Chapter 197 Communication

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"Sorry, Professor..."

Knowing that the professors were making things difficult because he had activated the looking glass, Xifa couldn't help but blame himself.

"I don't blame you! The problem is those people...forget it, let's not mention them."

It seems that he should not tell Xifa, or in other words, he should not speak arrogantly in front of Xifa and lose his high moral and respectable image.

Dumbledore twisted his body into a more comfortable position and changed the subject.

"Tell me about you. What are your plans for this semester?"

I really don’t have much plans for this semester.

For me now, it is the best choice to make a qualitative change in my magic level with the help of time.

The remaining transformation methods are too extreme, and I don’t want to try them...

But Xifa can't say that this semester he wants to lie down and enjoy the last peaceful campus life.

So I racked my brains and pondered for a long time before coming up with some vague small goals.

"This semester... I just want to learn magic, communicate with Elise and the others, and bring other little wizards with me."

"By the way, Professor, I need your help with something."

An idea struck, and Xifa blamed himself for forgetting such an important thing.

"It's about the knowledge of human body transformation. The inheritance that Cassandra and I acquired together is the female-only magical animal Animagus transformation. I plan to modify it to make it compatible with men, or in other words, more

suit me!"

Xifa talked eloquently and put forward the problems and requirements he encountered.

"Oh? Who else knows these things about you?"

When you hear about transfiguration, it’s still about the magical animal Animagus.

Dumbledore, who was slightly decadent, became excited. Since Xifa called Dumbledore to help, she naturally wanted to share this inheritance with him.

You know, his patron saint is the phoenix.

What if I was blessed by Western France and completely awakened the power of my own bloodline.

Then your magic level will be greatly improved.

"There is no one else, just you and me, Cassandra. Iris and Luna didn't come and I didn't even come to tell them. I'll tell her when I meet Sister Helena in the lounge. This inheritance will only be ours in the end."

Five people know."

Hearing that Xifa also planned to call Helena Ravenclaw.

Dumbledore nodded, indicating that there was no problem with the selection.

He didn't feel at all that Xifa was looking down on him, or in other words, he also felt that it was normal for him to be less knowledgeable than Helena.

"Well...Ms. Gray's knowledge is far greater than mine, but my practical experience gives me an advantage."

Dumbledore nodded matter-of-factly. After all, as a professor, you still need to save some face.

Xifa, who knew some of the situation, rolled his eyes in his heart.

You know, Helena can "seize the body"...

Not in recent years, but in the history of magic, maybe some little witch is her vest.

"Any other questions?"

Seemingly feeling that just sitting was a bit too monotonous, Dumbledore opened the drawer and took out a copy of the Daily Prophet.

To be honest, he was just kicked back today and he hasn't read the Daily Prophet for several days.

Seeing Dumbledore take out the Daily Prophet, the unusual memory he experienced on the train came to mind again.

Xifa shuddered violently.


Then, Xifa chanted resolutely.


Yes, after Xifa finished speaking, he took out his wand and pointed it at Dumbledore and mobilized all his magic power.

With the professor's surprised expression on his face, Xifa cast a Legilimency spell on the professor.

If Dumbledore had been prepared...then West France's magic would have been neutralized silently.

However, Dumbledore was caught off guard when Xifa unleashed this magic.

In order to make Dumbledore feel threatened, West Fa also unreservedly increased the power of the spell.

Dumbledore, who had the newspaper in his hand, had no time to take out his wand.

But he can resist this magic.

Therefore, Dumbledore subconsciously used his will to resist Western France's invasion of his brain.

Xifa, who did not expect to confront the professor head-on, naturally had his will crushed by the professor...

The result is...

Part of Xifa's memory was stolen by Dumbledore.

"Xifa! You!"

After accepting Xifa's memory, Dumbledore suddenly stood up from the sofa.

He faced Xifa with a serious expression, and the expression in his blue eyes kept changing.

"I'm just testing to see if the professor is pretending to be someone else."

After the backlash, Xifa's head felt dizzy, and now his thinking was in confusion, as if he was squeezed by a door when going out.

Suffering from nausea and sleepiness, Xifa made up a nonsense excuse.

The reason is a bit lame, but Xifa said this, indicating that something happened to make him suspicious.

Dumbledore accepted Western France's memories of the Daily Prophet, and he is now extremely sensitive.

Xifa's unintentional words allowed him to catch a trace of anomaly.

If Xifa's memory hadn't been there to alert him, he might have thought that Xifa was joking.

But why did I give the impression that Xifa was untrustworthy?

Soon, Xifa came back to his senses. In the haze, it seemed that Dumbledore was looking at him with indescribable eyes.

What did he say just now? His mind was blown back, and Xifa couldn't remember it for a while.

"You should go back to the dormitory and rest first. Don't be so reckless next time."

Dumbledore saw that Xifa was really in bad condition, and felt two familiar little wizards coming to the door.

Then he sent Xifa back to rest.

Tonight, I need a refreshing potion to stay up late at work...

As for Xifa, seeing that Dumbledore had received the memories that he had forced out with Occlumency, he no longer asked about his sudden attack on him by using Legilimency.

Naturally, I am very satisfied.

After achieving his goal, he heard the professor ask him to go back and rest.

Xifa, whose mind was already drowsy, left without saying goodbye without any courtesy.

Staggeringly, he pushed open the office door.

Two familiar figures were waiting at the door, it was Elise and Luna.

"You are here."

Seeing that Xifa looked haggard, Elise and Luna quickly stepped forward to support Xifa.

"Let's go, let me go back and have a good rest. It's not an important matter. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Climbing the stairs mechanically, Xifa felt that he had forgotten something.

When Xifa opened the door of the Room of Requirement in the deserted corridor, he remembered that it was the magic device and the bewitching magic cast by the pure-blood family.

But now that I and others are at Hogwarts, their hands will not be able to reach out for a while.

I'll ask the professor next time I meet him.



The office door is closed.

Dumbledore looked tired and threw the newspaper into the drawer and put it away.

Then he stood up staggeringly and came to the bird stand where Phoenix Fox always stood.

He stretched out his fingers and tapped the bird stand lightly.

A burst of fire suddenly burst out, and then a beautiful bird emerged from the fire.

Dumbledore rubbed the bird's head with the pads of his fingers.

Fox understood what Dumbledore meant and wanted to take Dumbledore out of Hogwarts.

Because of Dumbledore, he found a way to leak information about himself and his status.

He needs to make good arrangements and make counter-attacks against the other party...

This chapter has been completed!
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