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Chapter 121: The End of Rona Ganelon and New Incidents

 In 1927, on the night when Grindelwald carried out a terrorist attack in Paris, I hid in the dark and observed Grindelwald’s power.

The overwhelming blue fire almost made me despair.

Grindelwald is so strong, but what about Dumbledore, who is rumored to be stronger than him?

Fortunately, I found many earth dragon caves in the Forbidden Forest, which are treasure places full of natural magic.

Take advantage of the opportunity to suppress the Silent Beast inside Elise.

I also learned some advanced knowledge about magic circles from Dumbledore.

Every year, with the help of suppression, a part of the origin of the Silent Beast is secretly intercepted.

Bind them in the earth dragon's lair and cultivate them.

This is the magic that now changes the color of heaven and earth.

This magic.

Rona Ganelon is conservatively estimated to be nearly ten times as powerful as Grindelwald's blue gas stove magic in Paris.

However, what he didn't know was that it was a magic that Grindelwald had at his fingertips.

If it weren't for Nico Flamel and something unexpected happened.

Those giant flame beasts will continue to devour the power of nature and become more and more powerful.

It's no joke to destroy a city with a magic spell.

Now, carelessness is the first point, inaccurate information is the second point, and retaining the power to go in and out of hell is the third point.

Other reasons are ignored.

These three points alone caused Rona Ganelon's magic vortex to collapse in front of Dumbledore's flame vortex.

In retrospect, Rona Ganelon, who had risked everything, was only on par with Dumbledore, who came from behind.


The two of them gritted their teeth and were highly concentrated. The two vortexes of black and red kept colliding with each other.

A series of dazzling impact arcs spread out from the horizontal plane. They were also accompanied by deafening sound waves that distorted the air like thunder.

The little wizards blocked their ears and lowered their heads to protect themselves.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound in the sky finally subsided.

Everyone looked up and saw that the dark clouds in the sky had disappeared.

The golden-red sunset is revealed.

"Who won?"

It wasn’t just someone who spoke quietly and broke the calm.

"It goes without saying that the winner must be Professor Dumbledore!"


Not to mention the people below who are talking a lot.

The dark clouds in the sky have dissipated.

Half of the night sky is fiery red and half is dark.

Under the night sky,

At this time, Dumbledore looked a little embarrassed.

His beard and hair showed signs of being burned by the flames.

Even half of the eyebrows disappeared in the collision.

Fortunately, the wizard robe he is wearing has been transformed by alchemy.

Otherwise, I will appear in the sky wearing a beggar's uniform, and many little wizards will watch.

Opposite, Rona Ganelon's hair has turned gray, and his skin is as cracked as dead wood.

The magic duel between the two just now was not only a consumption of magic power, but also a confrontation of spiritual power.

What Rona Ganelon never imagined was that Dumbledore's mental power could actually compete with his own, which had been tempered for hundreds of years.

In fact, Dumbledore's mental power is not as strong as Rona Ganelon's, but with the help of the soul-sealing magic, Dumbledore can make his mental power more concentrated.

In other words, one part of Dumbledore’s mental power can offset two parts of Rona Ganelon’s mental power.

In any case, from a certain perspective, this is also a respectable opponent.

Although he wanted to sacrifice innocent people to satisfy his own selfish desires.

But this kind of spirit of never forgetting the people you cherish cannot be learned by yourself.

In the face of great interests, I will also make sacrifices...

The withered person on the other side will fall.

Dumbledore sighed and cast a spell to levitate it in front of him.

As expected, the body in front of me is that of my old friend Brent Fergus.


It's like a flashback, without any fluctuations in life.

But the person in front of me actually said the words.

"Brent...do you have any last words?"

After saying that, Dumbledore hit the person in front of him with a quick recovery shot.

"Albus...the real enemy has just appeared! Don't leave any creature under your feet! Rona Ganelon is also a chess piece, he is here to bring..."

Before he could finish speaking, his body was like fine sand, blowing away in the wind.

Dumbledore watched helplessly and did not stop him. He knew that this was the sequelae of draining every ounce of life out of his body.

It's a pity that Brandt still hasn't told himself who the real enemy is.

Losing the control of Rona Ganelon, those demonized creatures began to hesitate.

They don't seem to want to make fearless sacrifices, and the instinct engraved in their genes makes them want to escape from here.

Seeing this, Dumbledore no longer hesitated.

In fact, he was not sure whether the person who spoke just now was Brent Fergus.

However, it is ultimately a bad thing for these demonized creatures to escape into the Forbidden Forest and contaminate other creatures.

Fortunately, after such a long battle, the tail of the herd has appeared on the edge of the black lake.

In other words, endless creatures in the Forbidden Forest are piled up near the Quidditch pitch.

If it weren't for his lack of mental strength, Dumbledore would definitely use Vulcan again to clear the way.

Let the raging sea of ​​fire dispose of these piled up corpses.

Dispose of corpses slowly and immediately prevent stray creatures from escaping.

Dumbledore certainly chose the latter.

He signaled Fox to take him to the top of the Black Lake.

Waving the magic wand, a large vortex was formed on the lake surface, and then a stream of water slowly rose up.

Finally, it spins into a water ball at high speed in the air.

Then, a flash of light flashed in Dumbledore's tired blue eyes.

Streams of water dispersed from the water ball.

It turned into water arrows with nearly sonic speed, pinning the demonized creature in front of it to the ground.

It seemed as if a heavy rain had fallen on the catkins tumbling on the ground.

In an instant, all traces of life disappeared.


Fox brought himself to Horace Slughorn. Then he nodded to him.

Horace Slughorn breathed a sigh of relief and was about to send a message to remove the super armor curse.

Dumbledore didn't bother to take a breath, and a quick stop suddenly sounded.


"What's wrong? You didn't kill the enemy?" Horace Slughorn looked puzzled, and his round face began to droop.

This time he was really exhausted.

"It's solved, but it's not solved..." Dumbledore said with a wry smile.

As the words fell, black smoke began to emit from the corpses piled on the ground.

At Professor Slughorn's signal, a member of his club took out a toad and threw it into the black smoke.

I saw the toad jump a few times, then its belly turned over and its legs were in the air, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

What made Dumbledore look most ugly was that as the black smoke rose.

The corpses also began to turn black, eventually turning into a black liquid like oil.

Seeps into the ground quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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