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Chapter 236: Release the Basilisk

"How far is it?"

"Turn into the fork in front and drop down a short distance and you're done!"


At this time, it was no longer one or two members of the opposite sex attacking two people.

Xifa was still in the mood to nail them with ice blades and collect their corpses with fierce fire.

Thousands of alien monsters poured in from various pipe openings.

Xifa had no choice but to use a super powerful obstacle spell to push the monsters in front to both sides, and then pulled Cassandra to teleport to the end of the line of sight.

Cassandra then releases a small ball of fierce fire behind her to temporarily stop them.

Xifa stabilized his mind, repelled the monster in front of him again, and teleported on his way...

I dare not use magic that is too powerful, otherwise the entire pipe will collapse, and I have to teleport back to the coordinates of the fourth floor bathroom in order not to be buried alive.

Now I am at least three hundred meters underground.

What if these monsters climbed out of the ground with the help of collapsed pipes?

So isn't Hogwarts always in danger?

Hogwarts is really a big hole. It is obviously a school, but it is also responsible for suppressing all kinds of weird things! There is no need to say more about this matter in advance. Later, Xifa will understand why Hogwarts encounters these troublesome things.



Cassandra's words just appeared in Xifa's mind.

A sudden enlightenment appeared before their eyes.

This is a hemispherical stone chamber tens of meters high.

Countless pipe openings are scattered in an orderly manner on the stone wall.

"Xifa, they are all here..."

Hearing this, Xifa's eyes lit up slightly.

"Not even one?"

"Everyone who is active is here."

In other words, it is not clear if it has not hatched.

Feeling helpless and having no choice, the two of them now aim to enter the secret room door in front of them.

Inside, you may encounter Casper Crouch and the Basilisk.

In order to prevent Casper Crouch from snatching Slytherin's inheritance.

Now the two of them don't have time to check whether there are any missing monsters in each pipe.

Now there is a great opportunity to catch all the active monsters in one fell swoop. Xifa already feels very lucky.

After all, Casper destroyed a lot of the seals at Hogwarts.

Think about it, someone is cleaning themselves up in the bathroom, and a monster bursts out of the wall.


"Come to the center of the field and unleash your magic."

"I don't know if you've noticed it, but they are interested in you."

Xifa pushed Cassandra in front of him and said to her.

"I did not notice..."

Kassandra thought about it and realized that the monsters were always rushing towards the two of them. She really couldn't tell whether it was her or Xifa.

After all, I was hand in hand with Xifa the whole time.

But just do what Xifa said.

Thinking of this, Cassandra closed her eyes, tensed her delicate body and mobilized her magic power.

In this way, one's own blood energy and magic fluctuations are simultaneously distributed to the outside world.


The dense sucker sounds gather together, are refracted back and forth by the pipe, and then gather together in the ball chamber.

It formed an anxious roar.

Cassandra cut off her perception of the outside world and trusted Xifa wholeheartedly.

Xifa, on the other hand, holds up a protective shield of the Iron Armor Curse, the Obstacle Curse and the Ultimate Curse.

When all the monsters spurted out from the pipe mouth, they rushed towards Cassandra without reason.

However, Western France's magic is extremely powerful.

Even though there was a layer of meat mountains of more than ten meters stacked outside, Xifa, who was supporting the barrier at the bottom, still looked calm.

It feels like the pressure is no longer increasing, that is to say, there are no extra monsters appearing in the pipeline.

Sifa grabbed Kassandra's shoulders.

"Okay, put it away!"

Receive signals from Western France in your mind.

Cassandra slowly calmed down and regained her sense of the outside world.

The moment she opened her eyes.

Xifa teleported her to the top of the stone chamber.

Helping her to stand on the ceiling, Xifa raised his hand to the top of his head and hit the slightly dented "meat mountain" with a super powerful fire spell.


The raging heat wave made Cassandra couldn't help but raise her hands to cover her face.

Seeing this, Xifa formed an ice wall to protect the two of them.

Not long after, Xifa put out the fierce fire with his hand.

At this time, not even ashes were left on the ground.

As expected of Li Huo!

Put away the fierce fire, and there was silence all around.

Xifa and Cassandra looked at each other.

She glanced around and shook her head.

There are no traces of life.

Xifa understood and pulled Cassandra to teleport to the stone door.

"Open! (hiss)"

With Xifa by her side, Cassandra finally suppressed her inner excitement.

It took several attempts to say this in Parseltongue.


At this time, behind the stone gate.

Casper Crouch knelt on the ground with cracked skin all over his body, and he gasped for air with his eyes scarlet.

His whole body was like broken porcelain, but there was no blood coming out of the gaps, but wisps of black smoke rising from the gaps.

It was this black smoke that gave him the ability to fly and become invisible.

But casting spells over long distances almost caused his body to collapse.

However, this is no longer important.

He only needs to turn the mechanism in front to open the secret room and release the basilisk inside.

Then turn the door of the secret chamber to the passage reserved by Corvinus Gaunt.

The basilisk can reach anywhere in Hogwarts unimpeded.

Think about it, if all the little wizards gathered at the door of the room to prevent the magic painting.

The basilisk suddenly emerged from the pipe in the wall.

A large number of young wizards were killed.

Moreover, the Basilisk is a relic of Slytherin.

In other words, Hogwarts must be closed, or taken over by the Ministry of Magic or thoroughly investigated.

He will become a hero of the pure-blood family!

The Crouch family will become the leaders of the Twelve Holy Families!

As he thought about it, new strength squeezed out of Casper Crouch's broken body.

He stood up tremblingly and wandered to a magic book.

He knew that this was where the basilisk was released.

He took out a bottle of blood, which was the blood of a descendant of the Gaunt family.

Pour it over the magic book.

Then Casper Crouch pressed a trembling hand to his temple.

The memory of Parseltongue passed down to him by the Gaunt family came to his mind.

"Servant, come out to meet your great master! (Hiss)"

Galang - Galang -

The two semicircular stone doors in front of me began to separate.

A bottomless passage was exposed.

One of the creatures, full of pressure and pressure from magical power, was slowly coming toward him.

Do not look directly into the basilisk's eyes. If you meet its gaze, you will die on the spot.

Casper Crouch certainly knows this.

So, he took out a glass bottle and took out the magic eye given to him by the Gaunt family.

I was very cruel, I took off one of my eyes and put the magic eye back on.

Although blood was still flowing, the eye regained sight after just a few breaths.

At this time, Casper Crouch also saw the head of the basilisk that had just emerged.

He never expected that the basilisk could barely get out of the five-meter-diameter passage in front of him.

According to visual inspection, the head of the basilisk is three meters high.

"What else do you need me to do, Master? (hissing)"

"Clean out the two traitors outside the secret room! And all the bastards in the outer courtyard! (hissing)"

This chapter has been completed!
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