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Chapter 19: The weak and the strong

 It’s night.

Living in Ravenclaw is like living in a high-rise building in a previous life.

You can overlook the castle at night under the bright moon. (Only in the direction you are facing)

Outside the window, the chirping of owls or other unknown birds can be heard from time to time.

This is Xifa’s dormitory.

But Elise and Luna are occupying their own beds.

As for myself, I was in front of my desk, bit by bit reading the thick book "Basics of Magic Potions".

Having said this, Elise and Luna regained their self-confidence a little bit after being hit by Xifa.

Because Westerners cannot recite the entire page of knowledge verbatim.

However, Elise and Luna cheered themselves up hastily, then abandoned themselves and ran to bed to bite each other's ears.

Fortunately, potions are also part of magic, and learning Western magic is also very motivating.

Without supervision, Xifa can calm down on his own.

He didn't know that Elise and Luna were almost going crazy with jealousy.

Just today during the day, some objects return to their original positions, objects bounce around and wash themselves automatically, no one touches them, wrinkles are smoothed out, etc...

As long as Elise teaches Xifa these magic spells once, Xifa can cast them intact.

Like, copy-paste...

Fortunately, Elise demonstrated a transformation spell, and Xifa couldn't perform it, which made them relieved.

Xifa's talent is too high, and they said they were under a lot of pressure.

"You say, why is Xifa so good? He can organize language and explain his understanding of this part of knowledge just after seeing it once?"

"How do I know! Our family all has inheritance crystals, and this knowledge is imprinted in our minds through rituals."

"It's a pity that we can't bear the second baptism of inheritance..."

The muttering between the two was very low, and had no impact on Xifa who was fully focused on it.


Xifa turned over and found a new chapter.

He raised his head and stretched, feeling a little physically and mentally exhausted.

Just see this tonight.

Depending on the progress, it is estimated that it will take another month to finish reading this book.

Xifa stood up and walked towards the two girls who were lying on the bed muttering.

The two of them seemed to be studying some magic, the lines and characters were densely packed.

One glance made Xifa feel dizzy after a long time.

"Get out of the way! Uh, I'm sorry!"

Seeing the shadow blocking her sight, Elise scolded impatiently.

After reacting, she looked up and saw Xifa behind her, and quickly apologized.

"Didn't it bother you?"

"No! No!"

The sound of the conversation between the two naturally woke up Luna who was also deep in thought.

Seeing Xifa coming over, it was inappropriate for the two of them to lie on the bed.

They all got up and sat on the edge of the bed.

"What was that just now? Forget it, I'll just learn the basic courses first."

Xifa was just about to ask, but after thinking about it, it was inappropriate to be so ambitious, especially with magic.

Don’t copy your own experience.

"Don't you usually practice magic? You only study theory?"

I didn't see the two of them practicing magic today, so Xifa couldn't help but ask.

"That's right! We just got our own wands this year."

Elise looked at Xifa in surprise, as if she was looking at a little idiot.

"Moreover, the little wizard's magic power is unstable, and unpredictable problems may occur when releasing the spell."

Luna licked her dry lips and added.

Xifa handed a glass of water to Luna with the hand of the mage.

Too sloppy...

Xifa tried his best to hide his embarrassment.

I just finished reading the book, and my IQ has not recovered from the book.

"Then should we find a place to practice releasing magic?"

Xifa put forward a new suggestion in the smiling blue eyes of the two girls.

"Xifa! It is forbidden to use magic casually in the castle!"

Hey, hey, don’t go too far! Are you addicted to criticizing people?

Xifa rolled his eyes, "How about by the Black Lake or in the Forbidden Forest? There is also a big lawn in front of the castle!"

When Elise heard this, she covered her face and threw herself into Luna's arms. She was too embarrassed to see anyone. The sequelae of overthinking, her IQ was occupied by knowledge.

Luna hugged Elise and gently patted her back to comfort her.

After thinking about it, she said.

"Not on the edge of the Black Lake or on the big lawn. People will learn from our practice process."

Seeing Xifa thoughtfully, Luna confirmed Xifa's guess.

"Yes, pure-blood nobles do not want magic to be easily learned. Therefore, the knowledge in the magic world is relatively closed."

"If you are suspected of publishing knowledge, they will discuss with you and eventually exclude you, or even..."

Luna listened and waited for Xifa to digest the news.

Xifa did not show any anger, he summarized Luna's words.

"That's right, we are too weak now. If it is revealed that we have knowledge that the pure-blood nobles do not have, they will come to snatch it, right?"

Luna was startled for a moment, then smiled like a flower.

"Yes! She and her grandfather are the only ones left in Elise's family. My grandfather passed away a few years ago. If Professor Dumbledore hadn't protected me, I'm afraid the last inheritance of my family would have been divided among them."

Sure enough, in the extraordinary world, weakness is the original sin... My ancestors will never deceive me!

"Then let's work hard together! When I grow up, I will take you back your things!"




"Xifa!...I can't do it anymore!...I can't run anymore!"

It was the early morning of the next day, and Xifa told the two of them to put on clothes suitable for running under their wizard robes.

I went out to the edge of the Forbidden Forest and started running with the two of them.

The wizard's robe has long been put into Xifa's pocket.

The two women went into battle lightly, but they never thought that they would not be able to hold on for long.

"Although you cannot become an excellent wizard if you are physically strong, if you are not physically strong, you do not have the foundation to grow quickly, which means you are trying to undermine your ability to thrive."

Last night, the two girls felt confused because of Xifa's words. As soon as their heads became hot, they agreed to start exercising every day.

But now, they regret it.

Xifa was helpless, it was less than 400 meters.

Forget it, there is a process of adaptation after all.

Xifa came to the two girls and lifted up Elise.

And Luna, maybe because she is an orphan like herself, she is stronger than Elise.

Elise hugged Xifa's arm unceremoniously. Elise's face was rosy, whether from shyness or fatigue.

"Western methods, wizards don't exercise because the benefits of physical exercise are not great. Many medicines can make up for these shortcomings."

"Oh? For example?"

"For example, the sobriety potion can keep your mind awake and prevent you from feeling drowsy. The physical strength potion can easily keep you at full strength without feeling tired."

"Do you have a sample? Let me try it out!"

Luna walked to Xifa and took off the satchel hanging on Xifa's shoulder.

He took out a bottle of fluorescent blue potion.

"This is a sobriety potion. The stamina potion is gone if it lacks the most important ingredient."

After receiving the potion, Xifa drank it without hesitation.

Smack your lips, strange fruity taste.

What’s the effect?

My mind is a little clearer, but...

***The author has something to say***

If you have any questions, please leave a message

This chapter has been completed!
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