties, do the good things, and block the bad things."


Wu Yi became interested.

"May I ask, what is the shortage?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"You are allowed to look for it. After looking for it, you will think about the countermeasures and then inform the King of Baiyue. If the King of Baiyue has the perseverance to do it, I will do it again."

Wu Yi Leng let out a cold laugh.

"This is what King Baiyue heard, but I asked more questions."

"But Mr. Feng wants to learn the skills of a witch doctor, not just to play in the mud. Even if he is recognized by the ten witch gods, it will be difficult to learn..."

At this time, a little witch came in, not shying away from the people around him, and reported: "Master Wu, Princess Yue is here."


This chapter has been completed!
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