Chapter 256 Sacrifice

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peninsula england

Located more than 100 kilometers southwest of London, England.


salisbury plain

The sun sets in the west, and the dim sunlight dyes the green grass red.

Even though the international storm is coming, the young British people who have not yet been involved in the quagmire of war still have their hearts set on the mountains and rivers.

To put it bluntly, a group of Muggles are traveling here in a group.

Because some majestic boulders stand in a ring in the green wilderness.

This is the most famous and mysterious prehistoric site in the British Isles - Stonehenge.

Now they are constantly posing in front of the boulders, or chasing each other like childish ghosts, hiding and seeking among the boulders.


Suddenly, a woman's shrill scream made everyone shudder while playing.

"Hey - it's so late, you should go and rest."

A tall and thin wizard wearing a black wizard robe sighed and murmured in a low voice.

"Hey! You..." A boy who heard the sound and saw the girl he liked lying limply on the ground couldn't help but scolded her in a fierce tone.

However, before he finished speaking, he only saw the man in front of him holding up his bowler hat.

"Such beautiful blue eyes..."

This thought appeared in my mind, and a feeling of weakness and lethargy instantly oppressed my reason.

Before the boy fell, the corner of his eye glanced behind him, and his companions were also falling one after another.

"Who on earth is he?!"


Everything is silent.

Several Muggles fell to the ground in front of the male wizard.

But he was indifferent, which was unlike his style, because he was a wizard who respected and protected the Muggle community.


An explosion in the air suddenly broke the tranquility of the scene.

"Albus, do we really have to give up on them?"

A hale and hearty old man, but with limbs as dry as twigs, asked in a hoarse voice.

"Nico... in order to fight for that glimmer of hope, we have no choice."

The tall and thin wizard, Albus Dumbledore, answered the old man Nico Flamel with a slightly trembling voice.

"Then do you think you can succeed?"

Nico Flamel waved his wand tremblingly with his weak arm.

In Stonehenge, the Muggles who had fallen on the ground were getting up from the ground one after another.

They stood in a row and staggered towards their station wagon.

"If you do it, you may not succeed, but if you don't do it, you will definitely fail!"

After hearing this, the old man was silent for a while.

Nico Flamel: "Then let's get started and follow the plan. I will be responsible for colluding with the magic circle, and you will guide the resentful spirit to cut off its connection with Gellert."

"By the way, I have another question." Nico Flamel said with a strange expression, "Does your disciple Sifa Corwin know that you planned him to break the seal?"

"I..." As soon as Dumbledore started, Nico interrupted.

"I don't believe you would let the former vice-principal Brant's relics be left there intact."

Dumbledore smiled bitterly in his heart. He had indeed forgotten, but after he discovered something was wrong with Elise, he planned his next action.

Otherwise, at the beginning, that is, when Elise was not completely parasitized.

All it takes is Phoenix Fox to breathe out the fire of Nirvana, and the demon eggs lingering in the photo will be completely wiped out.

"Albus, after much hesitation, I have to ask you again."

"You put so much effort into activating Stonehenge, are you really trying to fight for that glimmer of hope, rather than seeing the sober Gellert for the last time?"

The scene was silent. Only when a breeze blew the brim of his hat did Dumbledore suddenly wake up and speak.

"I would even sacrifice my own life for the greater good."


Nico Flamel and Dumbledore are not stationed at the borders of their own countries, but appear in the British interior.

This is an irrational thing in today's situation.

But Dumbledore persuaded Nico Flamel, a centuries-old man, to go crazy with him.

It's Stonehenge in front of you - the Salisbury Stone Circle.

This is the most commonly used title in the Muggle world.

In the wizarding world, they are usually called the Temple of the Sun, an unpopular name among Muggles!

Since the Holy Demon War, the Holy Religion and Demonic Civilization have been entangled with each other and buried together.

This place was abandoned by the wizards.

When Muggles came to study, they ridiculously suggested that this was proof that their ancestors had studied astronomical phenomena...

In fact, these huge rocks are not purely human products.

Rather, it is a stone condensed by the power of faith in the holy kingdom of heaven.

A certain generation of their high priests brought them out of the kingdom of heaven.

The Temple of the Sun was built in the human world, and it should be a building made of the materialization of magic power.

But now only the foundation is left, which are a few boulders placed inexplicably.

Its function is also very simple, which is to attract souls.

In the past, every believer who believed in the Holy Religion needed to have the Holy Father guide his soul after his death, or the believer came to the church of the Holy Religion to pass away.

Only then can his soul turn into a heroic spirit and go to the heaven of the Holy Religion.

And having the Sun Temple is like having a small underworld.

All the ownerless souls in the entire world will be attracted to it.

As long as you believe in the Holy Religion, you will be drawn here no matter where you are, and you can go to heaven after being baptized.

Now, what Dumbledore has to do.

It was Nico Flamel, who had the magic stone as a backing and almost infinite magic power, to build a temporary Sun Temple, or at least to construct a projection of the Sun Temple.

Only in this way can he guide the unwilling souls of those soldiers who died on the European battlefields after their death.

Collect them and bring them together.

When reaching a certain gate value, send them to the sky above Nurmengard in Austria.

The unwilling spirit will turn into complicated messages and cut off a mysterious connection, thus temporarily freeing Grindelwald from its control.


Even if we were there...even in the best possible outcome...Grindelwald would still come back to haunt us.

You will still die on the battlefield just like you do now...

Forgive me...for not being able to fight alongside you.

Dumbledore took off his hat and mourned the soldiers who shed blood on the battlefields of Europe.

"Albus...when do we get started?"

When Nico Flamel turned around, he saw Dumbledore's eyes filled with tears. He sighed deeply and twitched the corners of his mouth. After all, he did not offer any words of comfort. It was best for Dumbledore to come out on his own.

The outcome of the upcoming war was predicted in his own house.

Whether he and Dumbledore intervene in this war will not affect the balance of victory at all.

On the contrary, due to their entry, nearly a million soldiers will be completely buried on the battlefield.

They did not participate, and Grindelwald was timid, allowing hundreds of thousands of soldiers to survive.

"It's not yet time..."

Dumbledore wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and took out a round locket from his arms.

Above is an empty and cozy cabin. The girl who is supposed to be sitting on the bed has not returned after going out.


This chapter has been completed!
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